Dates listed below are lor one-ott shovvs: see separate section tor residencies. Gigs are listed by date. then by city. Dates will be listed. provided that details reach our ottices at least one week betore publication. Book and Blues Listings compiled by Alastair Mabbott and Fiona Shepherd.

Glasgow I Hugh Heed And The Velvet Underpants

Gallcry. A rgylc Strcct. Frcc. (ilaswcgian racontcur and local rcprobatcs blcnding humour and clcctro nonscnsc (but you kncw that. didn‘t you?)

I On The Wateriront (‘1ubhousc. ( )ld Sncddon Strcct. l’aislcy . 88‘) filo. 8.30pm.

I The Dream Disciples 'I'radcrs. (ilassiord Strcct. 552 (i246. lllpm. l-‘rcc.


I Heavenly l lipstcr (‘lub. Music Box. Victoria Strcct. 225 25M. 1(1.3(lpm.£3.5l). Scc Sat 13.

I The BMX Bandits and Space Family Robinson Iiyol. Wilkic IIousc. ('owgatc. 2262151. lil.3llpm. £~l(£3.5tl).13.\1X Bandits. ol coursc. nccd no introduction. so lct's just adyisc you to chcck out Spacc Family Robinson. who may bc playing thcir ycry last gig tonight. Both bandsarc on Iatc to mold clashing with l lcaycnly.



and [3on insist that any rumours tothc cffcct that Thc BMX Bandits arc playing clscw hcrc in Edinburgh in the next month arc complctcly untruc.

I The Wishing I’rcscryation Ilall. Victoria Strcct. 226 3816. £1 ai‘tcr9pm. I’rofcssional-sounding mclodic soft-rock combo with thc strong yocals‘ oi‘Joannc Ramscy out front.

I Mr Rhythm Lord Darnlcy. Wcst Port. 229 43-11. Elcctric blucs band 'I‘cxas Brcakl'ast undcr a ncw namc.

I Best Care Anywhere Ncgociants. Lothian ;

Strcct. 225 6313. 9.30pm. I‘rcc.

I Paul Gaynor and Laura Cummings (‘hcstcrl‘iclds Royal Tcrracc. 55(io91b'. 9pm. i-‘rcc.

I Avalon ()uccn‘s I Iall. South (‘lcrk Strcct. has 2111‘). 7.3(lpm. £5. Folk-rock. I’rocccds go to tltc Sick Kids Appcal.



I The BMX Bandits and Heavenly King Tut's Wah Walt llut. St Vinccnt Strcct. 221 5279.1)pm. £4. IIcadlincrsthc BMX Bandits hardly nccd an introduction; anyonc who has sccn thcm rcccntly w ill know thcy arc Scotland's lop light cntcrtaincrs. 'I'hc hopclcssly flul'l'y Tallulah (iosh cthic brcathcs on in llcaycnly. a group w ho arc just too tw cc. too androgynous and too gorgcous for thcir shirts. sorry. anoraks. Loyingly but listlcssly strummcd guitars which might nattscatcot‘ just cnchant. I)ustingoll‘our

halos tor thc cyctting. wc anticipatc a mass

outbrcak of l‘ringc-tuggingchccsincss.

I Julie Nicc ck Slcazy . Sauchichall Stt'cct. 333%37, lllpm. I'rcc. Following thcsamc path thcy took whcn thcy wcrc known as 'I‘hc Longhorns. Iukc blcnd ('cltic.‘ country and blucs influcnccs into thcir mainstrcam pop sound.

I Nathan Detroit Blackl'riars. Bcll Strcct. 552 592-1. 9.3(lpm. Rcccnt .VB stars and I’carlfishcrs support. but thcir pondcrous

soul pop is nothing to writc homc about.

I Another Bendy Window Malimun. chficld Strcct. 33211887. l).3llpm. l-‘rcc. I Halt Cut Richard‘s Bascmcnt. \Vcsl chcnt Strcct. 221 (ll lo. 9pm. Iircc.

I Fiaere Nilssen ('athcdral I Iousc. (‘athcdral Squarc. 552 351‘). 9pm. I’rcc. Thc mad Minncsotan songstrcss continucs thc 'acoustic rayc' cthic. ()nc oi thc most captiyating and intcnsc singcr-songw ritcrs around.

I The Guilty Party I Iall Bar. Woodland.s Road. 3.32 12111.93le. I’rcc.

I The Lowhouse Blues Band Dugout. ('athcart Strcct. (1475 27918. l).3tlpm. £25“.

I Fear (It The Darlt'liudor Lodgc I lotcl. Burnbank Road. Hamilton.(loos-157277. ‘).3llpm. I-rcc.


I Dundertunk Basin Strcct. I laymarkct '[icrrucc‘ 3.37 ltlllh. 8pm. £25” ( 1.2). Sadly. thc last gig to takc placc at thisintimatc ycnuc. as thc ncw ow ncrs hay c giycn thc thumbs-dow n to liyc music. Iidinburgh's prcmicr lunk-rockcrs. how cycr. should giyc it a hcll ol a scnd-ol'l.

I The Ruby Suit \Vcc Rcd Bar. Iidinburgh (‘ollcgc of Art. Lauriston I’lacc. 229931 1. Acc pop tuncs troin thc accomplishcd Iidinburgh band w ho hay c ncycr had thc rccongition thcy dcscrycd. I.cnd thcm your cars.

I Avalon I’rcscr\ ation Ilall. \‘ictoria Strcct. 226 381i». £1 altcr‘)pm. Folk-rock. I Shibboleth Platform ()nc. Rutland Strcct. Rutland Strcct. 225 2433. 9pm. I-‘rcc. I’Icasant rocky songs giycn mclodic intcrcst by violin.

I Jonee Satellite \cgociants. I.othian Strcct. 225 o313. 9.3llpm. I-rcc.

I Paul Gaynor and Heart Industry (Itcflcriiclds. Royal 'I‘crracc. 55(16918. 9pm. Frcc.

I The Volunteers Ryrics. i lay markct 'l'crracc. 337 7582.1"rcc.

i 1 i


I Shorty Rogers Mission. Victoria Strcct. 4~bpm.

I Bab Howitt Lord I)arn|cy . \\'cst l’ort. 229-1341. Altcrnoon. l-rcc. Blucs.

I Live Music Trading Post. 'l'hc Shorc . 553 5153. 9pm. I'ircc.

SUNDAY 19 Glasgow

I Love Decade 'I'unncl. Milcltcll Slrcct. 211-1100“. llpm.£5.

I Bruised Arcade. The Touch and Alice Springs Apollo. chli'cw ('ottrt. 332 0231. 8pm. l‘t‘cc.

IThere Goes The World lm ll..\tillcr Strcct. 221 lSos'. 0pm. I-rcc.

I The Joyriders Dugout. ( ~athcai't Sticct. (1475 27018. l).3llpm. £2511. l’ickingup

w hcrc 'l'hc ('atcran lclt oil. 'lltc .on ridcrs push mclody and noisc in cqual parts. I)ocs this mcan a night out in thcir company lcads to a plcasurablc cat‘achc'.’ I The Chunder and The House 0i Cheese (‘lubhouscz ()ld Sncddon Sticct. l’aislcy. Sh“) 47m». 8.3llpm.

I Freak Show Itttlot' Lodgc I Iolcl. Burnbank Road. Hamilton. lions-157277. l).3llpm. £1.


I Alter Ego and Sanity Falls Vcnuc . ( 'alton Road. 557 31173. ’I'wo local hard rock hands.

I Intimate Strangers \cgociants. I.othian Strcct. 225 (i313. t).3llpm. l-rcc. lilacs.

MONDAY 20 Glasgow

I The Woltetones Maylaii . Sauciiichall Strcct. 332 3872. Rpm. £8 (£12.5llbalcony . with waitrcss sci‘yicc w c't‘c assui'ch) 'I'ickcts from Just 'I'hc '1 ickct. Virgin. L'nion Strcct. 22(i-lo7i). 'l'hc\\'o1lctoncs must rcally loy c thc Maylair this isthcir umptccnth appcarancc hcrc in thc past

li7—h3llJanuary 1992