Michael Squire Architects: Final 6 With an elegant and restrained use of masonry and glass this scheme is a fine example of how a strong initial idea can realise itself in a competent building. However, itdoes little to acknowledge the corner site, an issue obviously given great importance by the winning architects and judges. Access from the existing museum is via a ramp parallel to Chambers Street and behind a glazed wall running the length and height of the facade. An external stairtakes visitors to a platform with views of the castle and access to the restaurant.

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Christopher Stead: Final 12 Quite fantastical scheme with a quasi-ancientcolosseumtowerolhuge mass and scale arising out of the roof. Thankfully the only scheme exhibited : that unashamedly reverts to a pastiche of the existing museum’s style. Disappointing that such a bold statement could not have been made in i the language of the 1990s rafherthan 3 'the18605. 1

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; Ulrike Wilke with James Stirling,

i Michael Wilford & Associates.

9 Runner Up.

With its great sloping sweep of glass é projecting from the stepped-back facade, there would have been the potential for Scotland's new museum ' to have become an interesting piece j of architecture on its own terms.