
I Spring Fling Final Ceilidh Assembly Rooms. George Street. 8.30pm. £3.50 (£2.50). Tickets from Box Officesof Assembly Rooms. Usher Hall or King's Theatre. Blackfriars Folk Music. Blackfriars Street. 557 3090: or telephone bookings with credit cards 220 4349. Music from the BBCCeilidh Band. who are not a part of a well known broadcasting organisation. and Blo Na Gael. the respected and enjoyable all—women traditional music foursome. A Spring Fling event.

I Ceilidh Dance St Brides Centre Fish Jonny I lammilton 7.30 midnight.

I Dance Walpole Ilall. Chester Street. £2 before 8pm. £2.50 after 8pm. No Smoking. No Bar. BYOB. Music with a caller from the International Ceilidh Band.

SUNDAY 16 Edinburgh

I Soweto Day Celebration International Student Centre. Buccleueh Place. 8pm—late. £2. An informal celebration of Soweto Day. with a South African Choir. The Bantu Biko Band and traditional dance.

I Keith Traditional Music Festival Keith. Morayshire. Organised by the Traditional Music and Song Association ofScotland. 0343 820074.

I Strathaven Folk Festival Bucks 1 lead Ilotel and various venues. Strathaven. Information 0357 21274. Main event today is Marilyn Middleton Pollock and Andy Thorburn in a stage review. Those Women of the Vaudeville Blues. Town Mill.



I Dick Wardell Black Bitch Inn. West Port. I.-in|ithgow. 8.30pm. I.inlithgow Folk Club.


I Setanta Folk Festival Club. Victorian Bar. Tron Theatre. Trongate. 552 4267. 7- 8pm. £1 .50or free to holders oftiekets for the later concert. Glasgow 's Irish


msrc FOLK & WORLD”

oriented band with Ulster singer Colin McCallister. A Glasgow Folk Festival evenL

I Clutha and the Stars Band Tron Theatre. Trongate. 552 4267. 8. 15pm. £4. Gordeanna McCullough sings with the oldest established Scots folk band. and the gritty voice of Arthur Johnstone teams up with the fiddle of Charlie Soane and the guitar and mandolin of Brian Miller. A Glasgow Folk Festival event.

I Late Night Blues Club Blackfriars Bar Dovv nstairs. 36 Bell Street. Merchant City. 552 5924. 9pm—2am. £2.50. The Tam White Fraser Spiers group. A Glasgow Folk Festival event.

TUESDAY 18 Glasgow

I Cruachan Folk Festival Club. Victorian Bar. Tron Theatre. Trongate. 552 4267.

_ 7 8pm. £1 .50or free to holders oftiekets

for the later concert. Folk entertainers. A

' Glasgow Folk Festival event.

I Dougie MacLean, Tich Frier and Liam Howitt Tron Theatre. Trongate. 552 4267. 8. 1 5pm. £4. Songs. humour and dazzling accordion introduced by Alex Fraekleton. A Glasgow Folk Festival event.

I Late Night Blues Club Blackfriars Bar Downstairs. 36 Bell Street. Merchant City. 552 5924. 9pm 2am. £2.50. A band called the ()utfit. A Glasgow Folk Festival event.

WEDNESDAY 19 Glasgow

I Ekossi Beat Folk Festival Club. Victorian Bar. Tron Theatre. Trongate. 552 4267. 7—8pm. £1 .50or free toholders

of tickets for the later concert. Yvonne

Moffatt and Alan Stewart from Clan Na Gealiagh play as a duo. A Glasgow Folk Festival event.

I Canto Vivo, Christine Primrose and

' Clachnacudden'l‘ron'l'heatrefll'rongate.

5.52 4267. 8.15pm. £4. From Glasgow‘s

' twin. the city ofTurin. a leading contemporary folk band making a

welcome return visit. Hurdy gurdy. accordion. fiddle and superb vocals in a performance of the music of Italy's Piedmont and Provence. Christine Primrose is one of Gaeldom's leading traditional singers. Clachnacudden create an Irish flavoured ceilidh in the time it takes to pull a pint ofstout. AGlasgow Folk Festival event.

I Late Night Blues Club Blackfriars Bar Downstairs. 36 Bell Street. Merchant City. 552 5924. 9pm— 2am. £2.50. Shcbang. A Glasgow Folk Festival event. I The Attic The Studio. Shuttle Street. Paisley. 8pm. £2 members and concessions. £2.50 everyone else. Information from organiser Danny Kyle. 887 9991 . Tonight. a visit from Glenfarg folk club regulars.



A Women's Night has become a common feature of folk festivals over the last few years and, in my view, there tends to be less instrumental

prowess than singing talent. Glasgow‘s event is strong on both counts, from the

songwriting of Gill Bowman, pictured above, the beautiful voices of Janet

Russell and Canadian Eileen McGann, and the jigs, reels and good humour of

810 Na Gael. Women‘s Night, Glasgow Folk Festival. Tron Theatre on Thurs 20.

City. 552 5924. 9pm- 2am. £2.50. Zydeco Fcossc is the latest incarnation of the old ZydecoCcilidb band. A Glasgow Folk Festival event.

I Star Folk Club Glasgow Society ()I Musicians. 73 Berkeley Street. beside Mitchell Theatre. 8pm. £2. From the I'SSR. the six—strong Balalaika.


I Highland Traditional Music Festival National Ilotel. Caley Bar andother venues. Dingwall. 0349 63270. Tonight includes Incredible Fling Band.


I Glasgow Folk Festival Outdoor Concert

Custom I louse Quay. 12.30pm. Free. Tex Mex from Cicadas. l'krainian music from

Balalaika. Italian folk from Canto Viv o and Scottish ltooch from ( 'lachnacudden. A Glasgow Folk Festival event.

I Cicadas Folk Festival Club. Victorian Bar. Tron Theatre. Trongate. 552 4267. 7--8pm. £1 .50 or free to holders oftiekets for the later concert. Tex Mex music. A Glasgow Folk Festival event.

I Jaleo, Balalaika, David AlliSDnTron


I Highland Traditional Music Festival , National Hotel. Caley Bar andother T venues. Dingwall. 0349 63270. Today . includes Christine Primrose and Alison

Kinnaird. Cathal I layden and Artv McGIynn. Blair Douglas and Arthur Cormack.


I A Kid’s Introduction to Folk Tron Theatre. Trongate. 552 4267. 12. I 5pm. £1 . Tom

Laurie and friends attempt to subvert your

offspring to an appreciation oftraditional music. A Glasgow Folk Festival event.

I Twin Towns Concert Tron Theatre. Trongate. 552 4267. 2.15pm. £4. Scottish traditional music and song from the \Vhistlebinkies. modern Italian folk from Canto Vivo. balalaika band music from the l'kraine and a Scottish pipe band from the vv ild lands of Neilston and District. A Glasgow Folk Festival event.

I Jim Daly and Ronnie Greer Folk Festival

Club. Victorian Bar. 'I'ron'l‘heatre. ' Trongate. 552 4267. 7—-8pm. £1 .50or free toholdersoftickets forthelaterconcert.

Blues duo. A Glasgow Folk Festival event.

I Ceilidh Dance Trades I louse. Glassford Street. Tickets and information fromTron Theatre. Trongate. 5524267. 7.30pm till midnight. Festival song and dance. The All Star Band made up round a core of Munrovians.

I Sidi Siddiki, Alan Taylor'I‘ron’I'heatre.

; Trongate. 552 4267. 8.15pm. £5. Ilotfrom

North Africa. danceable Moroccan indie-- pop from star performer‘s band. with folk club favourite singer songwriting

' gurtarist. Compered by Danny ls’yle. A

Glasgow Folk Festival event. I Mystic Hevealers Woodside Halls. £4

' (£3). 8pm. Tickets from the Ticket Centre Candleriggs. 227 5511. Pan African Arts present the leading edge of reggae. in this

outspoken Jamaican band.

I I Ceilidh Dance Riverside. Fox Street. off

Clyde Street. 248 3144. Doors open 8pm.

music at 9pm. £4. Live bands.

' SUNDAY 23 2

I Highland Traditional Music Festival ' National Hotel. Caley Bar andother

venues. Dingwall. 0349 63270. Today includes Dougie Macl .ean. Jim Ilunter Band. and the Iron I lorse.


I Singers Concert Tron Theatre. ’I‘rongate. 552 4267. 2. 15pm. £2.50. The Star Club organiser ArthurJohnstone teams tip with Joe Aitkcn from Kirriemuir to host this concert of mainly traditional music. which will include many guest

' performers. A Glasgow Folk Festival

event. I Bhum Folk Festival Club. Victorian

Bar.TronTheatre.Trongate.5524267. 7pm. £1.50. Members of Iiclipse First and

two friends in an original musical mix of folk—derived styles. A Glasgow Folk Festival event. f I The McCluskey Brothers Tron Theatre. 3 Trongate. 552 4267. 8.15pm. £5. Thetrio supported Christy Moore at Barrowland. and are set to end this year's Folk Fest

Theatre. 'I'rongate. 552 426". 8.15pm.£4. leading flamenco group from Seville. see Music preview. with eight-piece balalaika ensemble from Rostov-on-Don. and one of the most accomplished and tasteful acoustic guitarists in Scotland. A Glasgow

I Pete Morton Cafe Royale I'pstairs. \Vcst Register Street. 557 4792. 8pm. £3f£2). Edinburgh Folk Club presents one ofthe recent favourites from the Iinglish folk scene. now domiciled in the ISA. Contemporary guitar— based songwriting. _ .

Folk Festival event.

THURSDAY 20 ' ILateNightBluesClubBIaekfriarsBar withthcimriginal.stylishbrundofurlm Downstairs.36BellStreet.1\lerclittiit E 59001“ P9P {I’m-“IDS”-

(ity.552 5924.9pm 2am.£2.50.Jtml)aly ' I Diggery Venn Folk Festival Club.

Victorian Bar. TronTheatre.'I‘rongate. i ISiddiSediki Ross Theatre. Princes b 552 4267. 7—8pm. £1 .50or free to holders ' Street Gardens. 2.3“Pm- I'WC- I'-d'nhl”gl1 of tickets for the later concert. A Glasgow DISITICI COUHCII PICSCMS “"0 "IAIN." i Folk Festival event. Kershaw's favourites. Ilot young sounds ! I Women's Night Tron Theatre . Trongate. Imm MOWCC” 552 4267. 8.15pm. £4. Songsand I AriY MCG'Ynn and calm" Hayden/canto instrumental music. traditional and VIVD Assembly R‘mn“ 5“PPS: RWY“ ' freshly—penned from Janet Russell. Gill GeorgC 5099‘; 7-30‘1 1.12m. L2 (UNI)- l Bow man. Fileen McGann and the group Bar. Information and tickets on 4476187. Blo .\'a Gael. A Glasgow Folk Festival OPS" “(WW Mus" PrescmS ‘1 mal‘" event. concert and brings the cream oflrish I Late Night Blues Club Blackfriars Bar musicianship in this conjunction of fiddle

l Downstairs. 36 Bell Street. Magnum and guitar. Formerly with De

Hurdy gurdy player and singer Alberto

Cesa formed Cantovivo, ‘Living Song“, way back in the early 70s, and the highly respected and enjoyable group has based its repertoire largely on his researches into the traditional music of north Italy. Not that the Turin group are too purist—their music is rich in harmony, and one of the last additions to the band was fiddler Ladislao Todorolf, an Argentinian Bulgarian. Cantovivo, Glasgow Folk Festival, Fri 21, Sat 22 and Assembly Rooms, Edinburgh on Sun 23.

and Ronnie Greer. A Glasgow Folk Festival event.

I Ceilidh Dance Riverside. Fox Street. off Clyde Street. 248 3144. Doors open 8pm. musical 9pm. £4. live bands.


I Fete de la Musique French Institute. 13 Randolph Crescent. 225 5366. 6pm till midnight. Food available and drinks galore. £1 .50 and £1 . Folk from I leritage. flamenco from Freddy Triay. jazz from Le Jan I lot. and rock from Sparkvvood. Disco later.

50 liL‘ l.l\l l—l

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