'Without us you'cl suffer for your art.

You might think tickets to the theatre, opera,

exhibitions and concerts are dear enough. But without

Scottish Arts Council support, they’d be double the pr


Not only that, events that are usually tree—wouldn’t be. So you can see why SAC's role in subsidising the arts is a vital one. Without us, the arts wouldn’t be the

same. And we don’t just mean ticket prices.

This year alone, we’ll spend £l7 million of public money providing support to arts organisations and artists

throughout the length and breadth of the country.

12 Manor Place, Edinburgh EH3 7DD. Tel: O3l 226 605i. Fax: 031 225 9833.

This money, along with the suppon of local authorities and business sponsors, ensures that the arts flourish everywhere. From Shetland to Stranraer. For everyone.

It also means that artists have the opportunity to develop their work. The arts continue to move forward and break new ground.

The alternative would be tragic.

The Scottish Arts Council

For Artists. For Scotland. For You.



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