AN N 0 UN CEMENTS I "9 Y0" WWW“ mature I Want to form the Millionaire I Goody-00W male crew (30) I Smiling, slim with and mendly? so are “’9 ("1&0 Boys Club? It’s a discussion lallv mUSCUlaT. academic . smouldering brown eyes LOVClY room» only £120 Pcmv group for talking money and usually ‘00 ShY~ bUSY: lazy. happy. optimistic. creative man CERAMICS/CRAFT Short/long lel- Ideal for summer money-making ideas. I’m male. ChOPSY. seeks attractive lass to (29) into music. arts. wild study/work. Meadowbank flat. 33‘ self.cmploycd working class. spoil endlessly. Interests include scenery. seeks attractivc‘ WORKSHOP All mod cons. Tel: 031 652 1650. [guess, and Glasgowbascd. all sports. loud music. thrillers. genuine. daring girl (25—35) SPACE Box No 175/G/1. WCL‘fkcndS away. Photo with impetuous streak and IWriters’ circle looking for Prc CTTCd- BOX NO 174/35- naughtv laugh. Photo lease. WITH ESTABLISHED _ SINGLE noon WANTED people who write and wan. to I Attractive. tun-loving Box No 175%. p SHOP AVNLABLE '“ MarChmOM/Bmmwfld “at read out their work, to be Professional female. late I Attractive older woman warm : 1N BRUN'rSFIELD. £130 pcm maXimum. Contact discussed in a cosy and informal thirties. enyoyscmema. travel. outgoing personality. Likes pHONE Pump 0" 03155519"- atmosphere. Short stories. Swimming dining “Uli mountain walking. gardening. MARK 0R TRICIA poetry and drama. Phone 041 31mmmgt80ll~$wk5 books. cinema. cats. Seeks man 6491613, asgow-based. male-female (45—65) to share life's good ON 031 228 301 6 EDINBURGH LEITR WALK I Asian lesbian and bisexual Commmons ‘0 share Social things. I‘m 52, live in l Onc_bcdmomcd tenement flat. women an international but activities. Photograph ensures | Edinburgh willing to travel. fully furnished. £450 pcm. informal group would like to TCPlY- l m Walllng- BOX N0 Box No 176/1. Available August lst. suit start a branch in Glasgow. If 175/ 1 1' _ , A I Aliment/8. PmleSSlonal professional couple. Please ring interested write to HlMA. Box Edinburgh Intelligent. l Glasgow girl (31 l- EnlWS PUbsi . . Fiona on 031 555 2329 No l76/G/1. Indgpcndcnlt 3ft): sought by l cinema. kcep~fit. good food. . s 8 f f d t . pro 'CSSI-Ona (, InCSC gay "1211C. Sccks “kc-minded male for fun (d Lr or ur cr 0 a] S Variedinterests. NOTI-SCCDC. . times. Sense of humuur ls fysgtlzépprccmtca- B0" No i Photo preferred. BOX “hm, I.“ ~ Slum-E ROOM ch‘ wnh IVC‘ a sell'mn glUb I Female biker mountaineer. l I Male late twenties architect lab-£73m“ fazed“ WW: .in "WC Meadows flat' Share for Came} geoplc lzthivlr Parmcr (35-40) for P010 (45). 10 l musician. long-haired. have all mgr-y merging prod; :1: with five others. Rent £105 pcm. ‘chf'f’s a" film". 5", Er cycle Karakoram Highway from my own teeth, seeking lady for ‘00 casting events each year. from Ava'lablc m‘d‘Junc- organ!“ many lvcrsc c c 5 Kashgar. W China N Pakistan. love forever. Box N()175,’3. sunset impale to Manatee. sub theatre. meals. days out. on mute. Thailand and Malaya [know She is alsocxtrcmcly

no. to boldly: and r . ~ . - . . . mm hm a parties. Cinema. . .in Scotland. powblc. Sept 1992_May 1993.

5000 nationwidefrom 1840's. both

For details. phone: Mp!“ M w 041637 8324 for Glasgow or ' Box No 175/20'

clever. generous. fit. beautiful.

tudern skydiving to theatre visits. “10050315532374. such as badminton. hill walking. N India‘ Nepal‘ trekkingmncys .My mend ‘sme mnniestp‘mon


l ironic. independent. interested,

under-confident and wary. Long

For I [no Hat-tin .d . m i "" "“ V" m '5‘ or GREGARIOUS. lNTEl-UGENT I letter and photo essential. Box . m 557 ’54 0 u L' warm. sane. professional ? No 176/4, 0. 5. p. . TIMESHARE VOLUNTEERS lrishman (30) News homtfi a I Two good-looking Edinburgh 9”” NEEDED ' work. life. conversation and . guys (21/29) took for 3rd puny .‘ "-2 v - v 'l tertainments. l f 1 i r p. T Are you a sportslmusre/arts fan? GAY/LESBIAN PnoggssmNALs U§Ud U1 . L or exp matron of mutual Share a few hours “your time Glasgow/Edinburgh interested ? R-cPhc?‘ pleasc' from Sin-cert l passfims.‘ Shoum be WOULD You LIKE To WEN“ with a person with a learning in forming group 1;) discuss mlClllf-ZCPL liillr allmClW0~ ; open-minded and under 30. RUBBER SUIT disability Training. support. common roblems develo "outsmOkmg‘ m—Odcm wgmcn : Phomhc'pml - "m csscnml' - ex enses rovided p ' p W'lh Personality and Witt i Total discretion assured. Box and go down on an inflatable? p p ' contacts, attempt to counter 2 - l . . Ie|;0313135502. . . seeking fun and love. Recent . No 176/5. White water rafting on homophobia and have some . photo and imcresting letter | I 68 man (34 _ .f I Perthshire‘s mighty River Tay. laughs— Gay Chamber of i Box "0175/2 ' fyg ‘. a] )fu‘C‘L:§s ‘u,‘ d Phone splash mmnfl 0" Commerce? Those interested ' ; Eskisfiéas 0738 87430 for further details. D contact Box No 174/8/1. I Aumcnve man (35) Glasgow masculine. good-natured. area. tall. friendly. non-smoker. - lmCTCSlmg and 1019‘“th mam ACCOMMO DATI ON interested in hill-walking. - MS. to share fun. life and long-term loyalty. 21-40. Photo


skiing, cinema. theatre. music, photography and conversation. seeks slim, non-smoking.

appreciated. Box No 176/6.

attractive girl (20—32) for SOMEBODY OUT THERE friendship and romance. Photo . wants to know you, write to the P180850- Bfix thl 7'53:- , PERSONAL column of The List I 0 You m e 00 s of Tom and find out who! G Before you buy a Berenger. personalityof bakClllC tClCPhODC ChCCk Melissa Thirtysomething and our price (from only £49 Mrs Overall‘s wit or any I Devastating male (31) own I Flat in West End olGlasgow with written year combination thereof? business. interesting. witty. available immediately. guarantee) Edinburgh guy (33). attractive. urbane. windswept and terribly one-bedroomcd. furnished. C ' awaits your reply and dreams : shy, , . seeks gorgeous. pouting newly-decorated. washing onvcrsionst Spams» on. Box N0175/38. wOman to help me save the machine. £350 pcm plus deposit. friendly adVlCC. ; I Glasgow gay male (26) 6ft world. Photo appreciated. Box Professional. non-smokers 011-333me TELL-mouse; (non-scene). seeks man (30+) No 176/7. preferred. but please ring Ruth 031 367 1834 l 1115 “31’ pansoflALAos for fun, friendship etc. Sincerity I Pmtessional male (30)]ively. ("1981 966 8216t"d'scuss _ "Wilmbhfww-vifiwm l are designed forindividualsto CSSCNlaL lOOkSOPlionalCXlra. intelligent and adventurous. dunng workmg hours _.l W'” :m" 1 meet other individuals. We varied interests. There must be Interested in travel. cinema. the return your call immediately. an or. new on reserve the right to refuse any someone out there. surely! outdoors, good food/wine. New advertisement without ALAWP. BOX N0 175/41. to Edinburgh. Seeks similar - W : explanation. Circulars. , I Professional male (28) 5ft 8in. female for fun and friendship. I Room(s) to let in bright and promotional literature and l 800d'100klngt enjoys Walking, BOX NO 176/8- spacious central flat. all mod . l offensive material are not j theatre. COUCCI’ISi eating out. I Edinburgh male (27) shy and cons. £1 5041230 pcm. Tel: 031 I soc'al me in a mnwhy not, forwarded where discovered. If ? flights ln/Om- Seeks gay guy lnCXPC rlCnCCd~ lmCWS‘Cd l” 557 0953. “mm alfm‘g ‘0 0}” dmlng/SS’CWI you receive such material with t (23—33) for fun. serious cinema. walking. eating out. Went? C'rtlc- Dillncmt “Ol'days~ your Box replies please let us i cuddling. to strike lasting. loyal seeks male (24—34) for ONLY £3! Spolfi‘ lhcdtr'c‘ Clncma ctc‘ know. Write. enclosing the TClallOHShlP- plum)? AbSOlUlC non-scene relationship. photo will put you in touch with lotsof fur deta'l‘s' material. to: Classllied Ads at l discretion assuriZd-Silasgow appreciated. btit not essential. . W . ~. ' J... ~‘ 1" magftgéghgfiizcizogfiim I Gay? Lesbian? cmmiqn? The LL”. area Box NO 17 4 Box .\0 176 ). ACCOMMODATION section LCSb'a" 3"" Gay Chm?“ . isfmmonlprcriSSUC- M"Y‘.“.“°i".”.‘°.“‘2fii"lfimdsmp’ "avmanirdimwhiaii T0 REPLY TO A BOX NUMBER i?:3.1§§::l§iiia ALL YOU HAVE To Do Is- . w atever. tuc in a sa e. ' :P':|las:::"3' couglgsccfk 800d SWilChboard 041 221 837?- 0r comfortable rut and wants some Address your letter to The List Classified, 0 _ . n c o 'o ' . ' a s v ' ~ ' ahas....z‘izsfcazazi’m sagas:-cslngss'iiiife “momma °' owmenaeummeave l Mike on 031 332 421 1 ext 5566 would be good. Box bio 174/7. Edinburgh 179 Buchanan Street or 03] 667 6237 (eve). I Successful‘ attractive Glasgow l; - wamed u huuscxfllu for 7/8 (20—3‘25rgtpnisfidai Glafsgow and we wdl fawerd it. an in ur .. eet un. . .. .‘ . ' - l rl‘r‘tigTilnfiflClOl‘Xr “)IZ till- interesting. “kfmindcd people :rca. bike's skliing. keep:ngfit. Remember to wile the Box Number clearly in the top left hand corner. i (cs'pcc‘iau LN "y 0mm)" over some wine and food. rdnC‘er'v“ ’"Tus'c‘ ' m?‘ Replies will be forward“ 0006 l “ck- : .. .g‘ cn ra ). All Go on! Why no. "y no good food and wrne1Looking [f you ,md mum] apt-u. ,cnd than in one [use envelope, 3 premiscs‘considercd. Box No Box No "4,6,2. for long-term commitment. Don't sump the replies, but do write the appropriate Box No. on each envelope. ; 176xA( (,/1. Photo essential. Box NO 174/22.

68 The List 52— is June 1992