-_- -_.- _-.- “j l I TRADUAIR FAIR 'l'raquair House.

' ! eompletnenting his busystand-tip l . lnncrlcithcn pcchlcshirc “8968‘un11. schedule with tu'oplaysin thissear's Tra uair Fair Sat 3—Sun 4 Au . llam—o )m. [:dmburgh Hing“ m” h“ immducmg . . , . q g right-on wit and racontcur. Simon I The Counting House 1 pstatrs. 53 2 \\ est

(~ulturaliun and gamesinthe Borders F h , l N I m t H W7“ R “m “H - - - ' ' “z‘ ' ' .t‘osot. IL‘c.H_ CS. A ()Vc‘erlHlitVS.InCllldlllg A Hard Dar 5 “"5 “““ “mr‘“’ll‘mnm‘m‘ L l . . , . g ' ' open allda}.ser\'tng lllllll‘)._sllptll- diners

Burde .lohn Mowat and Roy Weskinwho mmcdum‘ Jam-V l'cwm‘ lawn" .. . ' . . . . . Claim ‘6 bum. lhC cmcroflcdrmpmm in chat-show rebel. Jack [)ec. and star ot [he can Claim U l's‘dlls‘lll‘" 0” lllCeri'hi'Wl thc Ihen“. ewe Open liqingg iWiHum I’rmm/ Radio Show. Nick Rcvcll. llL’ls'L‘l-S- “All llCL‘lle um" lilm- ( “bard 3”

" " - llltm.£4.50l£3.50).Seel-‘ril. Cahoretlslistod by date, then hyclty.8liows Edmburgh

will be listed. provided that details reach our Traq U a l'

otticos at least too do s botore ublication. I The Counting House 1 'pstaits. 32 2 West , . . Cabaret mums “mailed by Mp8,“ Fisher. Nicolson Street. or»: n7s‘t. Restaurant I Whose Sticky Moment is it Anyway?

open all da} . serVing until 9.30pm 7- tlinet-s 'l‘raquair lair. 'l'raquair l louse. lnnerleithen. l’eebleshire. 7.45pm. £25.

can claim £l reduction on their cabaret tickets. Bar licensed until lam. ('abaret at ('harit) perlorniance lor Scottish AIDS

lllpm. £4.50 ( £3.50). l-‘irst chance this Monitor and the'l‘reloil ('entre. hopingto i / “FUR l0 M‘s: Sort-nan l.o\ ell (he plats double last _\e;tt"s H.300. On stage are l , . (xlasgou’s Iron tn a cotipleol das'sttme)

l IN” F'ac‘klemn ( “’“bcm‘l‘um “1‘3"” who makes a rare venture onto stage to

t ~ Ktldrum. C umbernauld. ll2_so7372.~5. . wt!

I - w Glasgow's foremost performance poet 5»; ~

i any weskin and John "(mat in A Hard Day's takes (‘umbernauld by storm \\ ith a mix ol' . 5"

i saw at TfaquaifFaif poetns and stand-up gags. i

ITRAVERSE THEATRE l 12 West amt. . Edinburgh

3 Firmslmrkc“ 32,“ 3635' 13"" (mm ' l The Counting House l'pstait-s. 3: 2 “cs!

t lue—-Sat lllarn lspm. Sun lr- lllptn. Bar. Niwlwn Street. 662 Why Rcsmmmu

Rest. Tickets also available from the

, v , . open all day. serving until 9.30pm ~~dincrs lid)?“ mm" Mark“ Strut [Acccssi 5" can claim £1 reduction on theircabaret I'l'c'lmcs: I." Help: AA] . _ tickets. Bar licensed until lam. (‘abarct at sl'ugg'e 0' me Dogs and me, was" [mm lllpm. £4.50 ( £3.50). Surely the busiest 25-Sttn -l Atig. 8pm. And Inc is 'l‘hursb’ ' Aug. 7.45pm. £hl£3l (Also running throughout ladinburgh Fringe. ) The first fully professional production ofthis anti-colonialist drama by the late French plat“ right Bernard-Marie Koltcs. Fear and guilt on a West A Mean building site \s hen a \\ hite man kills a black man. Andy Farrell directs.

Light in the Village Sat 3 Sun 4 Atig. 8pm. £o(£.‘~). (Also running throughout Edinburgh l-‘estis al. ) John ('lifl'ord.

stand-up in (ilasgtm . Stu Who? takes a

author ol IIIl’S (It'( usrm and Luxury y Y Julian Clary l-t’ritt‘t'.firms:olllllh'cxpirljnccstofl . i I .lulian ( ~lart . .losic latt rence. Richard

. g z 2 x 3 a ' z y . . . \N m‘ m H “r "s "U l l} "H mm i Norman Love" anhe Tron and The counting \ ranch. Simon l'anshaue and Paul

tochallenge our attitudes tothe

. .\lorocco. th\ eloptng u orld. See pres tew. House

StuWho?atlheComicClub I takeabreaklromhis’quork. SUNDAY 4 ;

llilariouslt dour. the ltdinburgh-based break from appearances ex er} \\ here lrom '

~ " 'v it it mirrm Scottish Books to miners‘ benefits. toptit ESTESSSlliitrrzzd23:35:211):! U ( ( on his shadesand rattlethrough hrs \\ est ' ' .The comedy Chm [ml Bin-(.H‘C‘Millu

t.\.' l WW“ COMPANV Coast banter. More tomorrow. 3 Street. 321 156813. Anew-Sunda} night i - hauntl'orl'ansolstand-up.teaturingthre' : AN 1 comediansdraunlromtheranksol'the L

0 WC

INTERNA "ONAL FESTIVAL Glasgow l The Comic Club Blackltiars. 45 .-\ll)ltlll [llwill;tieiilgtla‘iiilijll: gellilial ol Comedy lThe Comic Club Blacklriars. ~15 Albion Street. Merchant ('it} . 552 5924. ‘lpm. 'l'ron ‘l‘hcatre. 'l’rongatc. 553 42(17. BY 3 Street. Merchant (it); 553 5924. 9pm. £4.5ll(£3.5lll. Bar open 0.30pm. l-‘inal night in (ilasgtm iorthc ' £4.5()(£3_5()). Burnpw Sfillpnr midnight. \Veekh dose ot \Vest llolsten Stand-l 'p'l'ottr. (‘ompere isonce - 8.3llpm—midnight. More stand-uplun (has! mirth irom(ilasgots'sonh regular again Arthur Smith. highlight tsonce front the Funny l‘arm and betond. tokc club. . again .lerem} llard} andadditional 1 fitting]?EllieilIV2l£ifgrnedy illill'litc‘illlll; arelaicerbilc .'\l[ilc‘l'lc‘.lll Kit ' u u c; c. t "z c..._ ._ '. oermciant Lll\\ll‘L‘il . 'The counting House l-l,_\luil\_ 33 3 Wk.“ 9 30pm. More coined} courtes} ol l1drnburgh—resident Norman l.o\etl l R S Nimlgunglrcct.“030731_Rumumm llolsten with the same line-upas last night l)on't miss.

Open all da)‘. sers ing ttntil ‘).3llpm diners “will mi” 5mm” hm‘hil“ " “DIM-Cd l‘.‘

. can claim r1 reduction on lhcircabarcl Ihc we “Underml Jcrcms Hard.» _ ' Bllde'S Centre tickets. Barlicensed until latn. (‘abaretat 6

9-17 August 10pm. £4.50(£3.50l. See liri 2o. ; Tickets: £10.00 (Front Stalls) FRIDAY 2 Glasgow ' g i £650 (800k Slons) I Craig Ferguson'l'ron'l'heatre. lrongate.

552 4307. 7.30pm. £5.50. l-‘irst of a three-night stand b_\ I'rrtltrt Sig/HA! l’lrt'


; .“0|.s-'en StanqCUp Fatwa—[0,, anledy Horne presenter and old lriend ol‘the l The Brunton Theatre In)" lhciiuc‘ 1.1.0'1guuf'fil' 47’m' 'l‘ron. (‘raig Ferguson. lle‘s alssa)s\torth ' 2l-3l AUQUSl umpnl' hm “t “NW mgm‘m seeingli\c.cspcciall} in an intimatetenue

London-circuit comedy sponsored b} llolsten. Tonight Arthur Smith. \s ho Is

like this. Part of a sleek ol‘comcd} in support of the theatre's seating appeal.



. lCraig Ferguson'l‘ron l'heatre.'l‘rongate. l 552 42m. 7.30pm. £5.50. See'l‘ueo. ;



I Craig Ferguson 'I‘ron Theatre.'I‘rongatc. 553 4367. 7.30pm. £5.50. See Tue (3.

£10.00 (Full), £57.00 (Concs), $511) (On door prior to performance)

Evenings 7.30pm (Both venues) Matinees 2.30pm (Thurs 8t Sats only. both venues)

Tickets for both venues from Festival Box Office Market Street. Edinburgh (03l) 225 5756

Compere Arthur Smith at The Tron l Jeremy Hardy at The Tron

58'! he List ZhJuly —— b‘ August l99l