which led up to the melt-down 0t 1986 and the effect the world's most devastating technological disaster had on the people of Russia. Eye witness accounts. photographs and an exhibition ofchiIdren’s drawings recording their response to the catastrophe make chilling viewing.
Polish Artists in Britain 1945-1990 Until Sat 22 May. Work by Henri Kondracki. Adrian Wiszniewski. Jankel Adler and eight other British-based artists who share Polish nationality or ancestry.
I COLLECTIVE GALLERY 22—28 Cockburn Street. 220 1260. Tue—Sat 11am—5pm. ilerstory - from Source to Monument Until 5 Jun. Two installations by sculptor Lucy Brown.
Artist for a Week Short-term shows by the brightest oflocal talent. You can meet the artist at the gallery on Saturday afternoons 3—5pm.
I DANISH CULTURAL INSTITUTE Carlsberg House. 3 Doune Terrace. 225 7189.
' Bent Holstein and Peter Bonnen Until Fri 28 May. Painting. sculptures and monoprints.
I EDINBURGH CENTRAL LIBRARY George IV Bridge. 225 5584. Mon—Fri 9am—9pm; Sat 9am— 1 pm.
Mixed Media Trio Until Fri 28 May. Kay Grant. Rita Ghione and June Martin.
I EASTERN GENERAL HOSPITAL The Main and Outpatient Corridors. Seafield Street. Daily 9am—8pm.
New Work Until 11 Jun. Fiona Clarke. Manda Huckle. Alice Shannon. Gilly Walker and Susie Wilson.
I EDINBURGH GALLERY 18a Dundas Street. 557 5227. Mon—Fri 11am-5pm; Sat 10am—1pm.
Reflections Until 5 Jun. New work by Joan Renton RSW.
I EDINBURGH PRINTMAKERS WORKSHOP AND GALLERY 23 Union Street. 557 2479. Tue-Sat 10am—6pm.
Seven Up Until 5 Jun. Etchings. lithographs and screenprints by seven artists.
I EDINBURGH UNIVERSITY LIBRARY George Square. 650 3384. Mon—Fri 9am—5pm.
For Conscience’s Sake - The Ten Years’ Conflict and Disruption, 1834-43 The Drummond Room. Until 3 Sept. An exhibition exploring the events which led to the Disruption of the Church of Scotland 150 years ago.
I FLYING COLOURS GALLERY 35 William Street. 225 6776. Tue-Fri 1 1am—6pm; Sat 10am— 1 pm.
Peter Graham Until 9 Jun. Lively landscape and still life painting.
I THE FRENCH INSTITUTE 13 Randolph Crescent. 225 5366. Mon—Fri 9.30am—5.30pm; Sat 9.30am—1.30pm. Plymouth to Scarborough (Tobago) Until Sat 22 May. images which record the flavour of the West Indies by photographer Rebecca Dilworth.
I HANOVER FINE ART 22A Dundas Street. 556 2181. Mon—Fri 10.30am—6pm; Sat 10am—4pm.
Spring Mixed Exhibition Until Mon 24 May. Recent works by gallery artists and wood sculpture by Michael McManus.
I KELLY’S GALLERY 50 West Richmond Street. Tue—Fri 1 1.30am—8pm; Sat 10am—6pm.
Metamorphosis in May Until 4 Jun. Brand new gallery space showing work by Eona Murray Aitken. Robert Gillies and David Reilly.
I KINGFISHER GALLERY 5 Northumberland Street North West Lane. 557 5454. Tue—Sat Ham—4.30pm.
Cay Crossart Until Fri 28 May. Oil paintings which focus on the shifting character of the Scottish coast.
I NATIONAL GALLERY OF SCOTLAND The Mound. 556 8921. Mon—Sat 10am—5pm; Sun 2—5pm.
Bolognese Drawings Until 4Ju1. Fifty pieces from the gallery’s collection from 1520 to 1800 including work by the Carracci family.
Street. 556 9579. Mon—Sat 10am—4.30pm.
Within Silence and light Until Sat 29 May. Photographs of ecclesiastical architecture and sacred places by six artists.
The General Assembly oi the Church of Scotland Until Sat 29 May. Photographs of the event b Gary Doak.
I OPEN EYE ERY 75 Cumberland Street. 557 1020. Mon-Fri 10am—6pm. Sat 10am—4pm.
Recent Works Until Thurs 3 Jun. Painting by Christine McArthur. jewellery by Philippa Crawford and ceramics by Susan Briggs.
Contemporary British Block Printing Until Wed 2 Jun.
I OUEEN’S HALL Clerk Street. 668 3456. Daily lOam—6pm. or later on performance nights.
Donald Proven and Brian Donlevy Until 5 Jun. New work by two highly acclaimed graduates of Edinburgh College of Art.
I PORTFOLIO GALLERY 43 Candlemaker Row. 220 1911. Tue-Sat noon—5.30pm.
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Calum Colvin Until Sat 29 May. Large computer-generated photographic works based on Hieronymous Bosch’s Seven Deadly Sins.
I ROYAL BOTANIC GARDEN lnverleith Row. 552 7171. Daily 10am—8pm; Cafe.
[D]. Exhibitions lOam—Spm. Admission Beatrix Potter - A Victorian Naturalist Sat 22 May—1 Aug. See preview.
Wild Orchids of Scotland and Four Gardens in Due Until 25 Jul. A photographic celebration of Scotland’s native orchids and a display of photographs taken from a book illustrating the work of the garden.
The Botanic Ash Until 3 Oct. When a huge British ash dating from the early 19th century had to be felled. sculptor Tim Stead was invited to recycle the pieces for this unique exhibition.
I ROYAL MUSEUM OF SCOTLAND Chambers Street. 225 7534. Mon—Sat 10am—5pm; Sun 2—5pm. Cafe. [D]. Platinum Until Sun 23 May. An exciting and diverse display ofjewellery designed and made by fourteen students and graduates of Edinburgh College of Art. All have been winners or finalists in the UK Platinum Award.
DNA Fingerprinting Until Mon 24 May. An exploration of the material found in a cell nucleus which makes us all unique. Western Decorative Art: 1850 towards 2000 New permanent exhibition. Cantagalli tiles. jewels by Picasso. and Scottish hand-painted pottery are all included in this exhibition of porcelain. glass. silver. rnetalwork amd ceramics from the museum's collection.
I ROYAL OBSERVATORY VISITORS CENTRE Blackford Hill. 668 8405. Mon—Fri noon—5.30pm; weekends/holidays noon—5.30pm. [D]. £1.50 (75p).
The Universe Exhibition Up-to-date information on the Big Bang and everything else you ever wanted to know about the Universe.
Historical Exhibition Introduction to the work of the Royal Observatory and modern astronomy. plus two original telescope towers and the best view of Edinburgh from the rooftop terrace and
exhibition until 12 June 0 admission free
Roderick Buchanan -, Yang Jie Chang . Callum lnnes ' " " Huang Yong Ping
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Centre, including Cafe Tres, open: Tue - Sat 11am - 6pm
Centre for Contemporary Arts
‘an important and influential artistic hothouse’ - The List
350 Sauchiehall Street, Glasgow G2 31D Tel 041 332 7521 Fax 041 332 3226
Subsidised by (he ScottisnArts Councn and Glasgow District Councrl
'Subliminol Th0ught' woodcut by Adrian Wiszniewski.
21 Years of the Glasgow Print Studio 30 April - 30 May
McLellan Galleries 270 Sauchiehall Street Glasgow
041 331 1854
ADMISSION FREE . Open daily 10-5 Sunday 1 1-5
Supported by Glasg0w Criy COunCII
The List 21 May—3 June 1993 57