PREVIEW THEATRE ‘We can’t hang on to the things we‘re mm- already familiarwith, we should talk
- about the present moment.’ Atalaya SD n states that it searches and when it finds something new ‘keeps it and continues searching'. Both companies continually challenge themselves and their audiences— as a Cordoba journalist put it, Atalaya has ‘a way of
Once attain Niitttt Mitican htilllis “3 a performing that causes a shock to the challenging and one-off programme, audience)
Young Spain. salvaged truth the During its eight-year life, Atalaya, wreckage of the Third Eye Centre and ttom Saving, has made only three
With a lot to title UP to attei the productions — something not unusual in
magnificent Muscle Voice. Both Arena Eumpean theatre, but unheard at in Teattoi llel'ttitlllilltl “"3995. and Britain. It spends a great deal of time Stllttio Atalaya. Permitting Fenomehos researching its shows, rehearsing Atmosfericos, work with actors using them over and (we, again, and it sees VOICE no'ses, text and movement, the devetopmem of "s own company original music and an inventive use of style as a (meet result at each
Stilt!e Space and props to iltlt "Withei' consecutive production. The text for
unusual Sheetacie? Mirages was written by prize-winning Esteve Graset, director of Arena from author Jose Manuel Olive", and Muttiiav has beeh‘tttiSC'ibed by the concerns a woman’s loss of identity slittlliStl 07953.33 Pile 0t the tho“ and search for her real self. But the serious theatrical innovators in the company, made up at settpmtessed country: He deVises wafk father "‘3" ‘moderate optimists" promises using a play-text. intertwining a wide there'll be ‘no hint of nihilism’. range of theatrical devices to ‘try to (Tamstn Gtatnget) explain society, and especially the city, and to make an impact on the Mirages, Tramway, Glasgow, Tue senses.’ 29—Wed 30 Oct. Arena shares with Atalaya the Fenimenos Atmosfericos, Tramway, philosophy of continually moving on. Glasgow, Sat 2—Sun 3 Nov.
The Big Feature: "More like a pop gig with a dozen cabaretnumbers‘ "1L . . ’ k _ _
member ofthe company. is one of part ofallourlives; things as ' * ‘ ‘ "m that breed of Scottish dancers who mundane 85 itOwning and Weather trained in England and would like to vanes form the basis for this -~ s - . ~ ' ' work full-time in this country ifonly sophisticated dance. SOOitcn smut“ Atalaya there were the jobs (although he Choreographers getaway with does work every now and then in gOOd'iOOking moves that are deVOid V N EW PLAY 3 simple narrative to it, it’s a play about Glasgow with Marsia Zanotti and ofeontent and Scent t0 itnPty that it iS _ ideas. These ideas relate and Long Dog). I the alldlence that is stupid and reverberate through the rest of the
Both Zanotti and Bock dance with cannot understand their Wtitit- N0 play. It’s awful if the audience comes in companies directed by Lea WOlldCT ADdCTSOD‘S Chomcgtttphy i3 and says “Oh, I must understand this", Anderson. best known as $0 Poputal’ When She rcsPCCIS the . i “ y because they’ll miss it. It's the choreographer of the a||-fema|c audience, giving it clues to where she ; tr ' X" ‘ theatrical equivalent of Contact 400; it
Cholmondeleys (say Chumlies). The found the mOchCtltr and the" Featherstonehaughs is in many ways taking it further and Sht’Wing “5
the equivalent all-male company — something SPcCiat abOUi it ’heiping Challenging popular conceptions of us look at things from a different macho and athletic he-dancers. The PCTSPCCtiVC-i
goes off at hourly intervals after you’ve seen the show. It dawns on you later.’ Using choreography by Liz Ranken — Mannion burns off energy in ‘a fuck dance’ at the beginning —James
realise there are numerous The Big Feature, Tron Theatre, references familiar to everyone and GlaSSOW, 50! 2-5101 3 Nov.
company states that it has ‘an Recently returned from a tour of Stock's third play deaIS with people interest in and commitment to i Austria and Flahcc~ this quith Show adapting to different circumstances ' promoting men in dance’. *we are ' contains informal banterings on the ‘ despite the social, religious and much more confused about what we mike» Legsr L985. 1498533 bOXing H «st. political conditioning with which i are as performers,‘ says Bock, duet, 3 Short Play Where films 5‘19“ as l ' i they’ve grown up. Featuring a comparing the Featherstonehaughs TamPOPO are discussed» and Bombs 3 HE’S been on stage for twelve years, ' wandering Scotsman with a thing about t to other all-male companies. ‘and Around the Clock made during the acted in plays by Chris Hannan, Simon i hedges and bumps on his head, the i that's more real — it‘s not just about GU” Waf- In addition to the “limit: 0t l Donald and Iain Heggie, and been i play centres on a homecoming in lowa : strength and velocity.‘ Jimi Hendrix and Janice Joplin. the 5 beamed to a million homes in Up The i and asks questions about those who ; Indeed Anderson has employed SOUtldttaCk i5 PTOVidCd by Steve Garden Path, but remarkably, Tom stay put and those who drift. i company members who each have Blake and DTOStan Madden. Who 5 Mannion is only now making his ! ‘lt is a very conscious effort on my I their own particular performance have Created Stunning scores for the i home-town professional debut. After i part to do new writers when I can afford 9 style (something else that is a sister company in the past. The show i four weeks at London’s Bush theatre : to,’ says Mannion, praising Stock's ' signature ofThe Cholmondeleys). is bound to include a healthy dose of 3 and a seven-week tour. he's calling in .5 ‘lucky dip’ imagination. ‘lt‘s like They are not traditional dancery humour as we“ as innovative at GlaSQOW’s Tron Theatre with Blue 9 putting something into the account and shapes and sizes but ‘real, talking mOVCment and depth 0i SUbiCCtt "0t ' Night in the Heart til the West. an ; taking it out. lcan't pay Shakespeare people‘; nor are they only those with to mention what Bock calls I acclaimed surrealistic four-hander by ‘- any money, but I can invest in new a dance training,but also men with ‘Staggering‘t and another 'dancer’ l. James Stock produced by Plain Clothes a writers. A new writer is on the map and backgrounds in anything from Carl Smith Singing Franit Sinatra's I Productions. ' it gives me great pleasure to have been medicine to tree surgery. ‘Come Fty With Me} : its very unusual and very part of that. lthink he’s a considerable And this suits her choreographic You might risk being seriously l Imaginative.’ says Mannion about a talent.‘ (Mark Fisher) style. Her phrases now perfectly and tin-trendy It you miss this 5h0W- I comedy which deals with incest as t you can enjoy that alone, until you ‘ casually as it drops references to ; Blue Night in the Heart of the West,
European philosophers, Shakespeare, Tron Theatre, Glasgow. Tue 5—Sun 10 ’ the Bible and TS. Eliot. ‘While there is l Nov. J
The List 25 bet-obereiTth'ernber it)?” 47