I Raitt l Buttoned up

' ' J ; it sounds hideous. The press clippings pop melodies come lirst.’ n 3 positively reek oi jarring adjectives like Straight outta Pieasanton (in the i ‘gaudy’, ‘garlsh’, ‘wacky' and environs oi San Francisco) they came, l ‘Supertramp’. The world at Jellytish, it bearing gilts oi love, peace and would appear, is a strange and bad-taste. But ‘there’s more to us than : lrlghtenlng place, chock lull at rock just the lact that we like dressing

colourtully,’ says Rog, and begins to namecheck a law inlluenclng members at the pantheon oi timeless recording artists, past and present: ‘We’re big skewed in exactly the opposite Beach Boys and Byrds lans, and a lot oi direction lrom everything else that our harmonies are inspired through exists anywhere on this planet. And not 3 that. But we’re just as much inspired by despite, but more precisely because oi the harmonies ol uueen. It's all in

i opera-type imagery, clothes— sorry, ‘gear’ - at a disastroust ilamboyant persuasion, and a music that is unashamedly and deterrninedly

The steps leading to the rock’n’roll hall of fame are

littered with burn-outs this contrariness, Jellylish’s there.’

who couldn’t make the full . ‘Bellybutton’ LP is a top-hole evocation ‘All in there’ it most certainly is. On distance. Were it not for oi the entire history oi popular music. the streets this lortnight is the third

her tenaciin "‘3? Could i Keyboarder and guitarer Roger release irom their debut LP. ‘The Scary hm hm" 30mm Ram“ ' Manning nods his assent. Go Round EP’, ieaturing in all oi its Effigy? c‘ (1:33:25 d ‘We’ve always enjoyed so many ionnats a weighty eight tracks, teems droppee for the second dillerent styles, we were never content with nursery rhyme toons, Brian May time that decade by just writing in one area. But the simple guitar solos, cheesy organ eliects, and warmr Brothm‘ She . .y y, . - horror at horrors - a Wings‘ cover. started to claw her way up 'I - , r: ~ a r . Told you there was nothing else like it. to the solid ground she "’ - ' ' » ‘Yeah, Wthh is kinda 0dd,' H09 occupies today- ' muses, ‘considering that a lot oi what’s

Raitt‘s precarious position might be partly explained by her willingness to take a stand on social issues. particularly her opposition to nuclear power and intervention in Central America, but also

also in there is traditional —we’re not really breaking any new ground. Well, we are to a certain extent, but there’s deiinitely a lot at borrowing lrom the past and putting it into a this context.’ Like a (Jelly)iish out oi today’s po-iaced pop water, the boys lrom Pieasanton are wholly unique and

"we" "‘3‘ t?" “"15 are utterly delighttul. Can you dig? (Craig

malnly as an interpreter. McLean)

S2 :itr‘ifcishizthdletcidzlgitho . _ y I - ~. Jellyllsh play The Venue, Edinburgh on

writer-performers took “Hymn Thursday 18 and King Tut's Wah Wah .

hold. Even on the new Hut on Friday 19, B I g n Luck 0/ The Draw album.

her eleventh, she has

written only four songs. Nevertheless, it was an - i invitation by Hal Willner ' F0 LK } to sing ‘Baby Mine‘ from

. I . 3:?513223232‘“ 0f Alastair Mabbott

' ation of introduced her to Don pI‘CVleWS a celebr

Was ofWas (Not Was) 3‘9 “will” 232‘:gsoannengfghgigggtnd Edinburgh’s finest, and 3 fame. lrcus n logo Asthe 80s wound down. popularevents inthelolk calendar, but looks to the future. Raitt. like Bob Dylan, put the group have a word 01 warning ior , hersclli" the handsof their many lans who anticipate 9 D0“ waP‘i" Scale“ 0‘3" travelling to this event-book your Lately, there’s been a lot of talk appmpnatc ticket in advance. about a new lease of life in {viesfi'l‘lfor This is not simply a way oi ensuring Edinburgh’s music scene. but firmly in the blues and folk they sell the brlels. In lacl, the problem acthlty has all been qulte dlffuse. ' mould she had been is just the opposite. In the past couple Sugar Bullet, Botany 5, Zulu g rccordingfor almost two at years, they have sold out the large Syndicate and The Orange Grove i decades. They found it, Boo-capacity tent, sponsored by the old have been ingratiating themselves I and the resulting album. HIDB, and also had to turn a couple oi with club-goers around central Sage” “"“kid MC" of hundred disappointed people away. Scotland; Dunderfunk, attracting

Time. became the first

milliomencwmcr This year, though, they must use

Kingussie Village Hall, which holds

large crowds and selling equally impressive numbers ofT-shirts, are

f::::rf:::t%r8§:l;cui::r only 300 or so. To help compensate, . one of the most keenly-watched when the Grammics were they will play two shows on Saturday The "W'Slyle Balllelleld 93ml funk-metal groups in Britain; there handed out. She has night, but space is still strictly limited. The Beatles made ‘Sgt Pepper’ with ior are bands which fit in more hardly had time to draw Programme details and tickets are hall the price the Beatles paid, never traditional rock and pop niches; and breath Since. available lrom Temple Records on mind hall the real value 01 money. there’s the eyeppresenr, but often Like "Ol'YWOOd’ “‘6 0875 30 328. ‘Video is going the same way. Now, overlooked, stream of acoustic and

music business loves a Temple have just issued the band’s the musicians and small labels are traditional music pouring out of iirst album with the new line-up (see able to dictate what goes on video, Scotland’s capital, . to “1’6 rock cute hasbecn Norman Chalmers's review in ‘The List' rather than the vrdeo experts, who want But on 27 July, the mesre from a“ so sudden that many 151), but their next project is already to fill ltall With pretty pictures, or the these separate camps will be . younger listeners have under way. They are venturing into marketlng departments. That Is going celebrated togetherf in style in the been left scratchingthcir video, which, as manager Robin to be a huge change, alrtld we are vetrty Assembly Roomshwnh whathhlas h heads and asking ‘Wh07' Morton ex Ialned, is now within reach excited about the resu s we are ge lng been dubbed, rat er uneate i yd e

l "0‘ for "well long“ oi small iatmls. on this iirst Battlelield video.' (Kenny Big Music Event, In a fourteemhour

': Signs ‘2‘; 5W5 ‘The situation with video is now like Mathieson) . . spectacular (lasting from

i SB!“ (- Ra's-m", d ,h ) the one with audio recording a lew Battlelield Band’s nghland Circus noon—2am), virtually the whole

l pan-"fa Mp 0” e years ago. These days you can buy a takes place in KinguSSIe, building will be taken over, With

avrlron, Glasgow on Tue . 3 O . O o o l 16. better recording machine than the one anBffleSShlfe, on Fl|19 add 38120. acoustic and rock bands playing m l

36The List 12-25July199i