1 oooooooooooooooo ' . . .6 .S.C6T.LAND'S LEADING MUSICAL SHOW F R CHILDREN
‘Singing Kett 3,, HOT HITS
Summer favourites from their BBC TV Shows
cooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo . KingsTbeatre,GLASGOW10,11&12IULY
Tickets' Kings Theatre Box Office Tel.‘ 041 227 5511
Albert Hall, STIRLING 15 & 16 JULY Tickets: John M llay, Stirling Tel' 0786 73573
George Sq. Theatre, EDINBURGH 18, 19, 20 JULY Tickets' Queen's Hall Box Oflice Tel: 031 668 2019
City Hall, PERTH 22 & 23 JULY Tickets: Concorde, Perth Tel: 0738 21818
His Majesty's Theatre, ABERDEEN 25, 26, 27 JULY
Tickets: Aberdeen Box Office Tel.‘ 0224 641122 .C.C.......................
i i
94 George Street, Edinburgh EHZ 3DF, Tel 031 225 5955
3 JUNE - 3 JULY "HAIGS VENICE" - PAINTINGS New paintings by The Earl Haig
GUY TAPLIN - Carved Driftwood Birds
Also on view works by John BYRNE, Dorothy BLACK, Pat DOUTIIWAITE, 1 Ian HUGHES & other 20th Century & Contemporary Scottish Artists
Edinburgh College of Art
A constituent College of Merlot-Watt University
WW iii
DGREE SHOWS 1991 15th - 24th June
Faculty of Art & Design
Drawing & Painting, Sculpture, Tapestry, Graphic Design, Illustration, Photography, Film/T V, Animation, Fashion and Theatre Costume, Printed Textiles, Interior Design, Furniture Design, Ceramics, Silversmithing, i Jewellery, Glass and Stained Glass
Faculty of Environmental Studies Architecture, Landscape Architecture
Opening Hours: Monday - Thursday : lOam - 8pm
Friday/Saturday/Sunday : 10am - 5pm Edinburgh College of Art, Lauriston Place, Edinburgh EH3 9DF
66'I‘he List 14— 27 June 1991
I. vi
Guy Taplin’s Ten Curlew made lrom carved drittwood
June exhibitions, The Scottish Gallery, Edinburgh until Wed 3 Jul.
The exhibition of Earl Haig’s paintings of Venice reveal the workings of a journeyman painter. He dashes ott watercolour sketches on the spot which record in dabs ol colour and fluid ink acute observations 01 the sinking city. In “Red Sailboats on the Zattere' liner drawn composition lines are detectable beneath swathes oi pastel and betray this artist’s preoccupation
with the tormal design of a picture. This
is more pronounced in the oil paintings which interpret the sketches in terms at simplitied shapes and heavily worked
I colour. Canvases such as ‘Slesta in the , Lagoon' and ‘The Traghetto de Giglio’
; have a quality of colour and design
.' which repeatedly re-engage the eye.
A highlight at this June exhibition is Jane Adam‘s New Jewellery. Based on
post-graduate research at the Royal
College at Art she has evolved
; processes at printing and dying
’ aluminium to create exquisite coloured and patterned jewellery. The shapes ot ; her earrings, brooches and necklaces
tend to be organic, suggesting
leathers, shells or leaves. Her patterns
are trequently reminiscent of textile designs as is seen in the Paisley Gold
‘2 and Primitives collection. This
jewellery is eminently collectable because it is beautilully decorated and modest in price.
Commanding most attention in this
group show are Guy Taplin's 3 extraordinary Carved Birds. Rising on
l 1 l
iron stands lrom weathered chunks ol driltwood, groups of Egrets, Avocets and Curlews are transformed into dramatic arrangements of pattern and rhythm.
As a self-taught artist, Guy Taplin has appropriated the traditional cralt ol decoy bird carving and has developed it into his own tom of sculpture. He
achieves this by tirst capturing the
essential characteristics at the birds and then accentuating lorms so that the
{ subject matter becomes aesthetic and ' evocative of ‘the tidal estuaries and
wild places‘ which inspire his work. (Sarah Knox)
expose on our watery neighbours With
stunning specimens. videosequences. computers and fancy interactive devices.
15iin have flocked from all over the world to be a part of the exhibition. and have
been lovingly prepared for display by the
.‘vlttseum's award-winning taxidermist.
I ROYAL SCOTTISH ACADEMY The Mound. 235 (i671. Mon—Sal lllam—Spm; Sun Z—Spnr
165th Annual Exhibition at Painting. Sculpture and Architecture lJnti129Jun. Vibrant display of works by some of
Scotland‘s most talented artists — from
Street. 225 5955. Mon—Fri 1(lam-bpm;Sat Illam-lpm.
Haig's Venice L‘ntil 3 Jul. A painter who,
although in his seventies. retainsa
lightness of touch and a conviction that ‘a
j picture is a picture is a picture'. Venice is
the inspiration behind the 5] bold and colourful oils. watercolours and pastels in this exhibition.
Guy Taplin lTrttil 3 Jul. Taplin uses materials gathered from Britain‘s beaches
to make the stands and mounts for his
carved birds — curlews. sanderlingand
(‘anada geese — tributes to a wildness he Qfinds lacking in modern life.
Jane Adam: New Jewellery Until 3Ju1.
Richly coloured and patterned jewellery.
made with anodised aluminium — a metal
which absorbs certain dyes — and inspired by shells and sea creatures.
I SHORE GALLERY 5‘) Bernard Street.
Leith. Mon—Thurs ll).3l)am—4pm; Sat 1(l.3()am—5pm.
E Sonas Maclean: Recent Work L'ntil Sat 22
I STILLS GALLERY 105 High Street. 557 1141). Tue—Sat 1 lam—5.30pm. Instruments ol Change Until 2911111. In collaboration with the Spring Fling Festival. Stills‘ open submission photography exhibition asked applicants to send in photographs on the theme of change. The winning entries combine
various styles and topics. from the effect of 5
the Thatcher years to more personal works. See Netherbow Arts ('entre for the winning paintings.
I TALBOT RICE GALLERY University of Edinburgh. ()Id College. South Bridge. Tue-Sat mam—5pm.
Talbert McLean: Retrospective Exhibition Until 29Jun.
I 369 GALLERY 233 ('owgate. 225 3013. Mon—Sat ll).3()am-5.30pm.
Jane Brettle: (re) Current Allegories Until 29 Jun. Photo-text installationschallenging and celebrating the iconographies which have always helped define ‘Western culture' and. specifically. the role of
I TRAVERSE THEATRE 112 (irassmarket. 226 2633. Tue—Sat 1 1am— illpm; Sun o—lllpm.
HeatherWilson: Watching Over Us Until 19 Jul. Talented wood-engraver who brings mythology and historical imagery to bear on her work. believing that the past can tell us much about the present.