travels to Salvador and finds his senses assaulted by the corruption perpetrated by the ruling elite. lisceptionally well acted. angry. bravura film- making that not oiin demands your attention but deserves it. lidinburgh: (‘ameo.

I Saratlna! ( 151(l)arrell Jatiies Roodt. South Africa. 1992) Leleti Khumalo. Whoopi (ioldberg. Miriam Makeha. 119 inins. l'nlike traditional escapist tnusicals. this one confronts real political and racial problems without “inching. l'illed w ith township music that celebrates life over hardship. it tells of a young girl w hose dreams of peace and stardom are shattered when she becomes caught in a whirlpool of hate. Real Soweto settings underline the message and unnerve the audience. listraordinary. shocking and tipliftiiig. (ilasgow: (3171‘,

I Scent oi a woman'(15)t.\l;trlitt Brest. t's. 1992) Al Pacino. ('hris ()‘1)onne|l. James Rehhorn. 156 mms. A blind. alcoholic es-

set'v iceman and a scholarship college boy spend Thanksgiving Weekend iii New York and find themselves in a series of funny and moving adyentures which finally lead them to come to terms with their true selyes. ()yerlong in its opening and closing scenes. this is still one terrific mos ic. with what is possibly Pacino's best performance in a distiiiguished career. (ietict'al I'CTCHSL‘.

I Scottish Student Video Festival Vttt'ititls screenings of work by students from itistittitioiis across the country w ill be on show_ prov iding a tangible account of where the l'ls' film aiid TV industries could be heading iii the coming years. Substantial debate ensures that the event reaches beyond its student audience. l‘or further details. contact l’iltiihouse.

I Shadows and Fog ( tSi (woody Allen. t's. 1991 l Woody Allen. Mia l‘arrow. John

Malkm ich. so mins. 1.atc release for Allen's homage to/pastiche of early T‘Tll/ Lang. Allen is the innocent ls'leiiiiiian. forced to ioin a Vigilante group w hen a serial strangler terrorises aii anonymous mittcl-liuropean town in the 192()s. A showcase for the w titer/director‘s talents for dark tragedy and one-line slapstick. lidinburgh: (1111160.

I Sommersby ( 12i (Jon Amiel. l'S. 19931 Richard (ierc. Jodie l-‘oster. Bill Pullman. 11-1 miiis. The plot of Hip Return offl'llurtin (iiu'rn' goes w andcring for a few years before emerging from the mists of the American (’iv i1 War in the shape ofJack Sommei‘sby ((ierei. w ho’s not quite the man his wife (liosteri remembers. She's in [M e. btit a court has to decide the genuineiiess of his claims. As effectiy e as a thriller as the original bill the central pairing lacks the spark that would really have set it on lire. See review. (ietiei'al release.

I Splitting Heirs ( 15) (Robert Young. l‘K. 1993i liric ldle. Rick Moranis. ('atherine Zeta Jones. 91) mins. In this sorry effort. Idle is a humble city broker who finds otit he‘s really the lost Duke of Botirnetiiouth. a title cttrrently tisurped by American tycoon (and his boss) Moranis. (‘ue big bosoms. romantic complications. national and ethnic stereotypes, etc. etc. lmagine Kind Hear/x and ('nrmieti rewritten for idiots. (ilasgow: MGM Sauchiehall Street. laditiburgh: ('aniion. l'(‘l.

I Stay Tuned (1’(il (Peter Hyams. TS. 1992) John Ritter. l’am l)aw ber. Jeffrey Jones. 89 iiiiiis. (‘ouch potato Roy Ktiable and wife getted lapped into T\' Hell and have to survive 24 hours of deadly game show s and other broadcast spools in order to return to the real world. Basically ati excuse for a succession of lame parodies. it plays to the attention span of TV audiences by never being in one joke situation for more than a few minutes. Try another channel. Strathclyde: ()deon Ayr.

I Strictly Ballroom (PU) (Ba/ l.uhrmann. Australia. 1991 1 Paul Mercurio. Tara Morice. Bill Hunter. 94 iiiitis. l)ance11oor hopeful Scott Hastings incurs the wrath of the Australian Dance l-‘ederation by using his own steps in cotiipetition. loses his partner and his friends. but finds love and artistic integrity with the local wallliow er. The ultimate feelgood movie. it is crammed with colour. glitter. mUsic and spectacle. lidinburgh: l‘ilmhoUse.

I Sunrise (1’01 (1-1 W. Murnau. US. 1927) (ieorge ()' Brien. Janet (iaynor. Margaret Livingston. Bodil Rosiiig. 97 mins. After a fling with a beautiful broad from the big city. a country boy tries to murder his wife. but then repents and spends the rest of the movie making up with her. lyrical silent love story. with superb monochrome imagery and some genuinely surprising twists. (ilasgow: (El-T.

I Tales From The Cities ( 18) 107 mins. Four North American shorts from the touring Seventh Lesbian and Gay Film Festival. all with a witty take on modern living. Glasgow: (El-T. Edinburgh: Filmhouse.

I Thank God I‘m A Lesbian ( 15) (Laurie Colbert/Dominique Cardona. Canada. 1992) 55 mins. Homophobia against feminists. coming out. SM. racism this is not a trite celebration of

lesbianna as the title might suggest. Instead. it‘s a taut. w ide-ranging documentary on the lesbian experience. With British short Lime. 7th Lesbian arid (iay Film Festival. (ilasgow: (11’1‘.

I Thelma & Louise ( tSi (Ridley Scott. [S 1991 i Susan Sarandon. (ieena [)avis. Harvey Keitel. Michael Madsen. 129 mins. The buddy/road movie genres are turned on their heads as Sarandon and Davis grasp the steering wheel and head off leaving a trail of murder and mayhem in their wake. On one level. the film is the critical catalyst that had the feminists cheering atid pill the stars on the cover of Time tnaga/ine‘. Just as importantly. it's an accessible piece of entertainment with excellent central performances. (‘entralz MacRobert.

I Thirty Years of Fun (1'1 70 mitis. A hilarious compilation of silent comedy stars. the famous and the more obscure. Tue 27 only. lidiiiburgh: St Brides l‘ilm liestival.

I Toys ( l’(ii (Barry l.e\ inson. l'S. 1992) Robin Williams. Michael (iaiiibon. Robin Wright. 121 mins. When their father dies. l.eslie [em and his sister Alsatia are lelt his tttopiati toy factory. btit their nasty uncle decides instead to turn otit war toy s: it’s militaristic madness against childish lunacy. Nice sets but. wow, is this a piece of gross self-indulgence from l.e\ inson who doesn't seem to know if this is a kids~ film for adults or an adults' film for kids. l‘tfez Robins. Strathclyde: \VNTR. All [‘(ils.

I Twin Peaks: Fire Walk With Me i 18) (Day id lynch. I'S. 1992i Sheryl Kyle .‘slclachlati. Ray Wise. 1 ‘5 mins, The move to the big screen to chronicle last seven day s in the life of Laura Palmer allow s lynch to go to greater escesses than in the T\' series. A dark-hued attd disturbing miasma of small-tow n corruption atid perversity. filled with l’eakie faxes and new cameos. lidinburgh: l'ilmhouse.

I Under Fire ( 15) (Roger Spotliswoixlc. [-5. 1983) Nick Nolte. (iene Hackttian. Joanna (‘assidyp 127 tiiiiis. The journalist-in-war- situation moy ic is often onto a winner from the opening shots. atid this is no exception. The three American leads find their personal conflicts playing otit against tnore lethal (’entral American battles as courage. morality and integrity are ptit severely to the test. Heroism witlt a head atid a heart. lidinburgh: Cameo.

I Under Siege ( tsi (Andrew [)st. t's. 109:) Steven Seagal. Tommy Lee Jones. (iary Busey'. 103 mins. Die Hard on a boat. with martial arts ace Seagal as the ship‘s cook and the only man who can take on a group of terrorist revolutionaries who have taken over its nuclear arsenal. A kind of ultra-violent comedy. it should take Seagal out of the video ranks and into the big league. as he's simply a better anti-hero and actor than Jean-('laudc. Anne and l)o|ph ptit together. l'(‘ls: lidinburgh. (‘lydebank Strathclyde: Magnum.

I Unforgiven ( IS) ((‘tini liaslwtxxl. 17S. 1992i (‘lint liastwood. (iene Hackman. Morgan lireeman. 123 mins. (‘lint returns to the saddle as a former killer. tamed by his late wife. but pressed itito joining a bounty hunt which takes him to the town of Big Whiskey and into the presence of its sadistic sheriff ( llackmani. A darkly disturbing western which destroys the genre's traditional notions of clear-cut good atid evil. instead presenting violetit acts as physically atid psychologically painful for victim and perpetrator alike. (ilasgow'; MGM Sauchiehall Street. (’entral: MacRobert, All l.'('ls.

I Used People ( l2) (Beeban Kidron. (TS. 1992) Shirley Macl.aine. Marcello Mastroianni. Jessica Tandy. l 15 mins. A BBC schooling for director Kidron has perhaps saved this amiable tale of quirky domesticity from becoming your usual sentimental slop. A w idow is picked up at her hubby’s funeral and begins a late late show romance. while around her disparate individuals go through the trials and tribulations of life. A bit of a grower. See preview and review. (ilasgow: ()deon. Edinburgh: ()deon.

I Wayne’s World (P(il (Penelope Spheeris. 1S 1991 ) Mike Myers. I)ana (‘arvey. Rob Lowe. Tia (‘arrere 95 mins. Two heavy metal dorks hit the big time when their public access cable show is snapped up by a greedy TV exec for national primetime. (‘rammed full of TV and film pastiches. this [TS phenomenon has far more hits than misses. while Wayne and (iarth revel in an even wackier vocabulary than cinematic first coUsins Bill and Ted. They‘ve shot. they've scored! lidinburgh: l‘ilmhoUse.

I Wuthering heights (t'i (Peter Kostitinsky'. L'K. 1992) Ralph l-‘iennes. Juliette Binoche. Janet McTeer. 87 tiiins. A visually splendid version of limily Bronte‘s classic. capturing the original's sense of destructive. violent love. The decision to follow the book to the end will split audiences. as will the decision to cast French actress Binoche (Les Amunts du I’oriI-i'VeitD as the English heroine. but in terms of costume. set design and the spark between the leads. it is a fine achievement that breaks from the stuffy British tradition of literary period dramas. Strathclyde: L'Cl East Kilbride.




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The List 23 April—6 May 1993 33