finish in time to get to a club by midnight.’ ‘l’m more against the curfew from a civil liberties point of view
rather than a commercial one,’ he continues. ‘There are certain advantages on
deadlines for admission, although midnight is rather early. However the message has got across and the motivated clubbers, who were
our clientele anyway, are turning
up in time.’
Like many club owners and managers he is taking a stoic line of getting on with it. The initial chaos, with angry queues forming outside locked club doors, has receded. Now the complaint is that the city centre has become a ghost town at night. Some taxi-drivers claim they are losing as much as £80 a week.
Superintendent Carmichael claims that the measures have been, ‘a success from a public order point of view. We’ve already noticed a reduction in incidents, although admittedly this period leading up to the Glasgow Fair, traditionally a quieter time, may not be a true reflection.’
So, now that fun city has been turned into dullsville will Glasgow trendies bus it across to Edinburgh? Dave Clark doubts it but admits there‘will be a reduction in out of town visitors to Glasgow. Glasgow night owls can still beat the curfew. A few clubs are exempt; Victoria’s and the Plaza who argued that they serve an older clientele and the West End clubs Cleopatra’s and the Volcano. whose licenses are not due for renewal until March.
The Volcano has profited lrom the city centre’s loss and in an inspired marketing promo has distributed Partick Passports to ‘Curfew Victims’, a ploy which revels in their freedom but which also expresses solidarity with their city centre competitors. urging ‘End The Curfew’.
It looks like it’s here to stay for a while yet. although a campaign of dissent will peak in September, before the licensing board next meets in October, to urge them to reconsider. ‘We’re not going to let the council damage the image ofGlasgow,’ says Clark firmly. He and other clubbers are going to continue to fight for the right to party. C]
en '— I.I.l I.I.l E en I.l.l = '— z o c: n: o 3 Ln = '—
‘The council’s decision Is lust sickening. I go to Beds and you never see any signs of trouble. The bouncers knock back anyone who’s had too much to drink. Now you feel like your night Is over before It’s started but I’ll keep going to Beds because we can’t let Coleman & Co klll our nightlife.’
Simon Hamilton, 22
‘lt’s all a lot of nonsense and I don’t believe lt’s stopping any violence, which was supposedly the whole point. Now everyone ls out on the streets at the same time at 2am. It’s much rowdler and much harder to get a taxi home. It’s also meant that bar staff don’t have much of a social life. The staff In here are really annoyed about it. They’re opening the clubs earlier but I don’t think that’ll make much difference, people are used to going to a bar and having a drink flrsf.’
Pauline Tierney, 23 (Bar 10)
‘lt’s a bit lronlc that Glasgow has always had such a great reputation In the UK for clubbing when you can now dance till 10 In the morning in london. We’re going to be the Cinderellas of the dance scene. You feel like you’ve only lust started and suddenly you have to leave. I couldn’t be bothered with the hassle of going through to Edinburgh. I usually go to the city centre clubs but In future i’ll be heading up to the Volcano Instead for the extra hour.’ ‘
John Somerville, 20
‘I think it’ll take the spontaneity out of clubbing, that mld-weeek Impulse to head off to a club after you’ve been out for what was supposed to be a few quiet drinks. I used to like going out during the week because the clubs weren’t crowded and you had room to dance but now they’re really dead.
The new licences have really killed the atmosphere during the week.’
Elaine Monaghan, 25
‘l’ve always gone to the Volcano anyway so It hasn’t affected me that much but I do think It’s a disgrace. I’ll loin In the campaign against It because If they keep the curfew then they’ll end up Imposing It In the West End | clubs too when their licences I come up for renewal.’ Phil Clarke, 21
‘It’s a total pain, and that’s being pollte about If. it’s probably more to do with saving money on pollce overtime and getting them off i the streets earlier than any actual violence going on. I don’t go to clubs to drink all night. I don’t care if I can’t drink until 3 but It really
pisses me off that I can’t dance until 3.’ ; AI Chisholm, 20
The List 16—29 July I993 9