I cussIEIEn

I IThoughtfui. intelligent and sincere man (33) yy ho is not as pretentious as this all sounds- seeks attractive. non-smoking yyoman (22—34) vs ho shares the following interests: art. theatre. GET. music (mostly classical but lots of jazz. and modern as well). existentialism. old-fashioned Socialism. reading. alternatiy e comedy. sensuality . gardens. country yvalks. good food and vs ine. Photo appreciated. (ilasgoyv area preferred. Box No 152 20.

I Vegetarian (mid-40s) tall. attractive. caring. seeks lady to persuade him it‘s not too late to settle down in that dream liouse (choice of 4) and raise a kid or tyyo.13oy No152 2";

I Wanted! ’1 no blue-eyed. female students (211) seek tyso intelligent. interesting. enigmatic males(over 211) for close encounters of the pub kind. .\'o trcndies please. Photo appreciated. Box .\'o 152 28.

I Female Bansheesfan yyondering are there any others out there'.’ .\Iale female. interested in writing. l.et'sget spellbound together. Boy .\'o 152 2‘).

I You‘re 35—45. love music. books. theatre. art. gardens. good food and conversation A

vvould-be family man. you're educated. presentable. unattached. solvent. tolerant and honest. neither self-absorbed. obsessive nor afraid ofcommitrnent. You

hay e an irreverent sense of humour and you're looking for someone just like me. [don't believe you exist! Prove me yvrong‘.’ Box .\'o 152 31).

I Glasgow gay professional male (26) ( not eff'eminate). sick of scene. lies. one-night stands. etc. seeks similar forfun. politics. mttsic. literature and commitment. Reply gttaranteed. es en vs ithout photo! Box .\'o152 31.

I Good-looking. taut. inexperienced bi-guy (2h) thinks it's time he met some y'oung(up to 28). slim. beautiful. horny guys for socialising and discreet. safe fun. lidinburgh (ilasgoyy'. A1.A\\'1’.Bo.\ .\'o152 32.

I Edinburgh man. lit(44) Capricorn. recently embarked on inner journey . seeks similar. lit. sensitive and loving female vy ith yy arm heart toshare

ady entures. inner and outer. on the yyay . Iixcursions on the way could involve masic. 1’ilmhouse evenings. l5esiiy al fun. yyalking and running in open spaces. laughter. liyely talk. cuddlesand quiet times for mutual support. Box 510152 3.“.


: CLASSIFIED DEADLINE for issue 153 is THURS 18 JULY. I Print in BLOCK CAPITALS and send to:

CLASSIFIED ADS, The List, 14 High St, Edinburgh, EH1 ITE or CLASSIFIED ADS, The List, The Old Athenaeum Theatre,

I 179 Buchanan St, Glasgow, 61 ZJZ

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LL, . .. ..-_.-__. “The List 12—251uly 1991

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THE LIST PERSONAL ADS are designed for individuals to meet other individuals. We reserve the right to refuse any advertisement yy ithout explanation. Circulars. promotional literature and offensiy e material are not for“ arded vs here discos ered. If you receive such material yvith your Box replies please let us know. Write. enclosing the material. to: Classified AdSat 17101.15].

I Sincere. caring. passionate professional male (early 411s). looking for a cosy nest to share

ys ith attractive. loving. professional lady. I am tall. dark and handsome and an intelligent postgraduate interested in quality not quantity. Please reply vy ith photo to Box No

152 34.

I Emotionally articulate man (39) lidinburgh. ()nce distinguished and boyish appearance novv marred by beard. age and hair loss. but fit. ysitty . truthful and no more than normally neurotic. seeks engaging. intelligent. slim yvoman. Box No152 35.

I Glasgow female (28) professional. f'un-loy ing. caring. likes cinema. yy alking. good food. Seeks similar male

(25- 35 1. Please send photo. Box .\'o 152 3b.


DISPLAY onmnsmm

It has a border all the way round and we can include your company logo.

Rates are 24 per single column centimetre (excl. VAT). Minimum size 4cm.

THIS IS SEMI DISPLAY It has a line above and below and the lineage is centred. The minimum is 21) words and costs £4. Personal adverts in this style. including Box Numbers. cost from £10.

I This is a lineage advert A maximum of 30 words will cost £3 only. Personal adverts in this style. including Box Numbers. are £7 for 30 words.

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4 consecutive insertions 5% 8 consecutive insertions 10% 12 consecutive insertions 15% 25 consecutive insertions 20%

I Attractive. intelligent. humorous healthy . sporty . game for a laugh. under 35. (ilasgoyy-based. Ifyou're female and some of the aims e apply toyou. let'sget together. Box No 152 I Female (37) attractive (yyell. fairly ). enioys all kinds ofsport and the usual other interests. Wanted. handsome. intelligent. independent guy (2433) for some company. Photo appreciated. (ilasgoyy area. Boy No 152 .35.

I Professional. independent. attractive. sporty. witty. romantic male wanted for fun and adventure - does he exist? I am 25. petite and cute. with a crazy sense of humour. Box N0152/39.

I Adopted. tall. handsome (ilasgoyy male (2‘)) seeks female (25 --35) for high hopes and shared adventure. Interestsar'e: sports. travel. cinema. mountains. and the environment. Reply with photo and humour. Bo\ \o 152 411.

I Prove my postman isn't dead! ('aring. allectionale male. vegetarian. non-smoker (young 45). into rock pop. cinema. natural things. seeks yy arm intelligent. humorous. feminine female for friendship. fun. loy e. Photo please. (ilasgoyy. Box No 152 41.


PERSONAL PnicE mcLuoEs eox N0



1. All ads must be pro-paid. Cheques and P.0. made payable to

The List Ltd.

2. Advertisers must supply lull name and address (NOT for


3. The List reserves the right to refuse or withdraw any advertise- ment at our discretion and without explanation. 4.110 liability can be accepted for non receipt of copy. errors or

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5. With series bookings. alterations cannot be made and no refunds allowed on cancellations after the first insertion.

6. In compliance with current legislation. ads from gay men can only be accepted if both advertiser and person sought are over 21. 7. Addresses and telephone numbers are not acceptable for

publication in personal ads.

WE WELCOME CALLERS at 14 High St. (opp. John Knox's House), Edinburgh, during business hours.

I Glasgow gay Nice. keen socialiser. cinernagoer. music foyer. seeks male (21—24). attractiy e. sincere. fun. similar likes. inexperienced. un-ef'feminaie. especially (not essentially ) Irish! for friendship. fun and more. (iiasgoyy preferred. Roy .\'o152 42.

ECLECTIC. AMIABLE. GREEN-TINGED. PROFESSIONAL (ilasgovy ( ish) male (28). ('loset culture-y ulturc vs ho loves the outdoors and vs ild places. seeks adv enttirotis. affectionate female friend to share life. Photo optional. chatty letter appreciated. nice smile essential!

Box N0150/16.

I Glasgow lesbian (30) seeks female. non-scene. for friendship. possibly more. Must be feminine-looking ( 311-45).

Interests include music. cinema.

food. travelling and people with good sense of humour. Photo. Ros .\'o152 43.

I Glasgow bi-sexual female(30) Attractive. intelligent. energetic. extrovert. Desperately seeking similar. music-loy ing people (25—41))

vs ith good sense of humour. for fun. friendships relationship. (‘hatty' letter and photo guarantees reply. Box No

152 44.

Lineage: £7 per 30 words (min £7). Semi-Display: £5 per 10 words (min £10).

Lineage: £3 per 30 words (min £3)

incl VAT. Semi-Display: £2 per 10 words (min £4) incl VAT.

Display: £4 per single col cm excl VAT.