A selection oi television highlights, listed by day, in chronological order. Television Listings compiled by Tom Leppin.


I Carry On Follow That Camel ( BB( ‘2) 7.3llpm. Is it the best.or could it justbe pippcd by (any ()n l)ick'.’ Who am lto say . but the addition of Phil Silyers (basically playing Bilko in asilly hatladds a certain class to the usual innuendo and smut.

I East ( BB( ‘2 ) 8— 8.30pm. Once again going w here other documentaries fear to tread. Izmr looks at the traditioriof arranged marriages and hears some chilling testimonies from British Asians. Also a profile on one of the bright young tliingsof the Labour Party . Keith \'a/.

I Europe Express (Channel 4 ) S3” 9pm.

‘1 he acclaimed series continues to tackle the issues that matter in lauropc (so Iongas they don‘t take place in Britain).

I Joking Apart ( BBC: ) 0— 0.30pm. Comedy by Stephen Moifat which begins at a funeral and bcctimes blacker as it goes along. Starring Robert Baihurst w ho used (years ago) to be in a radioeorrredy with Jimmy Muly ille. Rory Mc(irath. izmma Thompson and (iriif Recs-Jones. Wonder if he‘s at all bitter“ that he's had to wait this long for his break’.’

I Greysloke - The Legend of Tarzan Lord of The Apes ( BB(J )‘L‘xll ll.4lipm. (‘yriical attempt to resurrect the cincma's

lay ourite neanderthal for cash gain. (‘hristophcr l.ambert added a letter to his first name and remoy ed his trendy Sir/mm“ attire for the part but he's still outshone by the monkey suits in the opening scenes. .-\lter that. it‘sdownhill really.

I Roseanne ((‘hannel 4) it)- 10,3“an (it'yslal is soon togiye birth tol)an's father’ssori while Dan'sson ( l)ari's father‘s son's nephew ) is concerned about the safety of his lather.

I The Best of the Paul Hogan Show (Channel 4) limit-- I lpm. This is w hat they want. The nearest Australians ey er got to [rm-us has returned. ('y nics might say that the title is a contradiction in termsbut connoisseurs w ill remember with glee

l logari’s hangos er cure and ‘lnternational Strip Poker". True class.

I Sportin Questionisenuish)

“'45 11.45pm. liyerybody‘sfayourite hairsty le. Archie MacPherson. introduces a discussion on the lack of media coy erage of minority sports. Kabaddi had anentire series. w hat more do you w ant'.’

--;‘ .4 ‘.' \

I Dogs in Space ((‘hannel 4) l lpm—r lam. As part of (‘hanncl 4's l)ow n l'ndcr season. tltis is a rare outing for Richard Lowenstein‘s study oi a punky commune in Melbourne before Reg (irundy ey en dreamed of the twins in .\'i'rg/r/mur.s. Notable for Michael llutchence'styes. him of the pout ) stunning portrayalof grief at the death of his girlfriend.


I Grandstand (BBC) ) USU—5.05pm. Featuring the closing holes of The Bell‘s Scottish Open from (ileneagles which should give a pointer to form forThe ()pen w hich begins nex' week.

I Tour De France ((‘hannel 4)b.3il—7pm. Probably the most important day ofthe race is this time trial which will sort the men from the boys.

I The World This Week ( ( 'hairncl 4) 7—8pm. The best (only 1’ ) international affairs programme on T\'. Presented by Sheena McDonald and Nik (iow irrg.

.7 Q‘-

I Lift to the Scaffold (Channel 4)

‘)--- lil.45pm. (‘ontinuing the Louis Malle season is his first feature w hich stars lemme fatale. .leanne Moreau.

I Video Diaries: Sweet S.A. t BB(‘2)

9.25- Ill.3l|prri. ln w hat has been an inconsistent series this looks like being a highlight. l‘ritz and .lenrry lcay'e London to start a new life in South Africa. lleis

w hite. she is black.

I ParamountCity ( BBC) ) lii- lil.4llpm. Curtis and lshrnael introduce the world's fay ourite cancer stick. Denis Leary . l lelcn Lederer and Bruce Morton.

I Made in Britain(BBC3)

lll.45pmv lJHSam. (‘ontinuing a season of Alan ('larke's work is this irrterestingil slightly dated drama. Tim Roth (in w hat

w as his first TV performance ) play s a punk with a swastika tattooed on his forehead and an attitude to match.


I Dallas ( BB(‘l ) 3 3.45pm. .l . R. the cad. is already playing the field (in the iorrnof\nn De La Vega) before he'seyen married Vanessa.

I The Pursuit Dl Power ( ( ‘hannel 4)

4.25— 4.55pm. Adam Raphael introduces another political intery'icw . this time with the Labour Party's second most potent weapon. ( iordon Brown.

I Masterchel ( BBC) ) 5.5lL—(y.35piii. Lloyd (irossman (neyer w as a surname so apt) presentsthe final ofthe amateur cooking contest w ith one of the entrantsproducing roast wild boar. Just your as erage Sunday afternoon snack. I‘m sure.

I One Man and His Dog ( BB(‘2)

(r.3t)~ 7. 15pm. There is no truth in the rumour that a new technique iny oly-ing pit-biills is being tried this year but ney'ertheless this is still one of the funniest sltowson television.

I Fragile Earth: Rivers of Sand (Channel 4) '7 Spin. Lake l‘agubine in Mali became a dustbow l a decade ago. This is the story of the plan to return it to its iormcrglory. IThree Amigos ( BBCI )s..‘~5— Iii. (5pm. John landis's ultra-flop from a few years ago is notable for the fact that it's tlieorrly truly dire film that Steye Martin hasrnade whilst simultaneously being(‘he\y (‘hase‘s best effort to date.

I in My Defence ( BBCz) 9—9.3npm. The classy series of monologues continues w ith Michael Pennington of the linglish Shakespeare ('ompany playing l-‘ran/ Jaggerstatter. an Austrian w ho w as beheaded by the Nazis in 1943.

I GBH ((‘hanrrel 4) lit—l 1.30pm. Repeat of the penultimate episode of Bleasdale's great British holiday.

I At Close Range (BB(‘Zl in. i5- 12.3irpm. Seriously violent film featuring the seriously y‘iolent Sean Penn. It was directed by James l-"olcy who's main claim to fame is that he directs .‘yfadonna's y'idcos. Dirty old mart.

I Town and Country: ltd Lang (Channel 4) 11.55pm 42.55am. The most hip (' is \V singer in town displays her talents in a show rescheduled alter being ( iulfed earlierthis year.


I Countdown ((‘hannel 4) 4.3(L5pm. The 22nd series of the words and numbers qtii/ featuring smart-arse (‘arol \'orderman and arse Richard \Vliitely.

I Them and Us ( BBCI ) 7.3a spm. (‘raig (‘har'les continues to campaign and talks to one of the best footballers of the .s‘tls, Justin l-‘ashanu. whose career is in ruins because he announced that he w as gay.

I Cine Memo ( BB(‘2) 7.45 -S.3llpm. New series which uses home moy ie footage to trace life in Britain from Wiltl— it).

I Different Drummer: Dancing Outlaw (BB(?) 8.3ll4)prri. This new series will look at six Americans and. in sodoing. emphasise the heterogeneity of that country . Today it‘s the turn oi a psychotic hillbilly called Jesse w'hosnilf's lighterfiiel and threatens his w if’e w ith a butchers knife.

I Travellers' Tales: Fat Man Goes Cajun ((‘hanncl 4) ‘)-.ll)pm. Tom Vernon getson his bike yet again (hope it'sreinforccd) and goes down to Louisiana to find out that the (‘ajuns were originally of french descent (well. I'll be darned ).

IFifba (BB(?)‘).45-lil.35pm. Rab(‘.'s (‘hristmasturkeygetting a summer repeat and including a guest role for the ‘legendary ' Stanley Baxter.

I The Beechgrove Garden ( BB( ‘1 )

ll). Ill - 10.40pm. Of interest because oi an item on Mrs Nesbitt aka lilaine (C Smith's garden which (surprisingly enough) is in a complete mess. And. in more traditional

Beechgroy e style. a yisit to the National i l leather ( 'ollection (stop smirking).

I Down Under: Night Cries. Too Many Captain Cooks. Nice Coloured Girls ((‘hannel 4) llprn—midnight. The season of Australian films continues with a contribution from Aborigine filmmaker. Tracey Moffatt.


I The Garden Party ( BBCl)

12.05— 13.55pm. Tire new seriesol afternoon chat from (ilasgow ‘s Botanics looks set to come up with more interesting topics than most ofthe day time this cl. Today there's a retrospectiy e on the 3H years of peace protests at Holy loch. Sec prey icw. ' IOpinionsiCharmeI4)s .sfiupm. New seriesol the open-mike slot begins w ill) thestoi'y ot'T ess l.itlgwood. a woman wooed and then cheated by the enterprise culture of Thatcher's Britain. See preyiew. l

I The Wheel Of Fortune ( Scottish) S..‘sll-‘)prri. The quiz show. hosted by Nicky ('ampbell and the woman with the teeth.

I The Literary island (Channel 4) S..‘sli»‘)piri. Mely y n Bragg introduces the series which discusses the country side‘s influence on authors. This time P. l). .larnes tries to corn ince us that it w asthe l‘L‘llS that make her obsessed with gore (pull the other one. Pl). ).

I The Best Of Saturday Night Clive ( BB( ‘2) 4) 9.45pm. l-un from the man with rroncck w ho is joined by the wacky Billy Connolly and Sister Paula. a trarrscxualfl‘V

cy angelist from you know w here w ho makes .\lr(‘onnolly look like Arthur Marshall.

I Drug Wars: Camarena ( BBCI)

0.3” llprn. Start of a three-part

mini-set ies based on the true story of l )rug liriforcenicnt .-\drninistration actiy ities in l.atin-.-\meriea. lt‘si‘r'oduced by Martin l'r'ci'ci'eator Michael Mann but this time character and plot are more important than ears and pastels. Parts two and three can be seen at the same tirrre on Wednesday and Thursday.

I Art is Dead. . . Long Live TV (Channel 4) until» lllpm. Young Ms(‘rray haspiit together a half—decent series and it concludes tonight with a discussion on how much the media perpetuates the myth that art is only for important people rather than you and me.

I From Wimps To Warriors: Pain and PleasureiBBCZ)t).45» lll..‘~llpm. four men explain why sado-masochism is really quite a reasonable idea. Only one of them is the humiliated. the other three are ‘dominants'. Very dodgy.

I Shame ((‘hanncl4) 10—1 1.50pm. Acclaimed Australian film directed by Steve Joddrell and tackling the thorny subject of rape in the outback.


I Oprah Winfrey ((‘hannel 4 ) 5.05- bpm. ()prah gets her increasingly desperate audience to relate their 5” best ways toget a date. .»\s her audience is alw aysentirely full of low-grade losers. this should be illuminating.

I Rough Guide to Careerst BB( ‘3) ().45-r7.35pm. A repeated series ofthe programme w hich makes finding a job sound like a piece of cake so long as you do w hat the presenters say . Today .caterirrg. I Reaching For The Skies: Trailblazers

( BB(?) 845- 0pm. The fly ing series continues with a look at (‘harles Lindbergh who flew the .-\tlanticand therefore helped to pay e the way for Richard Branson's success.

I Out: Sex and The Sandinistas/This is Dedicated (('hanrrel 4 ) 4)» ltlpm. A story from Nicaragua on the struggle for equality in the midst of a democratic resolution and a film looking at death in gay relationships. See preview.

I Screenplay: Events at Drimaghleen (BB(‘ZW lilpm. The consistently excellent series ofT\' dramas makes use ofan old fay ourite for playw rights. Northern Ireland. It stars Sophie Ward and that great actor T. P. Mc'ls'enna.

I Golden Girls ( ( ~hannel 4) llL-lll..‘~llpm. Blanche is propositioncd (again. yawn) by her night-school teacher.

IJust ForLaughs ((‘hannel4)

ll ~l 1.30pm. The channel's ycry own golden girl. Mtrriel (ir'ay. presents more highlights from Montreal's comedy fest. Julian ('lary and Bob New hart are among the stars she and Jimmy Muly ille nearly get to talk to.

I Thighs. Lies and Beautyt BB( ‘1)

ll.ll5 midnight. Two women. one I! and one 4i). go in search of facials. tircksarid nose iobs in this lilltt on the ‘beauty trap" Amongst those rrrter \ iewcd are the frequently discredited author of HM lit-(run ll) 1/). Naorur Woolf. and an old duller by the name of .-\rtlrur Maiwrck \yltiitliics littllllltg \sll.llst)c\ci tiil lltc reputation of the male of the specics 5


The List )2 -— :5 July' rim) 71