3. Hear My Song(15) 3.30pm (not Sun). 6pm. 8.45pm. Velmont(15) and Cyrano de Bergerac ( C) Sun 1.30pm. See also Edinburgh Lates. I CANNON Lothian Road. 229 3030. Bar. [D] cinemas 2 & 3. Pullman seats (cinema 1 only) £4: all other seats £3.30. Child £2.50(Pu11man). £2. II). OAP£2. 10 (before 6pm). 1.LethalWeapon3(15)12.411pm.3pm. 5.35pm. 8.20pm. 2. FarandAvIay( 12) 1.55pm.4.55pm. 8pm. 3. Batman Returns ( 12) 2.20pm. 5. 15pm. 8.15pm. Spartacus (PG) replaces one of the above on Wed only: 2pm. 7pm. I DOMINION Newbattle Terrace. 447 2660. Restaurant. Bar. [1)]. £3.30((‘,h11d, Student/UB40/OAP £2. 10 except for last evening shows Fri and Sat. or any evening shows in cinema 3)Pu11man seats: £3.70p (cinema 1). £3.50(cinema 3). 1. Lethal Weapon3 ( 15) 2. 15pm (not Sun) 5.15pm.8.15pm. 2. Beethoven (U) 1.30pm (not Sun). 3.30pm (not Sun). 5.30pm. Far and Away( 12) 7.55pm. 3. Batman Returns ( 12) 2pm (nol Sun). 5pm. 8pm. I OOEON Clerk Street. 667 7331 ’668 2101. Bar. [D] screens 1.2 and 3. Adults£4 (£3.50 for side seats screen] and front seats screens4 6'; 5)((‘hi1d,Student ()AP UB40£1 off) £1 off +6pm. No concessions on final shows. 1.AIleR3(I8)12.40pm.3.115pm.5.35pm. 8.25pm. 2. The Player ( 15) 12.30pm. 2.50pm. 5.30pm. 8.25pm. 3. Universal Soldier( 18) I2.55pm.3.2(1pm. 6pm. 8.40pm. 4. Fern Gu||y(U) 1.25pm. 3.35pm. My Cousin Vinny( 15) 5.-l(Ipm. 8.25pm. 5. Peter Pan (U) 1pm.3. 15pm. Basic Instinct ( 18) 5. 15pm. 8. lopm. I UCI Kinnaird Park. Kinnaird Road.669 ()71 1/669 0777. Box office open front 11.30am. Tickets for shows commencing before 6pm £2.25; shows commencing after 6pm £3.60 (Child £2). Access) Visa bookings 669 7997 daily from noon. Alien3(18) 1.35pm.4.10pm.7pm. 9.30pm. Lethal Weapon 3(15) 1.25pm. 2pm.4pm. 4.35pm. 6.40pm. 7. 15pm. 9. 15pm. 9.50pm. Far and Away(12) 1pm. 3.50pm. 6.50pm. 9.45pm. Universal Soldier( 18) 2.50pm. 5. 15pm. 7.35pm. 9.55pm. Beethoven (U) 2.20pm. 4.20pm. 6.30pm. 8.55pm. Batman Returns ( 12) 2. 10pm. 4.55pm. 7.30pm.10.10pm. My Cousin Vinny ( 15) 2. Ilen1(Sat/Stln only) 5.05pm. 7.45pm. 10. 15pm. Basic Instinct ( 18) 7.25pm. 10.05pm. Fern Gully (U) 12.30pm (Sat 'Sun only). 2.40pm. 4.45pm. Sleepwalkers(18) Itlpm. Wayne's World (PG) 12.45pm (Sat/Sun only). 3pm. 5.30pm. 7.50pm (not Tue/Wed). The Hand That Rocks The Cradle ( 15) 5.40pm (not Sat/Sun). 8pm. 10.20pm. Peter Pan (U) Sat ’Sun only 1.45pm. 3.40pm. 5.45pm. High Heels ( 15) Tue only 7.5(1pm. See also Edinburgh lates.
Lothian Road. 228 2688. Bar. Restaurant. [E]. [D].
4Bth Edinburgh lnternation Film Festival. Films daily. See page 64 lot lull listings and details
I CAMEO Home Street. 228 4141. [1)].
Fri 21:
1. Barton Fink ( 15) and Millers Crossing( 18) 11.30pm.
2. The Playboys ( 12) 11.45pm.
3. Night on Earth(15) 11.55pm.
Sat 22:
1. Thelma a Louise ( 15) and White Palace (15) 11.30pm.
Cinemas 2 and 3 see Fri 21.
I UCI Kinnaird Park. Kinnaird Road. 669 0777.]I)].(Ovcr18only).
Fri 21/Sat 22:
Alien3 ( 18) midnight.
Lethal Weapon3 ( 15) 11.5(1pm. 12.20am. Universal Soldier( 18) 12.25am.
I KINGSWAY Market Street. (ialashicls. (1896 2767. £2.-ll) (Child/0A1)“ .30)
I ALLANPARK Allanpark Road. Stirling. (1786 74137. £2.50 (Child. ()AP "Student. L'B40£1.30. NB: Student/1.71340 concessions not available Fri—Sun). No unaccompanied children after 6pm.
1. Fern Gully (LI ) Fri/Sat only 2.30pm. Alien 3( 18) 5.35pm. 8. 10pm: Sun '7. 10pm only.
2. Lethal Weapon 3(15)2.15pm(1?ri'sat only). 5pm. 7.45pm: Sun 6.45pm only.
I CALEDONIAN Almondvale Centre. Livingston. 0506 33163. £2.60
(Child ()AP£1 .30). Family ticket £7-£9. 1.A|ien 3(18)5.30pm.8pm.
Fern Gully ( If) Sat only 2pm.
2. Lethal Weapon3 ( 15) 1.45pm (Satonly). 5.15pm. 7.45pm.
I CANNON Princess Street. Falkirk.0324 23805. £2 (Child ()AP£1.30).
1. Lethal Weapon 3 ( 15) 2. 10pm (not Sun). 5.10pm.8.05pm.
2. Alien3 ( 18) 2.20pm (not Sun).5.20pm. 7.50pm; Fri Sat: 1.50pm.4.15pm. 7.10pm.9.30pm.
3. Beethoven (If) 1.40pm (not Sun). 3.40pm (not Sun). 5.40pm.
Far and Away( 12) 7.40pm.
I MACROBERT ARTS CENTRE Stirling University. 0786 61081. [D] ]I?]£3(£2). CapeFear( 18)13r121.7.30pm.
JFK ( 15) Sun 23. 7.30pm.
The Silence of the Lambs ( 18) Wed 26. 7.30pm.
Frankie and Johnny ( 15) than 27. 7.30pm. I REGAL North Bridge Street. Bathgatc. 0506 634 152. £2.50 ((‘ltild£1 .50) (OAP’Student 171140“ .50 Mon~'1‘hurs only).
Alien 3 ( 18) 5.30pm. 8pm.
I ADAM SMITH CINEMA Bennochy Road. Kirkcaldy. 0592 260498. Bar. (1)] [Ti]. £2 (£1.20).
Salmonberries ( 12) Sun 23. 7.30pm.
The Mambo Kings ( 15) Mon 24. 7.3opm. Ricochet ( 18) Tue 25. 7.30pm.
Hearts of Darkness ( 15) Wed 26. 7.30pm. The Long Day Closes ( 12) Thurs 27. 7.30pm.
I CANNON High Street. Kirkcaldy.0592 260 143. [1)] (screens 2 and 3). £2
(Child. ()AP£I .30).
1. Lethal Weapon 3 ( 15) 2.20pm (not Sun). 5.20pm. 8. 15pm.
2. Alien3 ( 18) 2. 10pm (not Sun).5. 10pm. 8pm.
3. Beethoven (1)) 1.50pm (not Sun). 3.40pm (not Sun). 5.30pm.
Far and Away ( 12) 7.30pm.
I GLEHROTHES CINEMA Church Street. (ilenrothes 0592 750 980 £2 (Child£1 . 10).
Closed Sunday. Phone for programme times.
1. Alien3(18).
2. Beethoven (U) Sat only.
Lethal Weapon 3 ( 15).
I NEW PICTURE HOUSE North Street. St Andrews0334 73509. [D]. Cinema 1: £2.30 Circle. £2 stalls ( Kids/OAPs £1 .50): Cinema 2: £2.30 all seats. Closed Sunday. except during school holidays.
1. Lethal Weapon 3 (15) Fri/Sat6. 10pm.
I 8.3(Ipszun-Thurs 7.50pm.
2. Universal Soldier ( 18) Fri/Sat 6.20pm. 8.10pm;Sun-Thurs 8pm.
I CANNON Titchfield Street. Kilmarnock. 0563 37288. Adults £1.70. children/OAP £1.10.
1. Lethal Weapon3 ( 15) 1pm (notSun). 3.20pm. 5.45pm. 8.35pm. 11.45pm (Sat only).
2. Alien 3 ( 18) 1pm (not Sat/Sun).3.30pm. 5.55pm. 8.40pm. 11.30pm (Satonly). Fern Gully (U) Sat only 1.15pm.
3. Beethoven 1.20pm (not Sun). 3.40pm. 6pm.
I KELBURNE Glasgow Road. Paisley. 889 3612. [1)]. £3.20 (Child GAP/Student,” UB4II£I .811).
1. Alien3 ( 18) 5pm (not Sun).8pm.
Fern Gully ( U) Sat only 1 .30pm.
2. Lethal Weapon3 ( 15) 1pm (Satonly). 5pm (not Sun). 7.40pm.
I MAGNUM IIarboursidc. Irvine. 0294 78381. Restaurant. Bar. [D] by arrangement. [E]. £1.90 ((‘hild'LJB40‘OAP 90p).
Bill a Ted's Bogus Journey ( PG) Sat/Sun only 2.30pm.
The Player(15) not Fri. 8pm.
I ODEON Burns Statue Square. Ayr. 0292 264 049. | 1)](cinemas 2. 3 & 4 only). Bar. £3.50 (Child/OAP/Student/ UB40£2.50 for performances starting before 7.30pm). Bookable luxury seats £4 (all screens). Saturday Latcs £4; morning shows £2.
1. Alien 3 ( 18) 1.15pm (not Sat/Sun). 3.40pm. 6. 10pm. 8.40pm. 11.10pm
(Fri Sat only).
Fern Gully (U) Sat/Sun only 1.15pm.
2. Farand Away(12) 1.45pm. 5pm.8pm. 10.45pm (Fri/Sat only).
3. Beethoven (U) 1.30pm. 3.45pm. 6.15pm.
Universal Soldier( 18) 8.45pm. 11.15pm
(Fri/Sat only). | 4.LethalWeapon3(15)1pm.3.3opm.
6pm. 8.30pm. 11pm (Fri/Sat only). Kids Shows Sat morning only: Stepltids (PG) 10.50am.
Hook(U) 111.30pm.
' Beethoven (LI) 10.45pm.
Suburban Commando (PG) 11.05am. I OOEON Townhead Street. Hamilton.
' 0698 283 802. ]D](cinemas 2 & 3 only). £4
and £3.50 (Child/()AP/Student/UB40 £2). Early evening performances £2.50n and £2.20; no concessions on final shows.
i 1.Alien3 ( 18) 12.05pm. 2.45pm.5.20pm.
8.15pm. 2. Fern Gully(l;) 12.05pm.
* Batman Returns ( 12) 2.05pm. 5. 10pm.
3 8.05pm.
: 3. LethaIWeapon3(15) 11.55am.2.40pm. ' 5.20pm.8.l0pm.
' IUCIClyde RegionalCentre.Clydebank. i
' Alien3(18)1.45pm.4.25pm.7pm.9.40pm 5
041 951 2022. [1)]. Shows commencing before 6pm £2.50: after 6pm £3.60 (Child/Student/OAP £2.25 all day).
12. 10am (Fri/Sat only). Lethal Weapon 3 ( 15) 1.3(1pm.2pm.
9.30pm. 10pm. midnight (Fri/Sat only). 12.25pm (Fri/Sat only). Beethoven (U) 3.05pm. 5. 10pm. 7. 10pm.
9.10pm. 12.45pm (Sat/Sun only).
My Cousin Vinny ( 15) 4.50pm (not Sat Sun).7.40pm. 10.15pm.
Far and Away(12) 12.5(Ipm.3.5()pm. 6.45pm. 9.50pm.
I Universal Soldier( 18) 3pm (not Sat/Sun).
5.25pm. 7.50pm. 10. 10pm. 12.20am
(Fri/Sat only).
Batman Returns ( 12) 12.40pm (Sat/Sun only) 3.40pm. 6.35pm. 9.20pm.
Basic Instinct ( 18) 7 .35pm. 10.20pm. Peter Pan (U) Sat/Sun only 1.20pm. 3.25pm.
Fern Gully (U) 12.55pm (Sat/Sunonly). 2.55pm. 5pm.
Wayne's World (PG) 1pm (Sat/Sun only) 3.10pm.5.15pm.
Sleepwalkem 18) Fri/Sat only 1 1 .40pm. I UCI Olympia Mall. Iiast Kilbride. 03552 49699. [D]. Shows commencing before
(6pm £2.25; after 6pm £3.30(Child/
OAP/U B40 £2) (Mid Week Saver Tue and Thurs: All tickets£l .95).
Alien3(18) 1.40pm.4.20pm.7.10pm. 9.45pm. 12. 15am (Sat only).
Lethal Weapon 3 ( 15) 1.21)pm.4.1(1pm. 6.50pm. 9.30pm. 12.05am (Sat only). FarandAvvay(12)12.311pm.3.3opm. 6.30pm. 9.55pm.
Fern Gul|y(L.‘) 1.10pm. 3.20pm.5.2()pm. Beethoven (1;) 12.-10pm. 2.511pm. 5pm. 7.20pm (not Thurs).
1 Universal Soldier( 18) 2.40pm (not
Sat/Sun). 5. 10pm. 7.35pm. 10.15pm. 12.25am (Sat only).
Batman Returns ( 12) 1pm. 3.50pm. 6.40pm. 9.20pm.
My Cousin Vinny ( 15) 2pm (not Sat/Sun). 4.50pm (not Sat ’Sun). 7.30pm (not Wed) 10.20pm.
Peter Pan (U) Sat/Sun only 1.30pm. 3.40pm. 5.30pm.
Basic Instinct ( 18) not Thurs 10.05pm. Wayne's World (PG) Sat/Sun only 12.20pm. 2.40pm.
Raw Deal ( 18) Sat only midnight.
Gone With The Wind (PG ) 'l'hurs only 7pm. I WMR FILM CENTRE Bank Street. Irvine. 0294 79900. £2.50 (Child £1 .50; ()AP— Mon—Thurs only — £1 .50). 15amin ticket (2 Adults. 2 Children) £6.20.
Lethal Weapon 3 ( 15) Fri/Sat 7pm. 9.20pm; Sun—Thurs 8pm.
Fern Gully (U) Sat only 1pm.
HOME 5mm - roucnoss - m. 031-228 4m CAMEO ON E
FROM FRIDAY 21 Night on Earth
(15) 3.00, 6.30, 9.00pm (Late Nights Fri. Sat 11.55pm)
FROM FRIDAY 21 The Playboys
(12) 3.15, 6.15, 8.30pm
(Late Nights Fri, Sat 11.45pm)
FROM FRIDAY 21 Hear. My Song
(15) 3.30 (Not Sun), 6.00. 8.45911
see usnues FOR care" atoms no IATINEES
"211156.502 13.755321515155125 1992—79