eclectic.highly-chargedmusic(useful l gilln‘gcwauilh!that\yordagain!).Where

referencepointswouldhetheirehumsThe Ned“\meDUS‘b'“”“dThCS°"SCICSS l" l' v ) l ‘1‘» - ' l'("- l" 1‘ . _ ' u ' _ _‘ Littlnelt llL trmillltlilt) ta!) LUPL

Dog Faced Hermansand'lhe Ex)around ! Thmgs “9“ led (LC. ‘hc b'g b0.“ Chanl~ (‘omho

Europe. Certainly not a gig for Bryan 1 mm” “1” mum?" and Leathcrmcc are as I The Brothers l’reseryalion Hall. Victoria

Adams fans.buteyenthevmighthe ‘ldc‘lumc"C‘md'dmcasany- Street ‘26 3816 £1'i1tei'Uim

. -. . . . '. . .. . ' IJohnnyTurltFixxll MillerStr"t"21 ‘“‘ ' ' -~

SurpnfiCd dlho“ ddmtdhltlhs Kthdbm“ , _ ( ' " "- IThe LostWeekendBanner-mans.xtttttry

really is. Spikey Glasgow noiseniks : l-‘(lx- )Pm- Fru- Street. 556 3254. Country and eajun.

Dawson and Badgewearer provide a j Ed|nburgh I Bluelinger Berties. Merchant Street.

fittingly jarring and fractured opening. Edinburgh‘s hai‘dest-“tii'king Sits- and

I Dig Bedroom Noise Negoeiants. Lothian I The Colour Company Negoeiants. (ills-sh le roek'n'roll hand. Street. 225 6313. 9.3tlpm. Free. Lothian Street. 225 6313. 9.30pm. Free. m l I Jani session St James ( )ystei' Bar. I Live music Subway. Cowgate. 225 6766. I Live music Subway. Cowgate. 225 6766. i ('alton Road. 557 21125. 4 .311 9pm. TUD ; Thelollowlno details arelorregularweelily i L U dates: see main listings iorone-oitshows. i Mondays . G 2'93"?" l:sted'|:'y:ily. "IO" byday. 1, I Fjaere ()hlomox ‘s. North Bank Street. ' es enc esw elisted providedthat ' 'I‘he Vlound “noon iii-cc s‘ - 'Sun ‘I‘ 1", . '_ , n I. n e ' . ...._ . . >..LL. filliefegAFpeIlqfiErrol? :nirfd _- :Thf Lug“ hint—71 3;: «1h W at): it" - St up-to-date details are supplied to us. All i I Texas Brealttast inset-rt ation 1 1all. Nam-a IguakiLtCL-‘x O‘HaEL'irtlcgth n}? Y ("Hulk ll“;- -~ ~- h: spindles d events are tree unless otherwise stated. 1 Victoria Street. 336 .‘ssin. ‘lfillpm. Blues. «.Buddh; Grassfiammsi i V1" 9- ”rl‘l'frl’l’ldf’i ‘lml‘uli’jl ‘d l" 1'» fl" ‘90P flock and Blues Residencies Listings IThe Gods OiGlam Lianne-he. Rlillatttl C H‘ : u _ s ‘f “if” 5‘ “ms-‘- “l'lu “T d l' L ‘15"0“ lhsllmt compiled by Alastair Mabhotl and Fiona : Street. All your tint-s train the ei‘aol o ege ()1 Ldueation. Be.irstleit.9-l. . tosland llpand be counted ) 8"”th I, f . I , , i - _ .1 1 14218.31) m.£2.See stinzn. Ic tt' '1”! w , . ~. ' i 1“” “""“‘”“"“"‘ “""‘1""3~"‘ ‘- P u m ug (ilasym Sehool olArt. .The Lostweekend e I. . U .13. . Phil Blakeman Cathedral ilous- r - r - 7 t t t ~‘ ~- I li‘lmu '“IU i." ! -- - L. . Renlreu Sll’tLl. )7)7. )pm. f ree. _ g (allum RU.“ {<7 up; 9pm [:rcc ( alhedral Square. 552 ll), 9pm. Free. I The Bain Brothers Band and Bonaf G ' (.011er and LIN"- _‘ i ' ' Ex-Farewell Parade mainstay. . Hutchison Apollo. Renfrew Court. 332 F . Big Eyed Beans mum” ( -U“ mm :35 Edinburgh v 6231. (spin. Free. rl 3V8 “n ' __ 3 .IhEMiSl'is “an Bf” W‘mdlimds Rm‘d' .‘l’he Hideaway Blues Band NIucSUrlcys. IBilly Rivers('rniter. heneath‘l‘he \'enue. I I Leatherlace Venue. ( alton Road. 557 - 33.. 1-11). 9.301)!“- l'rCC- Pl’Pl‘l‘lrlCmi'k‘ jamaicu 31mm on] 3499 9pm 31mg,“ ('alton Road. ' 3073. See Wed 29‘. | 5 duo. ' . SOUL I A Periect Day For Bananatish ()iieen IEgo Sllclt(ren( luh. Heriot Watt .wmsne ove'wasmnglon0UWOUSC~ Street Oyster Bar. ()ueen Sti‘eet.226 Student Union. Rieearton Campus. 22‘) i ( “Wit” leild~ “49"”84- 8Pm- FFCC- 25311. Upni. 'l'ltat quite l'ltllellltilh name isa 9311.9.3llpm. Free. See Mon27. Inc-80013191110199 Blues Band'rWZl I P G . . 1 thin disguise lor the only slightly more .mal Mood Indigo Music Box Victoria (‘orhies. Kilbowie Road. Cumbernauld. e .e' .088", Pam“ Mausorlcys‘ ' sensible Buy Me \n l 'mhrell'i . Street.225 2564. (12367274739pm. Free. Ji'mmCi’SWN-33‘34994.31’13'". ' ' ' " IThe Night Kitchen Negoeiants. Lothian Ed - b h I “'3‘” 93m“ 3"“ 3001"“? Mucburlcys. Tuesdays Strcct “gm” 9 10pm Frcc JamaieaStreet.22l 849‘). 9pm. Blues F N . 'H". .' ' - , I 'aere ilSSen\\".tlinl()\ t'rBai‘. I Lllle muSIc Subway. (owgate. 2256766. I Shibboleth Platform ()ne. Rutland milk : W01! “unkind Sm: on: «MS Lgpm is’cc SM '8‘. lidinhureh single 1‘-\t)ll§_{\\ rite r \\ ho \\ ill do reservation . . - . - _, .. —. \Ullri‘tllelSll\l1‘lxllt)\\\ll1‘ltiilllll‘dlll G “a”. Victoria 5”ch 236 3816. 9.30pm. I Billy Rankine Solid Rock ( ale. Hope ihcm 5. 3m docm: k t e Frocl l IiX'Nillierlll ILealheflace KingTul's\\’ztltW2thHut. IPriclt Up Your Ears Negoeiants.Lothian Emmi-*1lhnm‘W’mHhuPCS- p .. ~ . - . n ,. . x H M w ( , _ reseryation l lall. \ ietoita Street. ..6 St Vineent Street. -..1 5-7). 9pm. £4. street 335611} 1) 31) m 1‘ree ' ' f I h. I. H ~ *3 " - 3616. 111pni.Roekin blues and Rrkli A tcr a eouple ofyears in the \y ilde‘rness. I The Kleplomaniacs Northern Bar. mm, he‘ltl‘crlacf‘ affine“ faring belief "1 Hoyyard Place. 556 1558. . I The Hideaway Blues Band (‘urle rs. Byres I Red Hot And BIue [gswwhu Rummd current erusty e lmdlL vyith theirspunky I lee musrc 1*aze ()ne. Lothtan Road. Road. 33-1 1284. 8pm. Blues and soul. SIR-UL Rmk'n'mn pop tunes and Just the right amount of 228 340-1. I Glasgow Songwriters Blaeklriars. Bell - Kid Numin pchmn. mm mm 335 54 I 3' Street. 553 5934- 9-31’Pm- I Open session Thistle Hotel. \lanot

lldu . .....‘ 61-14. hollpni. Slllyeis

(espe‘eiztlly'11ii1dinstrumentalists \yeleome I Rollin' Joe and the Jets Curlers. Byres to pop along lor sessions o1 blues and Road. 334 1284. 8pm. Fifties roek'n‘roll. traditionle music. ' Thursdays Wednesdays ; I Los Supremos (‘zithedrnl House. I The Mislils St James ( )y slei' it.“ . ( 'iiliun Cathedral Square. 552 351‘). 9pm. Rock Road. 557 2025. 9pm. Popular

and blues covers. (ilasgoit -hased lemale iliio.

I A Perfect Day For Bananatish \Vesl tint! ()ysler Bat”. \Vesl \liiillantl Street.325 3361.1)pin. See '1 tiestlays. H I Los Supremos Mutt snot el. (‘oekhurn . Street. 225 68-13. lllpm. Roek and blues

Fridays I Shibboleth l.'.r\ttaehe. Rtitland Street. . IG.L. DosesTransporter Room. Meadow .The Lostweekend Wham.(-(muumggg Bar. Buceleuch Street. 667 366‘). lllpin. 5413'

i’aris‘ienne.Frederick TICKETS; £13.00 . £12.00 TEL; 041.227 5511 {53:53:} 333511226Swag;333:1";‘lrfjl_ IThe LostWeekend om” si.-.-.~m,.n~r

. .. B; .( H 81'” .2212-1311. 11 I The Lost Weekend LCllh Oyster Bar. I he (.(iilnt)1.l\”.mh02:5,: i 1 pm Shore 55-16294.9pm. (‘ountry andeajun. - . ' . _ - . . . .- IDave Robb 1’ -l ‘; .( v; t -. 225 54 .. I Frank Chase( aie Soeiete.(ieorge L IL m (mu k l i

, I ' 1' ‘, ~:. . _ l'lllL‘lV-Cl'illlL‘tl50111.5ll‘tllillitllllllllt'ull's V. ~‘ SUCCI’ Blue} . only stand-up houaotikiinan. i e . ; . 0; IOpen sessron Thistle Hotel.Manor -

Place. 225 614+ 8.30pm Singers I The RootSIes Duo Ry me x. 1 la} market

y A " " '. -. . . . Terrace. 337 7582. lllpm. Jim(‘ondieon

. (espeeiallv)andinstrumentalistswelcome . I I . .1 H , g

: A; .. . _‘ m 0 810'“ forscssiomofblucwnd guttarand Ron Iateontoealsand . .. .. I. r p p g harmonica take time oll Mom The Rootsie

traditional music. . . lootsie Blues Band to play blues. gospel

q I i '5 I i .1 and asmatteringolia/z. , - .. ~. y. i‘ _ . ISmile StJameszster Bai‘.(‘a|ton 4 .. 33 I' - « ' ,r I Red Hot And Blue ( ale Paristenne. Road. 557 3935 up," Hm,

7 ' i‘ i » i" Fredcrle smelt-225 7369- mpm‘ IDr Ruth Bannermans. \iddi‘y Street.556 i , mimmh‘mw‘méd Musidaws V ROCkinimn- 3254. Formerly the hand ( 'ineina. " ,j uxyyeifsioneohta‘insetl'sflnoof mauvenues I The Lost Weekend West End Oyster Bar. I Seconds 0"“ my. paw-CHM ,.~rcduwk gt: _____ _ r A“, ' “0W To 69, M " Booking West Maitland Street. 235 3861.9pm. S”ch 335 73“). mp,” [.‘ru.’ RUCKn-m” «--,. 9A Specs ' We”? Details 3me Access ' Set Country and eajun. CUR,” ' ;.; plus many other facts and floures designed to save you I Frank Chase Cafe Soeiete. (ieorge I The Human Jukebo‘ MM“ BM "me and mom“ Street Blucs' ('onstitution Street. 554 21124. 8pm. Free. . I my Eyed Beans Queen Sir“! ()Y‘tcr Phil ('raiL' plays blues. melt and eountry Please send cheque/PO for £14.4a (includes £1.50 pap) to The Musicians’ Bar. Queen Street. 226 2531). 9pm. {mournc‘x un'd wk“ “qu. ' Gig GUide' CPL' Dem L4’ ' 120-126 Lavender Avenue’ MitCham’ surrey s d IFun Size Beehiy e. (irassinarket.235 CRd 3HP, or phone 081 640 8142 with credit card details. For a limited un 7171. 99"“ °”'V Y°U Ca“ 90' "‘9 UK and "‘9 London 919 Guides for only £19.45! I Flaere Bridges Bar. George W Bridge. I Paul Gaynor(‘iicstt-ri‘it-ias, Royal (indUdes ps‘p) Allow M days for delivery' 22(1495l).9.30pm. Mad continuation of Terrace. 556 6018.

36 The List 17- 30 January 1992