FLAVOUR OF THE FOBNIGHT NOW OPEN % CAFE BORDEL .‘ a i Gate Bordel appears at the Glasgow Fair in the Briggalt lrom 17—26 July. It MON - SAT 011117 is an eaterle with attitude, run by Lunch 12 - 3.00pm R & 8.3] M renegade: trom the nor detun'ct (:lrcusI D i n n e r 6.00 _ Late Bl Archaos. Eddie Keane s a pro ess ona r-————-. . chet who cooked iorthe company. lan Quality eating and Smith is a perlormer who acted as a Tap as drinking in informaI rlngmaster and occasional artistic h,l d . director. Here is Keane’s iavour'itet Enc l a as surroundings chicken dish lollowed by an anc en 1‘ . . S Aztec cannibal recipe picked up by ten . Chlmmhanga Smith, who would like to point out that '8" 3mm 0800")" "Nanci" Mon - 11m: British licensing laws have 'led: to' the FULL 10am - 12.30am exclusion ol the dish lromt e a e 2 tbsp plain flour Bordel menu. 1 tsp comilour mixed with 2 tsps water TEX MEX M ENU Thurs&Fri Seasoning 10am - 1am EDDIE’S CHICKEN MAFI Serves tour: Place llnely chopped onions and garlic SUNDAY BRUNCH 53. a, 5m, 1 chicken skinned and chopped into in a pan and cook until soit. Add the 11am - 4pm 93,“ - 13m eight pieces. white wine and reduce ior lin mingt'es. Soz ground almonds Add the blended mangoes an coo or 3oz ground cashews a lurther live minutes. Season and add I U613}; A S sunday 8 runCh 2 cloves garlic (crushed) comilour to thicken. MARC from 9 a m 1002 onions Peel and split the plantain and cut 8: BLOODY MARYS V402 ginger (crushed) into two inch pieces. Cover in seasoned A SPECIALITY . . 1 tablespoon lresh coriander pfllztitin lilorr, 3y gentlyI untilflsoit and M 7 caSk'Cond 't'oned Ales 2 bullet chlllles er- e. emove rom e pan, a . h n St. 8oztln plum tomatoes mango sauce liberally and garnish with 49 5? Step e. 159 1613 Bruntsfield mm, 1 tbsp tomato puree sliced almonds. Stockbridge, Edmbu rgh . ‘1‘) 0|" white rum Bookings Edinburgh EH10 40C s"‘°"'“0 AZTEC DELIGHT Tel. 031-229 3115 Serves many: 031-225-2941 Fry chopped onions, garlic, chillies 1 human carcase and ginger until solt. Add the chicken 3mm. pounds a, ripe tomatoes and pieces and cook until all have been m, peppers ~ sealed, ie white on the outside. Add the Sage .' . rum, seasoning, tomatoes and puree Bush cabbage and cook in the pan tor live minutes. aldd the 'gIrou‘nd out: 8:11 at" h Dig a large pit and line with hot coals. oroug y. rans ert e s romt e Lay complete carcase on top at coals trying pan into a casserole and place in and cover with a bed at ripe tomatoes WH OLEFOOD S ahal over; 'on Gas Ih‘tark : (160 de'greesh and red peppers. Cover with stones. COFFEE SHOP BOTANICA 9 3 "8 0' 00° 0W- 8m0V8 WM 8 Leave lor several hours, and test oven, gaglsIh'wilt'h ::8:hlcorl'allld:l‘ and occasionally with a skewer, When ARTICULOS LATINOAMERICANOS 80M '1 ll 8 ll 0 0 I’ 68. f 8 thoroughly cooked and tender, gently F D AND GIFTS Flam"! and "13000 88008. remove carcase and serve whole with 1M PORTED 00 the tomatoes and peppers iadled over RECONDITIONED LEVI 5018 FRIED PLANTAIN Alli) MANGO SAUCE the top. Can be accompanied by sage B Y 0 B 1 llnely diced onion and bush cabbage. Choice cuts ' ' ° ' 1 clove garlic (crushed) according to the Aztecs are heart, 1300 ARGYLE STREET, GLASGOW G3 8A8 1 tbsp sliced almonds thighs and upper adrr'ns, and these (on; BLOCK sour” OF KELVINGROVE GALUiRY) 1 glass dry white wine should be reserve or special guests. 2 mangoes peeled and liquldlsed Bon appetlt. 041 3 5 7 5 5 77 2lb plantain Cate Bordel, Glasgow Fair, the OPEN 11AM TILL LATE Zoz butter Briggait, Glasgow, 17-26 July.

mm twins 9 _ o . . U [3 g

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The List 17- 3OJuly 1992 71