While the twelve European heads of Government complete with bureaucratic entourages bang out their differences at Holyrood Palace, there are several issues which may not even be discussed. The List

questions some of the things that are on the agenda and looks at what should be. What emergency item would you pulon t u ' ' apping As the Eurocracy gets set to chunder

the top oi the agenda at the iorthcoming lEurope . . While the borders are closed to Six_and_a_half million quid at a

European Summit ii you were Prime 3 ! .-. - .. ,- , i x ' ' ) 'd easier . , RaCism Will certainly be on the Ft “EELS MC “’1” m t be m“ ‘3 Mod“ Intergovernmental l

seekers have the correct visas and passports before leaving the country from which they are fleeing. often for their lives. is nearly always impracticable. Sadollah points out.

and President oi the EC?

‘First I’d nationalise the banks and

Minister oi an independent Scotland the insurance companies and Ministers‘ agenda when they meet at a for the 50W“ mm'on blaCk and , squabble, them actually is some

establish a minimum wage of£2()() a week across the EC. Once that‘s done, I’d legislate to outlaw Jason Donovan records.‘

Tommy Sheridan, Glasgow Councillor

Holyrood Palace. Not just during

, any discussions on the rising tide of

race hate but in the sub-text behind the debates on the single European treaty and harmonising border and visa controls.

minority ethnic people living in Europe. Internal visa and passport controls are unlikely to be equally 3 applied to both black and white. Scottish SCORE is organising a , series ofevents around the summit

i serious talking to be done. The Other European Summit makes a welcome debut on the arena ofinternational

. conferences.

The Other European Summit. or

I 'l'OES. is first cousin to The Other

Economic Summit. which has

shadowed the G7 leaders‘ annual

international conference since 1984. ‘TOES comes at a particular point

j where the whole debate on Europe is g

causing far more smoke that fire.’

; says Ed Mayo of the New Economics 3

foundation which is coordinating the

3 events. ‘At the heart ofit is a narrow

; and sterile debate about the club of '

i the rich ofthe European


Dharnendra Kan'ani ofthe Scottish l WhiCh 100“ at the imP'dCt Of Europe Standing Conference on Racial L on the black individual. Equality in Europe, says he is (Thom Dibdlnl concerned that the ministers will be 3 Race Equality in Europa? MO“ 7~ looking to the British Asylum Bill for. 2—6pm~ LOthian Regional . a prototype when they harmonise Chambersr Frcc- Race, Local their border controlleorthe first communitiesandmgz Wedgi west” 'timc in Eumpc‘ the Bill links the Hailes Education Centre. 2—4.3(lpm. concept of Fortress Europe with Race: A European Agenda Thurs 10~ ; immigration control. The Bill will 7‘1)va ClixChambCTS- ThC : make it ivirtuallyimpossibw for Helsinki Citizens Assembly will also i refugees to reach Britain. according 5 be hOIdmg a mund‘tablc diSCUSSlO” I. to Sana Sadollah. coordinator of the 5 0" Immigrant)" and Human Rights in , - . . - . : Scottish Refugee Council. l Europe Mon 7, 7.30—10pm, 7 Victoria While the heads 0mm“ locus 0“ i l

‘l’d have to start an emergency scheme for financial assistance for the English Chancellor. Firstly to help him pay his credit card and his legal court cases, and secondly to help him reconstruct the English Economy.’

Alex Salmond MP

The stipulations that asylum l Terracc- A“ events are {'90- I oval 49 dlffchcm. i _ i dgLnLlLSVHlle 1m olvedin different I ; TOES events focusing on the next : ten years and some ofthe problems ofexclusion within and outside the EC. These include exclusion by race,j poverty and gender as well as the g exclusion ofbordering countries from the community. ‘The growing sense of an underclass.‘ says Mayo, ‘and the tensions that go with it in terms of xenophobia and racism is one of the most worrying elements

‘We would call for the immediate abolition ofthe EC governments to be replaced by workers councils. I would like to see an angry mob

' I . i . . i Y " . n ' ' ' outSide the palace gates about to ., i: I 1 5 j 5;, a: :97; l wrthin the current debate and public stormitand string upthe delegates. : {a e; mi, 4 g I :_ on? l concern within Europe.‘ (Thom Alec Pike. Class WarScot/and ~ - ' ,le ,,,- ,- 1 . M 7:: Dmdml' .

e. ' « “" .. . - programme and tickets for'I‘OES

events from Peace and Justice Centre. St John Church. Princess Street (031 22‘) 0993).

‘As a visitor to this country I would not take part in politics. but I‘d support anything that made the children happier.‘

Santa Claus, visiting Jenners

fir“ . , C ‘- o" , /"'. ' . "J as,” if. I, ’r I q. 1- 773:.” - n '1‘: f“

Palace ol Holyrood

j Whatever the outcome oi the recently announced Croat-Serb peace deal, : Sarajevo—with its Muslim-led

, Democracy é°°i:':.:‘;'::.;.i':;:.:::stairs... 5 fo r Scotland

Bosnia-Herzegovina Conference at the l

H: Summit' —to be held in St Cecilia’s

Hall on 11—12 December— hopes to

clarity the historical and cultural

; background to the lighting. ‘Bosnia was

a successlul mum-cultural society

; where Muslims, Christians, Jews and others lived in relative harmony lor

centuries,’ says conierence organiser

Nigel Osborne. ‘It is entirely inaccurate

- to say that this conillct is the welling up

oi aggression irom the past- the

destruction oi that society has come

irom outside. A Holocaust that we

promised wouldn't happen again in

, Europe is now uniolding.’ (AM)

With winter temperatures olten dropping to around minus-20°C, thousands more civilian deaths are I likely to be added to the 14,000 already

' killed in Bosnia since lighting broke out earlierthls year. An estimated one million people have been lorced irom their homes as Serbian iorces have

advanced, but it’s not just relugees in

. under-stocked camps that will be at

risk irom the cold. Inhabitants oi the

Bosnian capital Sarajevo under siege j

ior seven months now - are already

sutierlng the eiiects ol malnutrition and, given the iact that houses have

. been severly damaged by continual

i shelling, local doctors are warning ol lid and pneumonia epidemics.

‘I would make it compulsory for all politicians to have surgically implanted lie detectors.‘

Mike Ferrigan. converter of Democracy for Scotland

‘I would ask the Germans to set European standards for brewing, Belgians for chocolate and Scots for clean drinking water.‘

Lesley Rowan, Scottish Green Party

Forget the political in-iighting you’ve read about in the daily press, a march

in support oi democracy ior Scotland

will take place on Sat 12 Dec. Ultimately responsible ior bringing the : sixteen bickering political .: organisations together is Democracy

ior Scotland, the non-party political ,' movement which has kept the llame ol i democracy burning at the Vigil on i Regent Boad lorthe last seven-and-a- l halt months. (TD) l

The March For Democracy leaves the i Vigil on Regent Road at 11am

‘Ifwe had the misfortune to have an independent Scotland I would have

: an independent Fordell and an

g independent Fife. It would go back

; to its kingship. [don‘t know whether

3 I‘d be king, but we‘d be separate

i from Salmondella.‘

; Nicolas Fairbairn MP L

bTheList4_17DéémSeg19-92~ -