


American Tails— Cactus Prick Richard

Denturctt (inller') 45 Archaos International liestix ;tl 51 Are There Tigers in the Congo? 't'rmerse

- Theatre 42 At Last The Death or Country Rnr) .\te(;ruth itITLl Philip I’ttpe 57 At The Edge Assettthl} Rooms 31 Augustine I’;tine\ I’lttttgh 27 Ave Maria 'I‘heittre de ('ttmplieite 45 Bad The (il'it\\mitl'l\'L‘t Project 9

‘l‘hetttre\\’ttrk\ 57 Princess. Duke and King t'niterxitt or

('hicztgtt 56 : Ouelques Fleursti/teehhend 24 '.

The Reconstructed Heart Rnhert

I.|c‘\\c‘|l)tt 45

Baglady'l‘he Bridge 'I‘hezttre ('ttmpztn} 40 i . Scots Wha Hae deinltttrglt l’ettple'~

Berkott‘s Fall at the House or UsherOdd

Sttcks'lhetttre (‘tttnpum 56 ~ Blues Chalk Circle Aspects 'I'tturing ('ttde UltliL‘ \Vttttstet‘s Drettm'l‘ent 28 Company 26 ? Booth I’drttdttx Productions 46 Bored Games Red Herring (‘ttmpunt 45 The Bruce Bruntttn Theatre 41 3 Busted 810 e and Sheatrs'l‘hetttre

Company 51 Carlucco and the Queen at Hearts l-‘it‘th

[astute 51 Clay Incidental 'l'heattre Presents 40 Cowboys. Indians and Waitresses Rttndttlph Stttditt 51 The Cruel Grasp 'I‘he l’lL‘1I\£tlTL‘L‘ 36 Cymbeline \Vttles Aetttrs‘ (‘ttmpttny 39 The Day Trip Incidental 'I'hezttre

l’t'L‘NL‘lth 41 Death and The King's Horseman ( ‘ttmnridge (ititl\ 36

The Devil and Lenny Bruce Ru} Ilztnnu 26

Dicing With Death(‘ttp\tiek.tnd(‘zt\\le} 42

Drawing on a Mother‘s Experience and Cook Dems Btthh} Baker 14 A Dybbuktor Two People Bruce Myers 47

EquusAgnttstic'l‘hezttre(‘ttmpatnt 48 An Evening With Gary Linekerl’lettsztnce 55 f The Exorcisml).\tt)(‘ 50 I

The Fox and the Flutist‘I‘hentre \Vttrkxhttp 36 A Game With Billy Goat Songs Iixperintentztl

'l'hezttre Studios 46 Gargoyle Jam l);t\ id \\‘.\\'. .ltthnstttne 26 The Gerty NaylorShow‘l'nny l lttztse 50 La Gioconda ( )pen Stage 34 Godspell Acting Experience 48 Le Grand MeaUlneS:\\\ClTll1l) Rtttmtx 31 Grease lietcester Yttttth limitth 27 Heartland ( ‘httplztinet (‘entre 31 ICoverThe Waterfront (iilded titrllnnn 34 Inthe Ruins 01 Song I lidden'l‘hetrtre 57 It's a Madhouse Bleztxtlttle 50 Jonathan Kay South Bridge ('entre 28 Killers l’lettsttnee 34 Killing Me Softly 'l'hetttre Workshop 36 Kwamanzi 'l'hetttre I'tH' Alriett 46 Lady Macsescu on Trial Theatre Arts 23 Lahrins Sahib l’urttdttx 36

The Lite Support I llll Street ‘l‘hentre 28 Light in the Village 'I'rmerxe Theatre 33 Love— a Psychological Perversity

('ttnletlet‘uc} (It l‘ttttl\ 40 Love Among theJuveniles't‘heutre \Vttrkxhttp 33 Medea Sex War \‘ntennn 46 Moon-Call Richard Demurctt ( iitllL‘I'} 28 MTPP l’leumtnce 55 Naked()\et‘\eu\ I ltHhL‘ 36 Nonethe Wiser'l‘he tendon Medics 43 Once upon a Time in Tottenham Hale .-\\\eml1l} 36 Operation Grapple I’rtttttndi\ ‘I‘heutre (‘ttmpttnt 46 Orpheus Singing tinglish Musiel'heutre 42 The Overcoat't‘nttering Blpe‘tl\ 55 P88810n.lttmtlttle\ 51 Patrick's Day Sean Hughes itlikl ( )\\ en ()'.\'etll 42

Picture Postcard l'islttng \et 'I'hetrtre (‘n 26

Plurabelles- Pukka Productions the .»\rc 45

Polish Contemporary Theatre ‘t‘hentre

\\ ttrkxhttp 26

The Poor Mouth l’rtttr) l’rttdttctittnx 40 1 Portrait ol the Artist as a Young Conservative

The Return 01 Burke and Rare (iilded

Bttllttttn 31 Roxana I'lte .ltthnxttn I-‘ttntilt Santa Claus is a Bastard t~e~tix itl (‘lntr 46

A Savage Reminiscence and Comic Monologue ‘t'hentre [no 51 Scarlatti‘s Wedding Natural lltetttt'e (‘ttmpunt 26

Stt'ttking the I’igettns St ('ttltnnhtt's It) the

(itlxtle 31 Theatre 43 The Secretary Bird 'l'he .\l;tl\;tl'\ :tt \1ttt‘t‘;ttt'ieltl 43 Sexpots ol Ancient Rome 1 till Street

Theatre 28 Sexual Perversity in Chicago Arches

Theatre 34 Shakespeare For Breaktast See Red

'l‘\\'\\':\ l’l'tltlllt‘tltllh 24 Cindy Slaggitt 'l‘ie't'ne 51 Sleep With MB Part ll ( itllle l"i.\ltitt' 'l'heutt‘e (‘tttnpdnt 40 Slight Possession ’I’ulking'lttngttex 24 ASoldier's Tale 'l‘hezttre'l'heztttiettl 23 solitude 'ledtr Btttttttlttktt 55 Struggle ot the Dogs and the Black! rm erse Theatre 34 Tango atthe End olWinterNrnngnun 40' Tennessee Rose Ntrtrttnrd Student l)r;ttn;t (‘ttmpttnt 45 Tennessee inthe Summer I .tt\.-\lttt\ 'l'ltetttre('tttnpunt 5 Three Men in a Boat l’ertttrntttnee

Theatre 50 To Hell With the Keeper ot the Lightllteult'e It} Stealth 42 Total Rethink‘l‘he l’le‘;t\;ttte‘c' 28 Trench Kiss Incidental Theatre 55

Try It on the Dog ltnprtttnpttt 'I'heutre 24 Ubu Rex .\';ttittn;tl Theatre ()1 ( ‘t'ttim u 42 UnderMilk Wood Iidtnltttrgh'l'hctttte

.-\I'l\ Up ‘n‘ Underllttll 'l'rttclel'hetttte 24 Upstream l’;tr.tdtt\ 'I lieull e ('tttnpdm 51 The Vision olNostrildamus tithn/n 39 A Watermelon Killed My Daughter (lttttht'itlge Huh 55 We I’L'IL‘I‘ lI'L‘litllLl Weisman and Coppertace ‘I'rtn et'\e lltettlte 48 Whale Music ( ~tttnltrtdge \ltttnrttetx 34 You Can Lead A Horse To Water titrlmnrdx ()tttncentenntttl 57 V CABARET Adele Anderson ‘l‘he l’le‘;t\;tttc‘e' 33 An Atternoon With Klaus Barbie's Penpal (itlded Bttllttttn 31 Bestiality Killed the Cat'l'helnnhtrm Re\ tte 56 Bushwacked in America lllll Street Theatre 51 ComedyZone .'\l.tlt l’urket l'rhttn \Vnt‘t'tttr 56 Bob Dillinger'l'he l’le.t\;tltee 52 Don‘t Shoot Me. I‘m Still Only The Piano Playerl);r\ ttl Scheel 13 80b Downe 'lltc l’lL‘JMIlle‘e‘ Etcetera Incorporated t;teeter it 55 Simon Fanshawe Assembly 13 Gilhooly and Soan In Love the l’lcmunce 56 Gross Encounters Suttthsttle 57 Bill Hicks: Dangerous Assemhlt \\ lltlertl 53 Sean Hughes 1 lie ( itltletl Bulltmn 48 Inthe SCUthctttt .tttdBdrr) 42 JUSt The Words Iitltlie l/lttt tl 4U KabaretStttrttur-d Year ()ut l)t‘;trn.t (irttup 56 Denis Leary Assembly 50 Legends on the Edge 01 the Millennium \lileutnd \ttlnet 56


The Live Experience tilt Sm age 55

Nicholas Parsons ()tteett'x 1 tall 53

Nipped and Tucked tor ’91 t-‘riends nt‘the


50 ; Serious Free Zone The (‘ttltttn ('entre 56

Frank Skinner'l‘lte I’leusttneL‘ 47 Mark Steel(iilded Bttlltmn 47 ' Stomp YLN \tt l’ettple 57 Stl’UCk Oil and Die l'he l’letlmtliee 55 Mervyn Stutter See Red 52 Jim Tavare Assemhl} 51 Trio Grande ( 1n tttinzt 56 The 20:20 Show Sttttthside 50 We Call It Chaseeeed .\t(‘ Relthe 46 i When Harry MetAllyl-‘estitnlt‘lnh 57


Dinner Dance The Kmlr 34 IOU Assembly \Vildcttt ill the Meadows 36 The Jiving Lindy Hoppers

Assenthlt \\'tldc;tt 33 Mapapa Acrobats andthe Band Madingo Assembly \Vildcdt :tt the Mcztdtms 34 Mummenschanziantpire'l'hentre 27 National Ballet ol Cuba Internutinnnl I'L‘\li\ill

l l l The Jones Boys And ( 'ttn It Be'.".".’ 1 l l


Bolshoi Opera Interttutittnttl I-‘estit til 45 La Gran Scena Opera Company :\\\ettthl_\ 45 4O Requiem lor Lockerbie lnterntttittnttl l‘L‘Slthl 39 Dave Robb and the Filmmakers 'l'he l-‘ringe ('Itth 41 1 These Freedom Tourists’l‘lte Are 57 t Woodrow's LouderThan Hype t’lnttnrm I ()lte‘ i V FOLK i Acoustic Music Centre r-\.\t(‘ 31 f AwatinasSt.lnhn'xehttrelt 50 a HarpiSISAeuttxtic\IttxicCentrc 42 2 Hot Licks Cookies Aettttstic Mttsic (‘entre 43 3 Music From Peru‘s Sacred Valley-\pu 50 The Poozies .'\etttt\tic \lttxic ( ‘entre 43

Grand Union World Music Party ()tteen\

llttll 57 Joe Pass ()tteen's I ltrll 47 Wayne Batchelor .lit/l Bltt/ ttt Weekend

.'\It\(it)llL'f_’L‘ 46

A Clean Sweep/Gunpowder .Iexter‘x

('htldren‘s ’l'hettttc 2 The Burping Prince ( Linthrrdge

\ltnnmctx 26 Roald Dahl‘s Revolting Rhymes ( ‘uxtnrd lutctttrt 'l liedllC (‘tttnpdm 23 The Last Laugh I'lexh lt ( )ttt ‘l'hetrtre ('tttnpum 24 Magic Bob and MrBoom llte.rtre \\ttr‘k\|ttt[t 23 OllTheWalltnlt ('.rtt('utttp.ttt} 23

School ForClowns i’te l’ttt.ttlt\e i’ll‘tlllelltllh

Sinking Arc /,em< Me

The Gingerbread Man Ian Turbitt Puppets (illtle‘tl l1ttlltHlll 2 Tom Thumb. orTragedy otTragedies

l lle‘ttlle‘ r\_‘_1ttj.',

Unlikely Myths lltel ttltkc l\ llte.ttet

( tttttpdttt 26 Young King Arthur lite l:tt.t;:ttt.tttttn

('rttnpdttt 26 Autogeddon Rm lllllc'llllh 36 Kingst‘httxtttpltet I ttgttc 33 i

The list It» 33 .-\ttgtt.\t W"! 3