. . i .intl)é5.lrezi}nof

. l a . l, =, i

53535 DeniSLearyé :.


. . , 1, . . . Franksitkinner. ', L _ IhjeBiirmittghiunboythat. » r > M‘tmldbe kingsllestarts

. but beforeayou can say.

I mioholds~harredhily secretipns'gags are as .funn}; as they areastelcss. Hecan't‘hélp it . “iti‘:{t"‘§'ifu§i'li1¢1;: )' his mind worle M" x Miller would have he ,1 like this ithe‘d conic fngm

:3 :5.’

. ,3

:23: é

fiat-"3' a ;. i3

f .- “Sean Hughes

Last )ear'f. Perrier A“ ard winnnergetsaua} with a lot‘hecause of his cheek). little-hoy-lmt image. the same. his materialiis cleaner than most 0”le contenrpoi‘aries. relyiné on‘surrealism. \\ ordplay‘fi and family reminiscean ratherthatteschanging _ hodil} fluids routines. B}; way ol balance. he does has e a \sclter ot

Bob Downe

The bishop of beige. the Maharajah of MOR.

leadinghisaudiencesinto the bland of a thousand dances. most ofsshich haVe a hossa nova heat. The ultimate anti-aesthete keeps his assault on taste to the sartOriaI and musical. although he has been known to slip in the sly innuendo or surreptitious piece of filth

. . . Jim Tavare Double-hass-related gags from the musical maestro

. i .are unlikelé; to offendany but the most ludicrously

.sensilis'e oi souls. Tavare has been kiiown to say

WM“ f"¢"r'apf occag'ionally and '

.hecklers might be tempted 'to shout 'tllzit‘s a bigonc’ .ybu's'e gotbetween your

legs.‘ but cissentially


‘back passage‘he scguesW

>ll1,elrtsh-Aritertc;:tn_ " é stand-up has carved out a niche for himself With a ' . peculiarlyorigituti : fascination with terminal ;disease.:notahly A - icancerousgrtmthsolall "_’ “‘dc'se‘ri‘ptlo'rlfmstyear‘he i shocked Usuith i i 3 revelations about lhe 5 Queen Mother‘s 3' colostomy h' ' around he[: omises L searing an” cdotes about Michael igneous

Birmingham and had a much filthier mind. Sexually Explicit: 9

Lavatorla|:9 ' Ultiriiateg-lcrminalcolon Sick28 cancerilE . 0veral|Filthactor:26 is Setuallvifxpllcutii

Lavatorgl: 8 ‘gSick: 9 gaveraliginh Factor: 26 é




Bill Hicks. ‘We mine some the same hattlel'ields.' sat s

alcohol-related gags that escape the boundaries of good taste in most cases. '

Sexually Explicit: 5 Leary of l licks. Lgvamnak 7 prtiiisttrtizilwls- a reference to Slck25 . Hicks's hratt‘dol , 0‘13"!” Flu“ Facial: 17 aggressix e lihcrtai’ianism. \v taking on the might ol 2 gm ernment one minute

and making obscene

commentsahom Dehhie \ (iil‘tfion the next. Rumour has it lhal [licks lter dropped the smaller targets from his nexs act.

f butexpecl'todescendinto " the sen er more than once. Sexually Explicit: ll) Lavalorial: 7 , Sickle , , 7 _ _ OverallFilthFaclortzs intoshisact to heel up those slack middle-ei ’ths. ; SexuhllyExplicile Laval'hrialz 3 Sick:52; Overall Filth Factor: 13 Earl 0km What this gu} does from September to August is an} one‘s guess. but he has become a reliahle standh) on the Fringe. Raunchy brass sounds \i ithiiut the , j 5 hrassarcthisman'sgame. w . andthenearest he gelslo theknueklearethespate “a '9' of ‘horny' double ' a entendreshe“hipsoutl‘or if? (ientlemgilimislun s > themore\‘tilgarmemhers allt’he fan'i' V. ' W " 'f 'ol'lhe audience. SexuallyEx " ' ? SexuallyExplicilz4 Lavatorial: _ _ I f ' ' ' Lavatorial:2 Siclt22,. ..,.;.L..if.fSick:2.,

OverallFilth Facteri 4 Overall Filth Factor: 8

The List 16— 22 August 199113