(often in the vein of that PODS haVClOSt some 0f v A L B U M 8 last sentence). but this that punky ingenuousncss

dance freeflowin re-recording of their finest that made tthtdeth 0 m M. M”

groove or suberb scgiothing "‘°"‘°“‘ ismmcss' alibi? soiileathtiikmgly S\ I \ S H l ( 1 I 9th FEBRUARY . Th t . tsal ,

ballads. All are delivered Cy "get the Tommy n mg a . . t . I . \ EDINBURGH

. Vance session the want .SIOWdown' IS Straight . . . . . . . With a depth Oivocal . out ofthis‘ no proglcm, ahead. {00! down! & I I H I. harmony that IS stunning. (AM) reckless driving. They're

With such talent,strength still the dogs bollocks, I

Shou.“ be measuied m . ' . ' even if those same (\ qual'ty "0‘ quantity; ' . ' bollocks have now ' unfortunately. this _, dropped. Er. . 0 (CMCL)

country doesn't work like I the Jam: And Mary Chaln: Reverenoe (blancoy r e s negro) Scarring, definitely

that. (Philip Ogilvie)

I The Billy Bang Quartet:

Vii" "010 (StillI "0“) scarring. They‘re back,

This quartet delivered an . g showing their genuflectors I2th FEBRUARY

exhilarating live set in v 21:} l 3 how it‘s really done. GLASGOW BARROWLANDS

Edinburgh a couple 0t I Dean wamham; ‘Rcverencc‘ out-Curves .

Yeats 380. btlt 0" record “osmosis (Mint Tea) Curve - the Reids‘ most the SUbltlet)’ and Sheetf Former Galaxic 500 recent and most realised PLUS musica imagination 0 sin "I uharist treads the acolytes- with a groove '

their work Is even more sarfie pith as he did with and grind $0 Viscous You r1 CVIdeFI- The Vio'IniSI his old band: two chords. a COUld Chew 'Cm- And 35

plays "I the dccl’er quivering voice and a few for the 12in mix: run, 17th FEBRUARY registch Otthe gallons of rcverb. No children. run- (CMcL) EDlNBURGH It‘sm’mcmv {Ind has a surprises to anyone who I F0“): work It MUSIC Box “Chly sat'Sfymg tone heard the Galaxic 500 Out/flapper (0-2008) 02 R I l N

which is well-matched by recordS or warcham‘s What do Essex girls and

Frank Lowe's dark-toned gucsy appearance on Esscx‘s D-Zonc have in

saxophone, while Sirone and Dennis Charles are an exemplary rhythm section. Bang‘s highly effective setting of his poem about John Coltrane , ‘23rd September' (the saxophonist‘s birthdate), is complemented by their extended version of ‘Lonnie's Lament‘, but

Mercury Rev‘s similarly common? A: Both grab 26th FEBRUARY

languid ‘Car Wash Hair‘. you by the short and e GLASGOW COTTON CW3 (AM) curlies. throw you on to 27th FEBRUARY I The Warolrogs: Lazy the floor and make your e s EDINBURGH MUSIC BOX

(Ultimate) Give your cars a body do ttdlCUIOUS ththSS- 28th FEBRUARY

gcmlc grunging with this As regards the record. Amman pencgn Qua mildly hypnotic both tracks have a

proto-metal number. Not superfast piano and heavy

much else [0 say about it, bass ICCI. With II'IC bCIICT

really, except it‘s on green 0f the tWO being the ,

vinyl and probably addictive ‘WOTk It OUI‘. W 3rd startlingly hip. Available 50 there you have lt- GLASGOW

their O‘Yn “mesa and the . on mail order only: £1.50 ESSCX girls and 0'20“ PAVILION improvrsattons they 3 from Ultimate Records, Records, they both leave

weave around them are 271 Royal College Street. YOU Sweat)“ (PO)

equally compelling. London NW1 9L1}, (AM) I McKoy: Family

(Kenny Mathieson) I Dvorak: Symphony No 7

I (Rightraok) London .. singer/rapper Noel

(Teldec)/Smetana: m llleet McKoy has been around a

(Teldec) Two new hit. Working his way . .‘ recordings show through the 70s, 805 and

conductor Eliahu lnbal‘s 905, he recently worked

grasp of the nationalist with Anglo-Latin

schools of the late 19th percussionist Snowboy 3rd 8: 4th MARCH - GLASGOW, THE RIVERSIDE CLUB century. A spirited and spent last year 5th MARCH - ABERDEEN, ARTS CENTRE rendition of the Dvorak D A working with The James 7'}, MARCH - FORRES' IOWN HALL anorsytfiphong‘s g . TaigwOujrtctthami'y‘» 8th MARCH - PERTH, SALUTA‘I’ION HOTEL

sc erzoa owst e I- Tu; wrt its rea sentiment,is

Philharmonia Orchestra I Ronny Jomm 30 What! classically soulful and 10”. ’Afgldangtumos

to emphasise the folk (“till”) Antilles are leaves you with a

roots of the movement‘s makinga lot 0f n0iSC thoughtful sense of calm. WITH cross-rhythms. On the about the young London They say talent always

Radio Sinfonie Orchester guitarist Ronny J ordan, shines through it has. T H E U K S U Frankfurt recording of butthis ratherinnocuous (PO) 1 9 9 7

Smetana’s popular version of the Miles Davis I The Cowboy Junkies; _, I 7th MARCH symphonic poem cycle he classic leaves many shumm Ram (ncA GLASGOW

does,however,fallpreyto QUCStlonsunanswcmdA co-slngle)Tthowboy BARROWLANDS

O the composer's excessive Pleasant bl" completely Junkies in get-a-grip CmOtionalism. “"(emarkablc groove shocker! For Toronto‘s I g particularly in the more What PandaS ‘0 the finest. those bewitching, J A , J k

openly passionate too'oncn misjudged ghostly shapes of yore are

passages of rasping brass Vogue {9’ danccm’of ditched and guitar solos R I K I E in Tabor and Blanik. That “(1:33???” "0thmg ‘0 and neo-Cajun jigging are

said, even a non-patriot co" "m_ 'Slazz , in. But such is the wonder

cannot fail to be stirred by credentials, and IS of Margo Timmins~s L E E

the luscious strings of unlikely to be hard , honeychild voice that all Vltava- All in all, a Enough to cause mUCh 5‘" reservations over this new promising start for the m the CIUbS' (KM) Affirmitive Action policy

new Digital Experience I Power DI Dreams: are swiftly dispersed. 22nd MARCH a. series of popular-title, Slowdown (Polydor) in the (CMcL) GLASGOW pAVIUON s '

midoprice CDs of which rush to maturity, the .-



I Manic Street Preachers: You Love U: (Sony) Nastier than punk, anthemic as The Who, gutsy as The

Kinks fronted by Axl

R d . .

Tfichzii $333235 as All. TICKETS AVAILABLE FROM JUST THE TICKET, VIRGIN UNION ST. RIPPING would have been fifthey'd AND VIRGIN EDINBURGH 8. All. TOCT A OUTLETS THROUGHOUT SCOTLAND. any balls, The preachers . . CREDIT CARDS OBI-557 6969. POSTAL & OTHER INFORMATION 031-556 I2I2. may spout a lot of waffle COWDOY Jtlllhl"

The List 31 January 13 February 1992 31