
All exhibitions until Thurs 36 Sept.

From Durer to Picasso: 500 Years of Master Printmaking.

Sandy Murphy: Paintings.

Graham Muir: Glass.

Lucy Copleston: Jewellery.

I PORTFOLIO GALLERY ~13 ( 'andlemaker Row. 33” W] l. Mon—Sat l lam-5.30pm. Philosophers: Photographs by Steve Pyke t-‘ri 13 Sept l3 ()ct. Revealing portraits by a man who has spent the last year photographing in close-up the faces of the world's greatest philosophers - Isaiah Berlin. Naom Chomsky. l’hilippa l‘oot and others. l’y kc adopts the confrontational techniques of Bailey and Avedon and has worked with Peter (ircenaway . but his portraits also recall the works of photographing pionecrlulia Margaret ('arncron.

I PORTRAIT GALLERY Queen Street. 556 S931 . Mon—Sat Ilium—5pm; Sun 3-—5pm. ID]. ('afe.

Scotland's bonnicst and beastliest monarchs. politicians. writers and artists -r not to mention the footballers »- and a very fine cafe to boot.

The Art ofJewellery in Scotland L'nti13 Nov. £3 (£1 ). Many a Scottish laird would have lost his tartan if it were not secured with a fine (‘airngorm brooch. This exhibition also includes a cameo given to a supporter by Mary. Queen of Scots and a range of modern jewellery by Glasgow-based l’eter (hang.

Los Todos Santeros: Photographs by Hans Namuth L'ntil 3 No\. A (ierman-born photographer. Namuth first visited the remote (‘ruatemalan village of 'I‘odos Santerosin l947. 'I‘hirty y'earslatcrhe returned to create a permanent photographic record of the inhabitants. their beliefs. their customs and their surroundings.

I QUEEN'S HALL (‘lerk Street. (iris 3456. Mon—Sat lilarn-Sprn. (ate. A Russian Renaissance l'ntil 5()ct. ('eramics and works in a variety ofrncdia. including traditional Soviet techniques. as well as fine. hand-painted Russian dolls and lacqttct'w ork eggs from the 'l’artar city of Kazan. ' I RICHARD DEMARCO GALLERY Blackfriars Street (off i ligh Street). 5.57 H707. Mon— Sat 1 lam- (rpm Pentagonale Plus 'l'hroughout Sept. Inspired by the ltalian'sgovernment‘s ‘pentagonale' political. economic and cultural policy which aimed tosweeten relations between Italy . Yugoslavia. Hungary . :\tl\il in and (‘lcchosloy akia this ambitious and imaginative exhibition celebrates 35 years ofthe Dernarco (iallcry and his artistic links with liastern liurope. it is also the last exhibition before the gallery ‘s closure.


Row . 553 7l7l. Mon-Sat Uarn—-sunset;Sun llam- sunset. (ate. [1)].

Redoute‘s Roses t 'ntil Sun 15 Sept. £2 (£1l.childrcnfrcefl‘he darling of l’arisian society and favourite of two French


fo Centre: an exhibition atThe 369 Gallery until 28 Sept. Andrew Brown, the ebullient Director of the 369 Gallery, is still reeling from , what he describes as ‘the most extraordinary Festival of all time’. Not surprisingly— he has done battle with the establishment, won back his building, sorted out his finances, and emerged to tell the tale. In suitably celebratory mood, Brown decided that he wanted the ’91 Festival exhibition to be ‘a reaffirmafion olthe gallery’s international links‘.

Over the past thirteen years, 369 has encouraged cultural exchanges and friendships between artists, dealers


and families in the Soviet Union, Germany, America, Yugoslavia, and

j Scotland. This year, the artists were

invited to bring their work and stay in

the gallery during the Festival. Then world events took over. ‘It was an extraordinary time,‘ says Brown, ‘every day there was news of the Yugoslav Civil War. Some of the Yugoslav pictures, and a Serb artist living in Croatia, couldn‘t leave the country. Not only that, but news of the coup in Russia prompted our Russian

5 artist Irina Zatulovskaya to - demonstrate on the Cowgate.‘

The events happening in Eastern

Europe were, says Brown, pertinent to

his own struggle in Edinburgh: ‘it was so topical to what was happening here —the relationship of art to politics, the links of people and cultures, and the relevance of an to life.‘ Zatulovskaya‘s installation representing six Russian Holy Festivals ‘felt like our own Russian chapel‘, Valerie Koshliakov‘s painting ‘Rome Square‘ was inspired by a postcard ~ ‘like so many Russians, he manifests his great desire to travel.‘ Dleg Holisiy, whose work draws on Ukrainian folk and American contemporary art, was represented by a painting entitled ‘Psychedelic Attack olthe Blue Rabbits’ ‘it exactly describes how we felt getting up here each morning.’ Closerto home, an oil painting by Ian McCulloch (of Royal Concert Hall fame) condemns the use of art and artists for political ends.

At nightthe 369 was transformed into a cabaret bar—the Off Centre Club hosting happenings such as: Test Department drumming, Swan Lake on Stilts, flamenco dancing and Black Theatre Mime. ‘It’s difficult for people to categorise this exhibition and what happened here in the Festival,’ says Brown, ‘but it’s historic!‘ (Sarah Knox)

Queens -- [impress .losephine and Marie Antoinette Pierre-JosephRedoute‘s paintings of roses are the most famous botanical images of all time. Redontc. who w as born in l7'5‘). once explained that he painted only flowers because ‘it w as bettertoestablish supremacy inonc field. no matter how lowly . than to risk failure in a more exalted one’.

Herman de Vriest‘nril lilNoy . £3t£l) children free. First Scottish exhibition by a (ierman artist who makes art from natural materials.

The Avant Garden l'ntil 3(l( )ct. Contemporary garden and conservatory ‘furniturc'. including Paul Amey 's pink


University of Edinburgh, Old College, South Bridge, Edinburgh EH8 9YL. Tel. 031 650 2211

EBB AND FLOW with the New Scottish Embroidery Group

14 Sept - 5 Oct

Tues - Sat 10am-5pm Admission Free

56 The List l3 2'6 SeptembeT 1991

Subsidised by the Scottish Arts Coorierl

flamingos and Kate .\1cllor's stonew are lanterns. There is something loreyery garden. say the organisers. 'tr'oin rolling parkland tocity window-box. tromelegant oranger'y to humble lean-to'. Living in a Rainforest t 'ntii l3 l)ec. A Borneo-sty le forest house reconstructed in the Botanics' lixhibition Hall and l'unislimg I’urui/rse- photographs taken in the \‘cne/uelan rainfor'cst by (icot'gc Bernard and Stephen Dalton. I ROYAL INCORPORATION DE ARCHITECTS IN SCOTLAND l5 Rutland Square. Daily 9am 5pm: Sat lilam 4pm Winners and Losers: Scotland and the Architectural Competition that firms 1‘) Sept. An in-depth look at architectural competitions in Scotland over the last 335 years and the w inning submissions. as well as the not-so-good ideas. I ROYAL MUSEUM OF SCOTLAND (‘hambers Street. 335 "53-1. Mon Sat “lain-5pm; Sun 3 Spin. Behind Golden Screens: Treasures from the Tokyo Fuji Art Museum t‘niit 3il()ct. A selection of some of Japan‘s most outstanding decoratiy e art. from the l lth to the 19th century . including scrolls. screens. prints. samurai armour and weaponry. Discovering Japan that 3 Nov . liy cry good exhibition has a ‘hands-on' sideline. and thisonesoundspromising: visitors will be able to hay e their .lapanesc tortuncs told. make a wish at a Shinto shrine. try ona kimono. \oyage to a Japanese hotel in space and. w ait for it. 'grind. grate and r'chydrate Japanese food‘. Suitable for everyone over the age of six (children

under ten must be accompanied by an

adult). I I ROYAL SCOTTISH ACADEMY 'l'he Mound. l 335007]. Mon Sat lilani 5pm;Snn l 3 Spin. ; Virtue and Vision: Sculpture and Scotland 41540—1990 l ’ntil Sun 15 Sept. Ll (50p). .-\ l sweeping panorama of the role of sculpture in Scotland lr‘orn Samuel Joseph. the first sculptor to show at the Royal Scottish Academy in lS3b. to liduardo l’aolox/i. William 'l'urnbull and Ian llamilton l-inlay sculptors w ho bring the iinagesofprimitive and classicalsocieties to bearon their work. SculptureinAction:VincentButlert‘nrilsim 15 Sept. Admission fl (5llpl. Butler : presents sculpture workshops for the experienced and the uninitiated. I THE SCOTTISH GALLERY ‘M ( icorgc ; Street.335 5955. Mon l-ri lilani opinzSat lilani lpin. Timepiecest‘nril .‘ ()ct. l'out'tccnai‘tists respond to the cor‘cept of time as ‘a 3llth century obsession'. some w ith sundials. others will] Llccttt';tll\ c rtltlccls which ttt some other way illustrate the passingot time. I STILLS GALLERY ltl5 fligh Street.557 il-lll. ‘I‘uc Sat 1 lam 5..‘~ilpiii. Stolen Glances: Lesbians take Photographs 5 l'ntil Sat 14 Sept. 5llp. British and ': American lesbian photographers challenge stereotypical images of tlteit : sexuality with a lively . witty and ; iltotlgltl-proyoklttg show . curated by .lcan Fraser and 'l'essa Bolf'in and including the controversial work of l)clla(iraee. Next exhibition. Sidney James: Diamonds in Australia. starts 5()ct. I TALBOT RICE GALLERY l-dinburgh l'niversity' ( )ld College. South Bridge. .\lon Sat lilam 5pm;Sun3 5pm. i Ebb and Flow Slit i4 Sept 5 ( )ct. lixhibitioi ' of works by the New Scottish limbi'oider'y Group. I 359 GALLERY 333 (‘ow gate. 335 Bill}. .\ion 7 Sat noon -opin. 5 Off-Centre 1 pm 3S Sept. 30‘) celebrates a decade of inter national relations with a mini-festival of \ isual art. drawn from I; Soviet. American and liur‘opean artists. None of the participants works in a major ai‘t centre hence the title and their only connection is their association with 3i“). ' Book now for classes in life. Drawingand I l’aintingor art classes t’oi‘chrldi'cn. Ring

thegallct'y for details.

ITORRANCE GALLERY 3‘)Bl)undas Street. Sfirirrfirm. .\lon l'll l lain opinSat

lll.3ll;iiii 4pm. (‘losed .\lon In

Recent Works by Ruth Walkerand Derek

Jones l‘ntil Sat 31 Sept.

Kilmarnock I THE DICK INSTITUTE ltlrnbank .-\\ cnuc.

il5h3 3rr-llll, Mon l-'ri‘)arn Sprn;\\‘edand Sat‘) 5pm;

Rosann Cherubini:SHRINE—Astonishment l olthe Heartt‘niills Sept ('eramic

I sculpture and drawings w hich explore variouspermutationsanddefinitionsol

highly original images.

St Andrews

I CRAWFORD ARTS CENTRE 93 North Street. “334 "r-ltilil. .\lon Sat lilam 5pm: Sun 3 5pm.

Joanne Soroka: Textiles t ‘ntil Mon 23 Sept. \Vov en tapestries. textiles and paper works made by the l:dinburgh-based artist. as well as giant kimonos and silk pieces w hich reflect her .lapanesc heritage.

Stephen Mangan: Recent Work t 'ntil Mon 35 Sept. ()ils. pastels and drawings inspired by his surroundings in Dundee Kimekomi Dolls t ‘niil Mon 23 Sept, Traditional Japanese dolls made in Scotland by Nigel Ward. who followed distancc-lcarning courses to learn the correct way of making the dolls tisually a

craft practised by women.
