7 LISTEN! l mm I New opportunities for i artistes to air their wares. on i

opposite sides of the country. The Gallery Bar on The Mound in Edinburgh (previously known as Oblomov’s) intends to set up a singer-songwriters‘ club with regular 2 performances in the bar. Ring Niall on O3] 440 4303 or 031 229 1210 for further I details. Meanwhile. The Area. in Paisley owned by the people who also own The Tunnel and The Volcano plans to put ‘good quality Scottish music‘ on in the bar. The


I ,_ ‘lt’s called “Civil Disobedience Dn ~- . The Northern Front” because I was * looking at it trom a musical point of

view,’ he explains. ‘The two violins have to be pulled in to make it a quartet. There’s a slow passage where the idea Is that the cello and viola are trying to bring the violins In trying to churn them into the quartet.’

McPherson also says that he is ‘slightly embarrassed’ about the title and any political connotations now. ‘l’ve gone totally away from that sort of thing in music and politics. I’ve seen too many examples oi people

9‘1"“ 5‘0“: 0‘? Sunday ' I ' I airttsino it.’ Although still very much in

night-e. Quality 18 the i For any composer, having a work ilrst the ‘young composer hraeltet,

°““""°“' "9‘ P"""’“"Y 1 performed brlnce great excitement. ' McPherson has some impressive

fi;,§f,°,i’?§'$§£§f2,§"md 3 but how many masterpieces languish commissions behind and ahead oi him.

bands all over Scotland. ' '0' “3'3 am’mams 0"” to 93"” Toto"! Chilstmaai l was tilts! 0"

Come, Conn Roger 0,, dust on the shell? Congratulations to “lnrpersonal stereo”, which the

041-848 5096. “radon. than. tor dusting down iiatlner Wind Ensemble toured in

. . a . Gordon McPherson’s first string Scotland, and Drkest de Volharding

' ' quartet thtten 0" "0! In 1989, the have lust premiered and broadcast a quartet '3 Sflhtttted ‘0'th commission in Amsterdam.’ A tull

Disobedience On The Northern Front’. scale orchestral work, ‘The Thiet or ‘I V138 takon by the sense I" Identity Souls’, tor the BSND, is scheduled tor

in Orkner.’ save the 27-year-old the 1994 Muslca Nova, but ior now, Dundonian, ‘and it made me think McPherson says he is ‘working on about my own sense at national and trying to pay my bills.’ Whether or not political identity in Scotland.’ that Includes the poll tax remains Although the quartet was written at unknown. (Carol Main).

ttle hfltoht M the PO" to! The Paragon Ensemble play ‘civil demonstrations In Scotland. Disobedience On The Northern Front’ McPherson denies that it is a political at Stevenson llall, lismn, Glasgow on place in that sense. Sun 21 .

4. \’ K “~ _- ar- 1 i- 1 . 4- 3l- ~ Finltrlbe: spoiler tactics I Fini business? Down at m the Leith headquarters of that chrome-dome troika of dance commandos that's n e

Fini Tribe much gnashing

0f fem and tearing of hair Already established as a firm tavourlte below the standard octave, also

gjeggfigflflg‘ifi’g'gml- all over ontaln. those emissarles tram allowing access to a lull chromatic

up wi‘th a homagréwn ,pop England s north east called scale,

mix. of their .Menoman. collectively the Kathryn Tickell Band Playing with these pipes requires a

track for prospective single am back In Scotland to show off their playing technique quite different troni

release. Fine. said their constdefablo talents In traditional the rolling lrish style ot decoration.

record label One Little music. Well, not too traditional, the it ilorthonrhrlan music is the core or

lndian. But you‘ll need a band’s taste in music runs from Kathryn’s repertoire it testifies to the

Beatmasters version too. obvious tolk t0 Talking Heads, Prince, traditional form’s reslllence and

26:83:)?1: Y0“ X70 and “motto Cotoman. and to the enduring appeal, as each succeeding e s

Naturally the Finig’ére extent at playing an Drnette piece generation casts it in a new light, tor

aghast when [he emailed t0r Nomumtflhn Pipes and there is nothing oi the museum in the

Beatmasters effort is. to acco'dton’ gum and m' gmup’s Momncesr ram, 3“

their ears. appalling. They Km" Need has "0' moved Ill) north exuberance of ideas and a genuine e

insist on releasing their from Hastings and is frantically diary conununlcable dellght in playing

version. The record iuggllng to cope with the conflicting together.

$23,323,332: guano ant: regordlino sflledlllleg tints Kathryn Tickell Band: Glesoow Thur After years in the shadows , . ~ ~ ii an e oozes, opay e 18;Edinbu hFri19. °

same Edinburgh venue only a few V, g Q, ,,., Of Throwm g Muses, . House. on “‘18,, revived weeks ago. ’5'" “' e ' " Tanya Donelly comes into Finmex label as a kind of Over the last tew years her Irish 1 her own in B ell Crai spotter mic, Cue musical background has been blown y‘ . g relationship-threatening "we open In "'3 Pout” by salt, MCLCan StOOd Wlth the

face-ofl' between band and Barker’s blues/countW/calun song setlerS l

record label. Only one wee styles, and Patsy and Mary, aka prob- ‘Forevergreen' has Sileas’ stroneg syncopated Scottish lust scooted into the dance m| for tunes,

e _ 3 It "I, [-1. V A. charts in the States. and the 3 In Kflhmrs hand she has had to “am y - g _: V ?

‘Yeah, I‘m pretty dramatic!’ she states With a flourish and a titter. ‘I do like sweeping things.‘ Tanya Donelly is a

Unex ected mov ' '

alburgis abofil to be: Treat to play he, accordion with the prec|se drama-queen in the nicest possible way. released them Stay tuned staccato Intonation lit the Her songs are mini-epics, soundtracks for more news on the Northumbrlan small-pipes, which at to vim-ful vignettes, tales from a toiling syndrome thex’re not one time was indistinguishable from - pit of death obsessions. decay

calling Pop Will Eat Itself-it its little brother north at the border obsessions, love obsessions. This is

is. . . . but, by the beginning of the 19th indeed (advance pun warning . . .) 81:23: (tings; century had evolved a unique closed. " Belly’s ache-

benefit at The B.m0w|and keyed chantar, so that all the notes Star, though. Belly's debut album, is on 2, March. organised by come out, in an th‘ repeated phrase, more than a ragged collection of

me Fire Brigade. ,0 like peas In a de , and the keys are neuroses and doom-mongering. For purchase a rescue vehicle used to extend the range above and every black thought there is a golden

’J 30 The List 12—25 February 1993