I Rugby World Cup 1991 (Scottish) l.5l)—4.45pm. Live coverage ofthe opening ceremony at ’l’wickenhaiii. followed by the match between two ofthe tournament‘s best sides. lingland and New Xealand. Full coverage oftlie tournament continues over the next three weeks.

I A Taste Of Japan 1 BB( ‘2 ) ist—ts‘jnpni. Deep-tried y egetables and fish are on the metiu tonight. ()h tempura. oh more please.

I Bagdad Cale ( (‘hannel 4)t\‘.3(1 41pm. Brenda ( \\'lititipi (ioldberg) takesover the cooking at the diner. but soon realises that a menu of cornflakes and spaghetti hoops is not going to pull in the punters. I Minder (Scottish) 9— lllpm. ‘(iuess \Vlio'seoniing 'I‘o l’iiiner' isthe wonderful title of this episode. with local villains gathering to pay tribute to lhelate great (‘liarlie Johnson.

IAlexei Sayle‘s SlufltBBC:1‘)—-‘).3(lpm. The return of ‘lV's favourite lat bastard

w ith the usual acerbic wit and anarchic song and dance numbers. Still the best. See leature.

I Drop The Dead Donkey ((‘liannel 4)

111 111.311pni.Morctopicalnewsroom comedy . with the (ilobelink company in deep financial trouble. and the workforce uniting in the attempt tostab each otlierin the back.

I Love Talk ((‘liannel 4) lllfttl llpiii. (‘aroly n Marshall presents the

i embarrassing serieslookingat

relationships iii the Ulls. ’l'oniglit she talks to a ‘cotiplc‘ w lio have lived together for ten years btit take other lovers when they lecl like it.

I The American Late Show ( 1313(2)

11.15 11.55pm. The TV equivalent of The

I Casualty(BBC1) 9.30—1t).2(lpm. The former Liver Bird Polly James turns upat llolby General tonight. as a woman who develops a range of fictional ailments to get attention. Meanwhile three joy-riders head for disaster. Fun. fun. fun.

I Clochemerle (BBCZ) 9—9.3tipm. A quirky series from 1972. adapted by Ray (ialton and Alan Simpson from the comic novel by Gabriel (‘hevallieL Set iii a sleepy French village in 1923. it stars Roy l)otrice. Wendy lliller. Kenneth (iriffith. Bernard Bresslaw and Madeline Smith.

I Have I Got News ForYou ( BBCZ). lit—10.30pm. Angus Deayton returns fora new series of the witty news quiz with rival

captains Ian llislop and Paul Merton. See


I Dream On ((‘hannel 4) Ill—10.35pm. Martin (Brian Benben) meetsthe attractive Nina in a laundrette and embarks on a steamy (geddit'?)

I Saturday Night Clive (BBCI)

9.4(1—1t).3(lpm. Anssie clever-dick Clive James takes his usual irreverent look at global TV. joined by guest pundits.

I Status Ouo Rockin' All OverTlie UK (Channel 4) llpm—midnight. Following

the Quo as they attempt a world record for

playing the same chords endlesst at four concerts in twelve hours.


I Trainer(BB(‘1)8.15-—9.1t)pni. Mark (ireenstreet stars in the ‘horse opera‘ set in a racing stables.

I Screen One: Prince ( BB(‘1)

9.25—1 l .USpm. Spiky columnist Julie Burchill wrote this black satire about a working-class terrace tiear Bristol (her hometown) where the household is ruled

by the family Alsatian. Sean Bean eo-stars

with a big black dog.

I Film On Four: Joyriders (Channel 4) 10—1 1 .55pm. Patricia Kerrigan stars in Aisling Walsh‘s 1988 drama as a battered wife taking to the road with carthief Andrew Connolly. Billie Whitelaw also appears.


I Rugby World Cup: Scotland inmtiatiwe (5001151113pm—4.3llpm. Scotland take on the unfancied Africans in another first-round group match.

I sixthirtysomething (Channel 4) (1.3(l—7pm. Ann Bryson and Maria Mciirlane introduce the irreverent arts and entertainment strand.

I Specials ( BBC) ) S—Sfillpm. The latest recruit is a solicitor moved to action by the mugging of his teenage son.

I The Men's Room ( BBC31‘)—‘).5tlpm. Laura Lamson's fiy e-part caritpus sex drama continues.

I The Golden Girls ((‘hannel 4) Ill—111.3l1pm. The senility sitcom series with the usual batch ofinnuendoes and dirty jokes.

I Paul Merton The Series (Channel 4) 111.311. 1 lprn. A w elcomc showcase for the bright and cynical stand-up still best known for his vulgar intery cntions in ll'liust' Line Is I! .—lIiy‘it'tty'?.

I Ust(‘hannel4) l 1~~l 1.45pm. Anew series looking at black family life iii 911s Britain.

.llut/t'rlt Rt’) It’ll" crosses the Atlantic to cover arts and culture Stateside. starting off with art interview with Spike Lee about his proposed movie .1Itt/co/nt A'.

I South Bank Show: Terry Gilliam (Scottish) 10.35-1 1.35pm. A profile ofthe former Python who has made several extravagant : and occasionally brilliant films. the latest i of which. The fisher King opens in

relationship. Trouble is. she has a large Swedish boyfriend. ls troilisni a fit subject for comedy“? See Love 'I‘ulk on'l‘hursday. I I The Happening (Channel 4)

l l .Sllprii-12.51121iii. Jools Holland introduces comedy from (‘raig Ferguson

4 November. . q _ . . _ and(‘athy Ladman. and music fromtbe I .Thunderb'rdslmfi “)(‘ihjupm' HR Jeffllealy Batidatid Pauline Black. 7

'l'racys are called on tosaye a new a , i

shopping centre from turning intoan ' 5 .mspecto' Morse (ChunncH)

ittlerno. Not exactly Armageddon is it‘.’ 8.3()_1().3()pm. A repeat run for thclasi .

.ThelnSldersle‘l“Mlfil’m- (301mm .Beverleymus copnmwmchj series.with JohnThawastheaesthcte

Kennedy hits [cryyick in the Shetlands. 7'15_().3(,pm. Eddie Murpm 511mm” detective.

hch hc \h‘m mund h} I‘M” lacklustre sequel as Axel l’olev the I "a"? Enlleld's TeleVlSion Plogmmme l cartoonist Stephen ‘Smirk' (Bordon. ()tie wiwcrucknm CUP accumpumc'd by that l (BBC‘Z) til—111.30an (‘omedyg sketches mimcdcllgthmUncrlm‘lldc‘rcml llarold lialtermeyer theme wherever he u“dJ'UVL‘nllCJA’l"CS {mmthc m‘mWh‘W-‘Cd l mutton broth. which can take monthsor an“. ' m be sl‘oudmmoncyj

I Sounds Of The Sixties ( line: ) 7.3ti—ts‘pm. ' I A Restless Nation (BBCI)

A m“- ccricc {m- pop nostalgists. replayiiig 1(1.1()—1t).4t)pm. Kirsty Warkpresents the

BB(. archive footage. including such ll”! l” 1' {Dur‘l’im 59”“ lm’k'ng in me

gram as thc “mugs. the 310,15.qu post-w ar politics of Scotland. from the

jimlm. Syn-me. vigorous l lome Rule campaign of the 5tls

I The'Lavendef Hm Mob ((‘hunncj 4) through to the explosion of Nationalism in

S ‘)..‘sllpm Alec (iuinness stars iii a lhs' 7”“ 21ml llts‘lnm cmcnt for

wonderful lialing comedy parody . asa "Kls‘i‘s'nsis‘m‘s‘ “1 “W W“; B) AWN” .

quiet bank clerk masteriiiinding a gold “l'Ch'W “’Olilfs’LV 1h? Wilt“ “‘4” leilmmc : hullmmmuch. pom.“ prcswndgm the disputeover self-determination.and :

gents are all mercilessly sent-up. “hi” '1 “Cum”? “Will‘s- .

I Birds our Feather ( 1313(‘1 )s. 15--t<.45pm. {The Leader. the DrwerAnd The Drlver's .

Linda Robson arid Pauline ()uirke star in w'le (Shanna “ll l1fillpm‘llflliml- 5"le l

mg Whom.“ h Us mum]. with Lesley Broomtield's comic and pointed report of

jmcph as [he lmciymux neighij his attemptto arrange ati interview with

“mic” notorious South African politician lzugene i

I The House 01 Eliott t BB(‘1)

'l‘erreblanche. S.45-—‘).4tlptii. 'Iihe liuult' (‘UUIIU'U drama

continues.withtlie lzliottsisterstlouise 8 .

Lombard andStellannet)flirtingwith I Boon (Scottish ) 9— lllprii. Michael

both high society and social reformers. _ y . Lama] weapon (gmlmhjtygjy 113“,an lzlphtck as the motorcycle-obsessed private eye. on the trail ofmore

Mel (iibson and Danny (ilover play w rotigdoers.

psychotic and nice-guy cops respectively . ' . I Without Walls: J Accuset(1i;tnnci4)

in an oycr-y iolent buddy movie crime 1 thriller. l’opular with couch potatoeslrom ) )" “pm‘ RUM” MFR“ “mums” assatilt on the reputation of Orson Welles'

l:ssex.likeiny brother-in-law. _ _

I Performance: Absolute Hell ( 1313(2) Claw“ “15"” MW- . V

931)- l 1..‘il)pin. A play that causedotttrage I Honor" (81“ 3) t)“l’v-‘(llml- “1C

when it was first staged. with its expose of “Bumm'l "WW" 9”“ “Mn”? Adc latlmondson and Rik Mayall.

l decadent Bohemian lifestyles al'terthc . 1 | war. l-rancesca Annis. Judi Dutch and Mam!) 0m l BB‘ “9-3” Ill—“W” I

( ontinurng the gritty comedy drama set iii .

I Sum0((‘hannel4) 11.45pm—12211am. Exclusive coverage of the bus/to taking place at the Albert Hall. featuring someof Japan's heftier talents.

THURSDAY 10 i r” '*'” g.

e\ en years to prepare.

I Bagdad Cate (Channel 4 ) SSW-9pm.

Whoopi Goldberg stars as the harassed

cafe owner. Brenda.

I Minder(Seottish ) 1)- lllpm. Arthur

Daley is demanding police protection

from an enraged customer. btit his graspof '

reality is questioned. Arthurapparently I

hadn‘t been the same since his doctor

made hitn giy e tip drinking and smoking.

' I Critical Eye: Custom Eyes ( ( 'liannel 4)

j 9- lllpnt. A documentary looking at the

i experienceotslioppingfromtbe

consumer's point of view

I Smith And Jones ( 1313(‘1 )s).4o It). lllpm,

Repeated comic sketches with Mel and l


I Scottish Bookstscottish) I l

I Anton Mosimann— Naturally (Channel 4) 3.311 9pm. 'l'he Mastercliel dips intothe bread concept. show ing how lloti r. w ater and a little yeast can be turned itito

any thing from w holegrain bread and pizza to bliiiis and niullins.

I Cheersrt'hannel 4)‘)- 9.30pm. Welcome repeatsol classic early episodes. Sam incurs the wrath of Diane by entering her photograph in a Miss Boston Bariiiaitl competition

111.45 »1 1.15pm. Jenny Brown introduces discussion and reviews of the latest literary releases. J

(‘liarlcs ( iray star iii the satire. set in a ' g 50h“ mumcjuh (m mu CH. 0, “k. W45 an electronics factory . with Margi( larke starring as Queenie.

(ieneral lilCL‘llttll.

72 The List 27 September lll()C[()hcr1()()]