So, were you paying attention at the back of the class? See for yourself in The List’s annual prize brain-teaser.
(Peter Fenn plays a few bars on the organ). . . ‘From Norwich. it‘s the quiz ofthe year. . .‘ Well. Edinburgh actually. but the prizes on offer in the List end-of—year quiz are so stupendous that Nicholas Parsons is suing us for loss ofearnings.
Not only are we giving away a whopping great Valvona & (‘rolla hamper (containing enough goodies to keep you supplied for the whole of the remaining Football llah'a season) but. as a consolation. each individual section has its own appropriate prize. Eat your heart out Santa. the real generous ones are us big-hearted folk at The List.
Mind you. with all this bounty on offer. we had to make the quiz a tad tricky. It‘s a dziwdle though. if you kept all your copies of The List this year. You did do that. didn‘t you?
Prize: Two pairs of tickets for the Saw
Doctors both at the Barrowland. Glasgow (3()Jan) and the Queen‘s Hall. Edinburgh (26]an). courtesy ofDF Concerts Ltd.
1 Simply Red. Dire Straits and Genesis joined forces this year. What were they united in opposition to?
2 Who. when he failed to get a call through to George Bush. invited the White House‘s entire staff of telephonists to come and see a rock concert, offering to ferry them in the band‘s private plane?
3 The Hours And The Times was a low-budget American drama speculating about what might have happened when which 60s star went on holiday with his pop-mogul manager?
4 Which American band returned to Britain fourteen years after they split up, to play without a soundcheck?
5 After a hearing before South
Africa‘s Committee ()f Publications.
reportedly encompassing ‘both concern and hearty laughter”. which double albums were permitted to be sold in that country. but only to over-18s?
6The List 18 December 1992— 14 January 1993
6 Which chronologically-confused band released a video entitled 199]: The Year Punk Broke?
' 7 Irish DJ Dave Fanning was
condemned for playing it; 'l'ori Amos praised its ‘brutal honesty'; a police chiefthreatened ‘living hell‘ for the record company that released it. What was the song?
8 Pagans on drugs: (a) Who discovered their guru in New Age beardie 'I‘ercnce McKcnna and dropped baffling subcultural references to someone called Vera? And (b) who now considers himself such an authority on stone circles that he‘s written a book on the subject?
9 Which American female thrash band showed 'l'erry (‘hristian rather more than he‘d bargained for?
10 Who frequented the ‘National
Front Disco"?
Questions kindly supplied by Ian
Docherty ol‘Waterstones. l3 Princes
Street. Edinburgh. Prize: A signed copy of Roger Law's A Nast I’I'eee ()fll'ork.‘ The/l r! and
Graft ofSpiIIing Image
(Booth-(‘hbbon Editions £24) courtesyofWaterstones. 13 Princes , Street. Edinburgh.
11 Name the six books (and authors) short-listed for this year’s Booker Prize.
‘ 12 Where does Jeanette Winterston
l i i
say it is written?
13 Which goes with which: [an Mcliwan; Julian Barnes: Gunter Grass; Yung Chang.
Swans; porcupine; toad; dogs.