Kalpa Restaurant
I Queen’s Hall Cate Bar Clerk Street.
668 3456. coffee for concert-goers.
lunch noon—2.30pm, cafe 2.30—5pm.
bar open an hour before performances start. Airy. inviting space for lunch or pre-concert drinks. The food is buffet-style and good — usually a couple of hot dishes such as chicken provencale or leek quiche, and salads. A reasonable selection ofwines by the glass or bottle, which can be taken into the
auditorium. I Seeds 53 West Nicolson Street,
2 667 8673. Mon—Sat 11am-l 1pm. Sun
10am—8pm. The only co-op run
; cafe/restaurant in town, and the best i place for good-value, tasty
i vegetarian wholefood anywhere.
3 Soups, casseroles and imaginative salads not to mention wonderful
i home-made bread hot from the oven
3 and gooey fruit-based cakes with cashew cream. Always plenty of
i thought-provoking reading matter ' around, and soft. folky music — an
though being small it soon gets full. I Shrimps St Leonard Street, 667 9160. 11am-3pm. ‘The finest restaurant in Edinburgh.‘ says proprietor Thomasina Carter and you‘d believe her if you met her. even ifyou knew nothing about the Evening News award to her cosy Victorian parlour of a restaurant. ‘I get complimented on my beautiful smorgasbord, my wonderful open sandwiches and seafood platters everyday — it gets rather boring actually. I can’t be bothered to open in the evenings — I’m too old, and anyway. it wrecks your sex life, don‘t you find'?’
I Tubtimthai 14b Nicolson Street. 556 9351. Seven days noon—2.30pm. 5—11pm. Deservedly popular Thai restaurant with very friendly service. Tasty. tasty.
oasis of peace during Festival bustle.
It is a great Festival ior hill and vegetables. In the past this neglected group has tended to be relegated to
purely decorative, or at best, symbolic
roles. Few have had the chance to
demonstrate their enormous potential
as periormers. Ubu changes all that.
Green peppers excel as businessmen,
red ones as bankers, iennel heads wave their ironds as lavishly attired dinner guests, and the King oi Poland never looked so regal as now, when played by a sumptuous bunch oi red grapes.
Picture the poignancy, the dignity, oi a leek duchess: condamne a mort, she
processes bravely towards her executioner, her leaiy skirts spread
around her, and irom time to time liits a green sleeve to her pale cheek to wipe
away the tears, belore tossing her earth-bleached mane oi blonde roots
Emma/e E; rem/w 0/ Ne L‘AF— wt Woman if» a relerf éu/ 6 me He him/(gm 10 fizz/u 0&1 out; an... $12204 mg. rm. arr Hotel? pun/unite! for: ' arm/m Made Opera on me rug/J ($23th AuguAK' ' Opera Cum on W 22ml AuquAU you wig! berm efl'qibé’, 5 win a flue mam/w 0/ He mum —- me tumour/8M Minty. 742 first .75 peova 12 W in nu MWrWAi/cowEWdootpe/uowou am m‘qéE wife” term/e a flaw WW were and am. 7%! 0/54 (A My mule/26’ Epeopé am we age 0/18 manly on! Ware pm mfoal’ad.
:C‘SI l- I [ AI. 3
Live Music Seafood 8: Real Ales
Mon-Sat l2noon-lom Sun l2noon-midnight
03T22'5 3861 28 West Maitland . L Street. Edinburgh. .
as a deliant llnal gesture. Her periume as she is brutally decapitated is enough to moisten the eyes oi the most hard-hearted spectator.
It seems appropriate that this rich and colouriul cast oi vegetable stars should be making its debut in a play about the absurdity oi human tyrants - those throwing their weight around in the kitchen as much as those wreaking havoc in kingdoms. As they scheme tor power and taunt one another, it is Pere Ubu who looks the idiot overwhelmed by the exuberance oi a couple oi vociierous red cabbages, and Mere Ubu who is ridiculous as she iiirts with the noble carrot and bayleai iigure oi Capitaine Bordure.
What could be a more searing image oi the obscenity oi these people than a whole army oi carrots, potatoes, and cauliilowers laid waste, smashed to pieces by iutile lighting? Stabbed, beheaded, burnt, insulted, and generally massacred, what other Fringe actors would put themselves through this tor the sake oi their art, and what vegetable would perpetrate such atrocities?
l have heard a rumour that rabbit owners should see the surviving members oi the cast alter the show. I shudderto think why. (Catherine Fellows)
Ubu (Fringe) Nada Theatre, Theatre Workshop (Venue 20) 226 5425, until 5 Sept (not Suns), 7.45pm, £6 (£3.50).
G) '6
15Jeflrey 5treet £rfin6urgfr
£910 113R
‘Te[031 557 8184
110 West Bow Grassmarket Edinburgh EH1 2HH Tel: 031-225 5028
2-3 St. Patrick Square Edinburgh EH8 9EZ
Telephone: 031-667 9890
74 The List 21 4.8287 August 1.9.92