Synchronlse watches, Festival-goers. and eyes down tor The List's exclusive minute-by-minute guide to where to be in Edinburgh at any given


I Bob Kingdom is Dylan Thomas, which could be good news lor the assembly Rooms bartakings it he gets sufficiently into character. Dylan Thomas: Return Journey (Fringe) Bob Kingdom, Assembly Rooms (Venue 3) 220 4349,10—31 Aug. noon, £6 (£5). weekends £7 (£6).

' g


I Karl MacDermott does an uncanny impression otthe state our reviewers are in afterthree days on the Fflnge.

An Altemoon With Klaus Barbie’s Pen-Pal (Fringe) Karl MacDermott, Gilded Balloon (Venue 38) 226 2151 . 941 Aug (not Mondays), 1.30pm, £4 (£3).


I AIDS Positive Underground Theatre otter ‘a signiticant shiit in AIDS theatre' in The Ice-Pick. The Ice-Pick (Fringe) AIDS Positive Underground Theatre, Theatre Workshop (Venue 20) 226 5425, 12-31 Aug (not Sundays), 6pm,

£3.50 (£2.50).

I Would you buy a used motoroit these geezers? Billy And Dave tron sell you a line down Tottenham way. Once Upon A Time In Tottenham Hale (Fringe) Phil Comwell and Rick Stone, Assembly Rooms (Venue 3) 220 4349. 9—31 Aug, 4pm, £6 (£5), weekends £7 (£6

4The List 9- 15 August 1991