Another fortnight. another frenzy of lager consumption. The pics we retrieved from under the pile ofempties are miraculously transformed into. . .


Z'I'he List 29January ll f-‘chruary 1993

I Adolph The Superman Swallows Gold And Spouts Junk— one at the striking images in the John Hearttield exhibition at the Scottish National Gallery Of Modern Art in Edinburgh. See leature.

I Lynsey Baxter and Nigel Terry smooch overassorted tungi in The Mushroom Picker. a new 8802 drama serial. SeeTV listings.

I Slack Seattle kids make out to a grunge soundtrack in Singles. From left. BfldgetFonda.Fender Stratocaster. Matt Dillon. Kyra Sedgwick and Campbell Scott. See Film review.

I We’ve heard about this new exercise tad called The Step. butthis is ridiculous. One otthe photographs lromthe Steve Smart exhibition, part otPaisley Arts Centre's Scotch Hop season. See Theatre preview.