Events are listed alphabetically by sport, then by day. Sport Listings compiled by Tom Lappin.
Saturday 27
I Stirling County v Perthshire Williamlicld. Stirling. lpm. Struggling at tlic bottomol thc tablc. Stirling will bc hoping to pick tip sonic much-nccdcd points against midvtablc Pcrthshirc.
I West Lothian v Aberdeenshire Bogliall. Linlithgow. lpm.
I Greenock v Drumpellier ( ilcnpai k. Brisbanc St. ('irccnock'. lpm.
I Clydesdale V Poloc Titwood. Bcaton Rd.
(ilasgow. lpm. lligh-fl)iiig(‘l)dcsdalc should pick up morc points against loss I} Poloc. with thc hpr of iii-form batsman laii Stangcr.
I Ferguslie v Kelburne Mciklcriggs. l’aislc‘). lpm.
I Ayr v Kilmarnock ('ambusdoon. Allowa}. lpm.
I West at Scotland v Uddingston l lamilton (‘rcscan Pch Strcct. (ilasgow. lpm. Wcst Of Scotland will bc hoping toclosc thc gap on (‘l_\'dcsdalc at thc top oIthc tablc with a com incing win mcr Uddingston. w ho arc sponsorcd b} Tunnock's thc biscuit pcoplc incidctitall}.
Paul Lawrie receives the under-25‘s Trophy lastyear
With the 25-year-old Australian Craig
' Parry putting and driving his way
though more than blustery showers to
take lirst prize at the Scottish Open, the
golting game is looking good lor young players. Increasingly so, in tact, as the
' lirst Gore-Tex Fabrics Scottish Under ' 25s‘ Open Championship is taking ' place atthe Deer Park and Goll and
Country club in Livingston this week. There has been a Scottish under 255
‘ championship since 1981 , with a select
; I Freuchie V Carlton Public Park. lircuchic.
lpm. Thc plucky wcc Villagc of l‘rcuchic continucs to challcngc at thc top olthc tablc. and should gct thc bulk of thc points against struggling Carlton.
I Stenhousemuir v Royal High The 'l‘rysi. l.arbcrt. lpm.
I Heriots FP v Cupar(ioldcnacrc.
i lmcrlcith Row. Edinburgh. lpm.
I Edinburgh Acads v Grange Racbiirn
' Placc. Stockbridgc. Edinburgh. lpm. IWatsoniansvKirkcaldyxlyrcsiitc. (’olinton Road. Edinburgh. lpm.
Saturday 3
SCOTTISH COUNTY CHAMPIONSHIPS I I Ayrshire v Fortarshire Thc ()s'al. I Prcstwick. 1pm. Ayrshirc'sllaggo brothers will bc doing thcir bcst to hpr thc
- count} closc thc gap on Strathmorc at thc
‘ I Clackmannan County v Perthshire 'I‘hc-
Arns. Alloa. lpm.
I Fileshire v Stirling County McKanc Park. Dunicrmlinc. lpm. Battlc ofthcalso-rans at thc bottom of thc tablc. with Iiifcshirc
1 looking to brcak tlicir run of bad luck and
worsc crickct.
I Uddingston v Greenock Bothwcll (‘asilc Policies. Uddingston. lpm.
I Drumpellierv Clydesdale Langloan. (‘oatbridgo lpm.
I Poloc v West Ol Scotland Shawholm. Pollokshaws. Glasgow. lpm.
I Kelburne V Ayr Whitchaugb. l’aisIC}. lpm.
I ltilmarnock v Ferguslie Kirkstylc.
‘ Kilmarnock. lpm. Morc Ioot-oi-thc-tablc
struggles. with Kilmarnock dcspcratc for points. and Fcrguslic not doing much bcttcr.
lew English prolessionals being invited to Livingston last year. However, this is the lirst time that the event has been made open. It the rest at the world is not very well represented, with only
- one Spaniard and tour Dutchmen
joining the “plenty Englishmen, one or
two Welshmen and ninety something
Scotsmen‘ according to Sandy Jones,
regional secretary at the Prolessional
Gollers Association, he believes it is a step in the right direction.
‘Our intention is to create an opportunity tor these people to play in an event, very early in their career, in Scotland, which is obviously the home or golt,’ says Sandy. And when he says early, he means it. Some ol the
: hopetuls contending the £20,000 prize
lurid are as young as seventeen. While the £3,300 lirst prize is only a
traction ol Parry‘s win, it is quite
enough to make detending champion Paul Lawrie at Aberdeen determined to retain the title, not torthe glory, but to add to the 28,000 he has netted already this year. It will not be an easy task, with the leading money winner on the 1991 Tartan Tour, Colin Gillies in good lorm, as are Calum Innes and Glenmuir Matchplay Champion, Andrew MacDueen.
Should the weather turn had, golt‘s
most notorious ot tashion accessories,
the umbrella, will certainly be in evidence. Forthe trendy, Sandy Jones recommends ‘anything with a huge logo on it. Ping, Dunlop, Menzuno. Anything. The biggerthe logo and costlierthe umbrella the better.‘ (Thom Dibdin)
The linal day at the Gore-tex Fabrics Scottish under25's Open Championship is Friday, the 25th at July. The Deer Park and Golt and Country Club is just all the Livingston turn-oil on the M8. Entrance is tree.
I Freuchie V Heriots Public Park. I‘l'L’llCIlIL‘. lpm.
I Carlton v Stenhousemuir 'l'hc Pavilion. (irangc Loan. Iidinburgh. lpm.
I Edinburgh Acads v Watsonians Rachul n Placc. Stockbridgc. lidinburgh. lpm
I Kirkcaldy v Royal High Bcnnocli}. Kirkcald}. lpm.
I Race Days 'l‘iicsda} . 'I'hursdas and Saturday. Shawlicld Stadium. Ruthcrglcn
Road. (ilasgow . 'l‘hcrc arc tcii raccs in
cach mccting. starting at 7.45pm. £3.
I Race Days "I llL‘StId}. l'liiirsda} and Saturda} . Powdcrhall Stadium.
I‘lcmcthall Road. lidinbiirgh. l:ach inccting incliidcs tcn raccs. starting at
'7 .‘sllpm. £2.5llStgiiicl. Raccprogrammc licc with admission.
GOLF Friday 26
I Gore~Tex Fabrics Scottish Under-253' Open Championship l)cci Park (ioll and ('oiiiiti} (lob. l.i\ingston. ()nc ol'thc strongcst liclds ol )llllllggUIIL'l‘S asscmblcd is ill attcinpt to w icst tlic trophy from rcigning champion Paul l ..i\\ iic. lcading lancics iiicliidc l'ormcr \Viilkci ('in star(‘i'aig ( ‘assclls. 'l hc lznglisli cliallcngc w ill bc lcd b} Alastair \Valt. .\laiciis Maith and .'\lltIlL'\\ Nicholson. but thc likcsol (‘olin ( iillicsaiid iii-loini (‘aliiin liincs w ill bc hoping to kccptlic troph} in Scotland.
Saturday 27
I Hamilton Park Races l lamilton Park Racccoursc. BothwcH Road. llamilton. ('lub ill). Paddock £5l£3l 2.15pm. l-‘lat racing of an unprcdictablc nzrturc . ollcring plcnty ol'opportunitics lor thc unis at} puntcr to losc thcir shirt.
Friday 2
I Edinburgh Mussclburgh Racccoui sc. .‘slussclbtirgh. ('Iub £7. paddock £3.50. .\lorc flat racing lt‘om thc popular. winding scasidc track.
I Edinburgh Gull Monarchs v Milton Keynes Knights Pow dci'hall Stadium. Bcai ci‘liall Road. lidinburgh. 7.15pm. A Sunbritc l.caguc match against a l'ormidablc Milton Kcyncs sidc that includcs 1%“) World finalist 'l‘roy Butlcr. and \‘ctcran ( iordon Kcnncu.
I Glasgow Tigers v Stoke Potters Shaw IIL'ItI Stadium. Ruthcrglcn Road. ( ilasgow. (i..‘~llpm. A Sunbritc l.caguc clash lor 'l'igcrs against a usclul Stokc sidc.
Friday 2
I Edinburgh Gull Monarchs v Glasgow Tigers Powdcrhall Stadium. Bczn crhall Road. lidinburgh. b.3llpm 'l‘hc oldcst rii als in Spccdwa) clash in this Scottish (‘up match. with Edinburgh possiItI) just has ing thc cdgc. on currcnt lorm.
I Glasgow Tigers v Middlesborough Shawt'icld Stadium. Ruthcrglcn Road. (ilasgow . It.3IIplTl. A Sunbritc l.cagiic match for 'l‘igcis.
Wednesday 7
' I Glasgow Tigers v Edinburgh Gull
Monarchs Shaw licld Stadium. Rnthcrglcn Road. (ilasgow. 7.30pm. 'l‘hc sccond lcg of thc Scottish (‘up tic has bccn rcarrangcd for thc bcriclit ol' thc Scottish 'l'clcs isioii camcras w ho is ill bc at thc lt'aCIssiiIc.
Saturday 27
I Racing Raccw all. ('ow dcnbcath 7pm. l‘oriiiiila 2. Salooiis. llot rods and Minis aic on thc tarmac lot a s arict) ol raccs li‘oni thc l"ilc track.
Saturday 3
I Racing Raccisall. (‘imdcnbcath ‘piii Assoi‘tcd ialopics bump and grind llicii was around thc l-ilc tiack
Sunday 28—Sunday4
I VW Ratings Tournament Kcls mgr m c l’ark (ilasgow (‘oiiipctitioiis iii llic IS-scai -oldsaiid sciiioi catcgoiics. Satiitdas 3 Siiiida) II
I VW Rating Tournament ( ‘l.n ksloiil I t ‘. l'.ist\sooiliii.iiiis Road. (Ill ksloii.
I (ilasgim. I
'l’hc .‘oJiiIs S .-\ I‘Nl 65