threadbare 19205 shoes stand _ 30ft-high in front ofa shuttered
appartment block and a
. . monogrammed handbag hes across a e n e I a I o n s n a 8 stone balustrade with magnified extravagance.
The idealism of her mother — who firmly believed communism could work — is explored in The Dreamer's Birthday. Stars decorate grim Hungarian buildings and one hangs inside a huge light bulb. like a Christmas decoration. Mahr‘s mother died before communism fell in Hungary. and the series 'I't'mefor Sorrow is a cathartic expression of - — V i . * A ' grief. Herc. photographs he like Thomas Gail‘SUOTOUQN S
clues in wooden drawers — a Chilean poiiiiisittlgili‘vggel: flag. a strand ofgarlic. a group of y I A new museum at modern
cacti. a bunch ofsnowdrops - as if waiting to be stored away. Between Ourselves is not all based
art may open in one ol (ilasgow‘s most prestigiousbuildings ‘lhc
J Jam, around the montage ofmemory. The Stirling Hort”). m Rmot N”, no 2 s, liegtgggtfg studies on Mahrs daughter comprise ' Exchange Square -— it Mari Mam. upon her Remm an on-gotng protect: a wooden‘stage ; plans currently being . . _ _ placed against a photograph ot a ill-Vibes“ h} lhs‘ U'fill'y‘l Mart Mahr CVOKCS images Philmgrilphlc ""3295 “PO” Ci‘Ch Chilean landscape represents her 9mm" “’m“ ‘” '“““”"' of her mother a 0thr and Shim”? Prllpf’rll‘m3~ daughter‘s vocation for the theatre [Ihhf‘ in??? [339“: Between ()urseli'esachievcsa and {unfily hjstmwy~ and Mahr ‘“ ‘ - .u' u. ‘" 1' V” randmother and th -I' . ,i t. t~ wt - ' i .. . .. ' . . .. - "r'*i~"‘""‘“‘"W‘Uim'li g . t— 0“ .‘Jndéltfl dPPLd ~5ummomnt~ overlays photographtc tmagcsol manhunt“. spam”; daughter in her UP colours. yotcesand smells. Here. their evolving relationship. muttonooqttttttttm.t'tmtt ‘_ “‘9 SPCC‘W“ “’9 Mum‘s Mahr‘s techni uc uses the established in will). now multt layered I _ q - tirimdmthL moth“ rind dilutlhlcr transiencc ofphotographv to create boasts He“ \mrk.s by ’Ctlptuer in SIUdlCS ()fObjCCIS and images ‘Vhich have a haudtingkind BL'Hilll} .(‘Ul‘rlLfl lllld Colin went IO see them . lmilgcei WC" “'l‘h 1‘ Pcrs‘mill- of resonance. Deeply personal. vet Hmik'W-‘i' "“pp'i‘“".l “m” symbolic meaning. refreshingly unsentimcntal. this'is a pr‘)lcm.“,'”um “ic'itmlnlii‘ The biggest compliment anyone Mahr was born l0 I lungariim vivid. honest and evocative show. (:ldilgi):,Stfidmw ever paid me was by a man who parents on a sojourn in Chile. and i)QCtL):]l]]: E‘Lit:£ti:(\'l(stl‘tl praised the colour in tny work.‘ hCT lilmi')‘ milkt‘ filSCinallng SUthCIS- Mari Mahr: Between Ourselves, A”. 19%. «I‘m. “ham, muses Mari Mahr in her soft. UPON/18f Ré’lllm CXPIOTCa hCF Portfolio Gallery, Edinburgh. Until tor the title is tit-in}; Eastern European accent. ‘and l L‘VL‘nIUill iiCCCPlimCC 0f 'd flamboyant 8 Feb. assessed by an Arts always work in black and white.‘ It is grandmother WhO TCfUSCd ‘0 dress (“until Pam" 11* “1‘ t1” l” true: by superimposing down for communism. A pairof PVC-\e- . _ . I A £10 million collection of Old Masters. comprising _ two(iainsborougl’ts. a Rubens and a rare paintingby llereules Seghcrs.willbetiny-eiletl at the Royal Scottish . Academy on Sat 25 .lan as part of a settlement
accepted by the lrcasury in lieu of tax. The collection belonged to
l lampshirc landowner. .‘ylrs [{va Borthwick; she submitted all her worksot art to the Treasury in settlement ota tax liability of {(15 million. on condition that they be passed to the RSA for exhibition. This represents the biggest. most important collection to come into Scotland under the ‘Acceptancc in Lieu' scheme.
In Sean Taylor‘s The Twelve Apostles, the Cult ol the Personality is invoked in a light-hearted way, serving up some deliciously irreverent imagery, but wasting an opportunity lor any real consideration at its topic.
In the two small chambers of the Collective Gallery, Taylor has created , , the impressions of Russian Orthodox ‘ and Hindu worship, with iconic ' portraits ol notorious world leaders — twelve ‘Apostles‘ —depicted as objects
ol worship, and adorned with such '
kitsch paraphenalia as lairy lights, beads and pasted jewellery. It looks i ’- god the Tiara tatt- ('eitlre. great and the point is clearly made. " . ' ' ' '4 : are scheduled tti reopen in New are twelve se”_ido|amw figures Manuel Noriega -on a parwtth MargaretThatcher? 2 mg Spring. Tm.
lrom recent history who have set a lurther weakness, tailing, as it does, | minority patties, Likewise, and l’ruitniarkct ii ill Open in themselves up as apostles while to substantiate the idea at religious disquieting as it may be, Thatcher was April tinder-a neyy '
bringing death and ruin to their people icons, which are usually garisth é elected, without "mama to administration which has
and nations. Over each, in red script, I painted. ballot-rigging, by the great British I‘lccnlh‘t‘buhyeel of I ‘ I sometimes Arabic, sometimes Gothic, Undoubtedly, there are good 5 public. pemaps an icon at the balm affix}???315:1???“ ‘ their names are engraved. ‘Ave W is arguments for including Thatcher. g box would have made a more : shiiuld sc tiperaiinuiigain written across a portrait ot Margaret Reagan and Shamir, but they are = provocative and oncomtortaoto image, ! by May. under the [it-Ct Thatcher, whose head is adorned with incongruous against the likes ol l And where are the cult ligures who are : "urns- (l‘nm‘ it"
flowers and, like the others, encircled Saddam Hussein, Pol Pot and § not immediately political? A portrait or : (‘iinrcmniirari Arts-
with a halo. Occasionally there are Ceaucescu, especially in the absence ' Mickey Moose, to, instance, may ; ( WW”- [idl'lhu‘gh‘
some neat touches, such as the sheritt at more pertinent ligures, such as ! appear less pemicious, but how much (‘1!) Art ('cnlr'c. which badges that adorn Reagan and the Hitler and Stalin -the Cult ol the g more totetesttng to have popular "f‘? “f?” “"f'°'~“_‘.‘l”‘¥
skolis around Pol Pot, out others are Personality personilied. Shamir is i ligures with whom viewers might i iiiiiisiiiii'iii "is: in” m merely pretty without any obvious hardly a man in control, so much a l actually identity. (Aaron Hicklin) 3 little lot the iiiinititii eh , connection, Using black and white hostage to a political system which 7 The Twelve Apostles is at the Collective . tit-tin al. Watch this ‘ 2 nhotocopies lor the laces themselves is puts exaggerated power in the hands ol l untilt Feb. I wuss- ‘
l7- 3llJanuary' 1992.49