I Provisionalprogramme only-catlcinemato l

conlirm. ' 1.Teenage MutantNinja TurtleszlPG)

.35pm ( not Sun). hpm.

‘Thelma and LOUI88(1518.15pm.


2. The Racketeer ( PU) 2.35pm (not Sun). (1pm. 8311an No Late Shows until October. I SALON Viniwmhc Slr'ccl. 33114351). I’t'm 1\11111.1I programme (ml) cull cinema 1


WEEK TWO Friday 2—Thursday 8 1111:1133; prim“

Possible opening: The Hocketeeri l’( 11 Cinemas are listed by region.then alphabetically. with commercial cinemas lollovved by repertory arthouses. societies '3 RW' 51ml 7‘33 “57“ and late night screenings. Times listed are FRIDAY 2 [of commas programmes. which may 1. Henry: POTIIBII OI a Serial I I8) 411111.

include advertisements and trailers. See “--““1""-"1‘m~

under Week One tor details at ticket prices, 2- L351 Images 0' "18 ShiDWFBCkl ‘51

opening hours and lacilities. Please note 3 7“ ’1‘111

that Week Two programmes atcommercial MISIBTJOMSOO l '31“ 151‘1".“ 451‘”)

cinemas are subject to late change. and SATURDAY 3

canno‘ be confirmed as we go to pmss. 1. MBCI the ApplegalBSt I 5 ) .tmI Heathers LUNCH Listings compiled by Sue Wilson. “5131‘”!-

Henry: PortraitolaSerialKillerl 1.x") See underWeekl tordetails oiticketprices, (Milling "[1111. opening hours.laci1ities etc. 2. High Wind in Jamaica 1 l 1 1 311,1”)

Angeli INK-15pm. MisterJohnsont I211).1511111.N.~15plii.

° - . SUNOAY4 Provrsronalprogramme details only-not 1 LeCop2( l‘)(1ptil \‘ 1< )m coniirmed attime olgoingtopress. I 2'Angeh m; “hm: - -l ICANNON (‘Izlrkstnn Ri);1d..\luircmi.()33 ' " I

. Monday-Saturday Noon-2. 30pm

DINNER Monday-Thursday 5. 30-1 l pm

Friday-Saturday S. 30-Midnight

Sunday 6.30- l 0.00pm


APPETISERS 12 noon-8pm Daily




1. Robin Hood: Prince olThieves ( P(i ).

2. Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles 2 ( l’( i ).

I CANNON The Forge. I’urkhcaid. 556

4282 4343.

Expected programme approximately as

tollows. Call cinema to coniirm.

1. Robin Hood: Prince olThieves ( 1’(i ).

2. Naked Gun 2(12).

3. Problem Childll’G)

The Silence oi the Lambsi 18).

4. Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles 2(1’0).

5.1n Bed With Madonna( 18).

6. Cinderella ( 1f ).

Hudson Hawki 15).

7. Thelma and Louise115).

Possible openings: The Hocketeer ( 1’0 ). ' fig;

Backdraiti 15121ndRock-A-DOOdI8(l.'). See also (ilusgim Iulcs.

I CANNON SauchichullSlrcc1.3331592. Expected programme approximately as lollovvs. Call cinema to conlirm.

1. Robin Hood: Prince 01 Thieves ( 1>(i ).

2. Naked Gun2112).

3. Thelma and Louise( 15).

4. Dances With Wolvesi 12).

5. Problem Child(1’(i).

Sleeping With the Enemy(15).

Possible opening. replacing one olabove: Backdralti IS).

I CITY CENTRE OOEON chl‘tcld Street. 332 871)].

Expected programme approximately as tollows. Call cinema to conlirm.

Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles 2 ( PG )2 Cinderella (1f).

Misery( 1:1).

Mermaids ( 15).

The Silence oi the Lambsi 111).

Hudson Hawki 15).

Henry: Portrait oia Serial Killeri 151911111. MONDAYS

1. Come See the Paradise1151.‘~.15pm. 11pm.

Le CopZi 121s.1.<pm.

2. Open OOOr81151ti..‘\llprn.

Henry: Portrait oia Serial Killeri lswpm. TUESDAY6

1.0&At l.\)hpni.

L8 C0021 1315—15))”1,

2. Open Ooorsr 1513.311pm. 11 311p”). Henry: Portrait oia Serial Killeri 131911111. WEDNESDAY7

1. L8 Con 21 1313 .‘llprnfipm. 0&Atl\1\151)111

2. Henry: Portrait 01 a Serial Killer) Ix 1 1pm.

' Lite Is Cheap. But Toilet Paper is Expensive

il\1l)..‘~llpm. ‘lpm


'1.0&All\13 ISpm.


2. Lite ls Cheap. But Toilet Paperis ExpenSIVBi1511131111111.

Henry: Portrait oia Serial Killeri I.\1"|)m.


Fri 2/3313:

: I CANNON I’hc I'nl'gc. I’;11klic.ul.55(i 4252 43.13.

I(';III cincnm IUl details.


Provisional programme details only— not

coniirmed at time 01 going to press.

I CAMEO I lumc Str'ccl . IZNJIJ I. : Oeiending YourLile ( P014. |5pmlni11

Sun).h..‘~5pm..\ 55pm. House 01 Games ( IS 1 .md The Name oithe

'Hosei l51Sttn 4 ()III\ 3 1m. . I

In Bed wnh Madonna ( 18). 'Scc HIM) Ldmhtii uh I.itIL‘\. RESERVATIONS 031-220 0125 possible openings: Rock,A,Doodle ( l; ) and I CANNON [.milimn Rimd. 321) 311311.

The Buckeye". : Expected programme approximately as

I GHOSVENOR Ashton Lane. 1 lillhcud. "°”°W5- ca" “"9"” ‘0 °°""""- [

3394398 73” . l1. Robin Hood: Prince otThievesr m '. 1.

34'I‘hcl-151261u|y— 8 August 1991