I ‘00 you looking at, mate?’ Antipodean aggro in Romper Stamper, an everyday tale of Melbourne skins. You can get a nasty melanoma on those shaven heads, lads. See Film review.

I Fashion models they ain’t, but The Jayhawks otter decent, honest downhome kickin’ country that ain’t middle- ol-the-road in any respect, at Glasgow King ‘I’ut’s and Edinburgh Venue. See Music preview.

I Bless your heautiiul hide and similar musical interludes. Howard lieel survived a couple of years in Dallas as Mr Ellie, and he’s here to tell the tale. Singalong with the classics at Glasgow lioyal Concert Hall. See Light listings.



‘The liberation in Mary is that she takes no prisoners. She is as likely to hit Rab over the head with an lrn-Bru bottle as he is her.‘

Actress Elaine C. Smith discusses equality in the Nesbitt household.

I ‘lt’s that Aussie they froze 40 years ago. Is he

onna be an r W ' 9 9" o hm “From the film A Clockwork Orange.

when he finds out his . .

kids have shaved weir youth did not learn aggression; it was heads and joined the aggressive already. What it did learn

ilomper Stomper gang?’ was a style of aggression, a mode of

"9' mm“ is Flue“! dressing violence up in a new way, a

piquant sauce to season the raw meat of kicks. biffs and razor slashings.’

Author Anthony Burgess comments on the current debate on the influence of cultural violence on society.

Young. See Film preview.

‘l'm probably going to have some sort of a frothing lit before it and be flown home to Iingland in a wooden crate.‘ Actress Emma Thompson takes an appropriately melmlramatic slant to her appearance at this year's Oscars.

‘The theatre was originally a place of worship, a place where people went to be terrified. purged. and to touch the divine. Part of me thinks that has been lost forever. that now we just lie back. fold our arms and think about where we are going to eat afterwards.‘ Playwright P 'ter Shaffer hemoans the state of the British theatre-going public.

"You know how I became a world champion bodybuilder? It had nothing to do with weight training and everything to do with my mother‘s cooking.‘

Arnold Si'hwarzenegger tells us the secret of his success.

The List 26 March—8 April 1993 3