cuscoii no tomorrow mnem-
The List is looking tor a young, organised and quick-witted person with an outgoing personality to join our sales team. Previous experience not essential; lull driving licence required. Apply in writing with co. to:
Personnel JM,
The List, 14 High Street.
Edinburgh EH1 1TB Closing date: Wednesday 31 July 1991
I £1000 is what I have to makc In} drcam conic truc: to form a Ioung malc singing group kind ol' likc "I'lrc Suprcmcx'. Backing singcrs nccdcd. so \\ rItc. (Iltl\gti\\ rcsidcnt. Box .\'o
lSll R I.
I Poet/lyricist sought to collaboraic \\iII‘l song-uritcr. No particular st} Ic rcquircd. Scnd cxamplcx ol work to Box No 153 R 3.
INTELLIGENT. ENTRUSIASTIC malc (III). dcxpcratc lor cmplo} Incnt in thc music Industr} . \Vill considcr an} thing (almost? ). You \Ion'i bc ousting yourtiincl
Box N0153/R/1.
ASPIRING STARS ()nc actor. onc actrcxx \\ anlcd lor amatcur liIm production. Would suit drama \tudcntx. (iood lor porilolio. Izdinburgh.
Box No 153/8/2.
PROFESSIONAL PHOTOGRAPHY lor actors. musicians. artistcx. \ludcnix. Studio or location. \lakc-up artIst and hairstylist an aiIaITlc. (’ontact l.c\lc} lor
dclails. Tel: 041 644 5656.
LOOKING FOR A JOB? \Vilicll this \pach 'I‘hc licst \ acancics appcar in 'IIII' /.l\l.
VOLUNTEERS WANTED Scotland Yard Adventure Centre urgently requires volunteers to work at our playground for kids with special needs. All you need is enthusiasm
and some spare time. Contact: Therese, SYAC, 7O Eyre Place,
031 557 8199
Festival Times magazine needs distribution sub managers and street sellers for 3 weeks over the Festival (starting Aug 9th).
Generous Commission
Contact: Maxton Walker on 031 650 2362
WANTED Female Company Members CATCH THEATRE COMPANY Children & Young People's Theatre Profit Share Apply with letter, C.V. & photo, S.A.E. To: CATGI “IRATRE COMPANY
11 Forth Street Edinburgh EH1 31E
Applications by 31 July
Require EXPERIENCED MANAGER Duties involve:
Day to day running of the Branch, expanding work. some manual work. Vehicle provided.
Based in Bathgale area. Salary negotiable. Contact Mr C. Sturrock
0753 888656
SELF EMPLOYED? Looking for busincss‘.‘ .-\d\'crti\c in our Bu} tk Scll or ScrI iccs scctions from UilI\
{.3 lnr Silwords. I
(cniIaIScotlantl lulu”. I l’cnIcquWISIIS
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We pride ourselves on our flexible and friendly approach to the problems of managing an effective nationwide print distribution campaign.
We will plan a long-term distribution strategy or mobilise a fast tactical distribution run. We deliver to the audience you want to reach.
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REQUIREMENTS NATIONWlOE gi Tel: 031 —555 1897 or031 —555 2905 or Fax: 031:5552905-..
I TELEPHONE: 041~429 3838
IJoinerl I l)II::u.In Rclialrlc tI.Idc\III.III .\lli\pc\ol |oIIIcI\\oIkIindciiakcnin
I Handwriting analysis in pmi. Scndl 4 lIncuIlnormal lIanduIIting on blank papcrto IxIa with L lllcllcquc po. and S.-\I'. Iii“ No I53 5 3
I Portraits painted in plixiL'I of your lax ouritc pop. rock and IiIiil\I£tl‘\ I)can..\lonroc. llcatlcs. Dylan. Doors. \'cI\'ct\. RliM. Morrissc} . (‘urc. ctc. Rcasonablc priccx. Scnd SAP. lordctailx. Box .\'o153 S l.
I Accordion and concertina music from liuropc and Amcrica. Adds csxcntial 11' m' mix qimi to Iiixii'ox. cach Iii)“ Ils. rcstaurants. rcccptions and special occasions. l.c\\on\ also availablc. Stcx c Sutclillc onlMl (T_3(T I Ili7.
I Victorian and Old upright and grand piano\, Rcstorcd and tuncd to standard: concert: pitch. 'l‘clcphonc I)a\ c Wilson IiilII-II 334 I‘m. I’ianosliouglit and sold.
PRINTING Justaqtuckcallaway lSRmdolphPlace, Edinburgh
M: 031-226 6%8 Fax: 031-220 0288
W 2mm . Edinbm'gh
M: (151-886 8222
RUNNING A SMALL BUSINESS? Looking: lor cthiomcrs'.’ Adx crtixc in our Bu} ck Scll or 8ch IL‘C\ \L'L‘llilll\ lrom onl} £3 Ior 3ll \\ ords.
Do you want...
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l'IIc I.I.\l JILIIIII 5' August I‘Nl 87