For many of us, medical experimentation still conjures up the image of Burke and Hare stalking early 19th century Edinburgh for fresh cadavers. In the 19905 the human body still plays a vital role in medical research, only this time the subjects are volunteers. But what actually happens once you get inside the scrubbed corridors of the research establishment? Aaron Hicklin, Thom Dibdin and Alan Morrison

look at the human guinea pig, past and present.

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Thom Dibdin delves into the history at the ‘guinea-pig'.

est-ube trials

From test-tube to Boots counter: how the process works.

xperimentation isn‘t really the first government cutbacks in health research. it‘s lNotall human guinea thmg We think of when we consider an ()b\'l()US consideration that drugs are very Pigs “'ch “Wed ""0 the the medical profession. We prefer much a product with commercial potential. 1‘le 2'5"”): 'Skl‘crw our doctors to be mechanics. It costs a drugs company an incredibly large Xaiperfifi‘nibedi): professional and reliable. . amount of money to create a new drug. themselves. including . . identifying the problem and solvmg Prices start at about £7().()()() and go into the Benjamin 30“ 0‘ itat minimal expense and pain. We rarely millions. Sometimes. the result will be idmburgh :th “(3w give much thought to the teams working unknown to medical science. a :vgtifi?xerre(:ii:ii:ei away in labs. researching. testing and breakthrough and general boon to diseases byinfecting his

estimating the medical benefits or otherwise humanity. Mostly. it is a ‘me too‘ drug. of new drugs. not to mention their worth in imitating one already being produced by the marketplace. In these times of stringent another company. or modifying one on

penis with matter from a syphilitic swelling. There‘s dedication for you.

The List 14 27 February 1992 5