l l Bring on Power games the night -ill:hillsides:trellis"
l ‘
i I Highlights
I Goodbye Mr Chips A second chance to hearthe two-part serialisation of James Hilton‘s classic novel. A shy. retired
schoolmaster remembers his teaching years and his pupils. many of whom have been killed in the First World War. Poignant for some. schmaltzy for others.
i (Radio4,Sat 18 May
t ‘ 7.45pm)
I Regina Greed and tyranny in America‘s
a school ol ‘go torthe jugular and be
bloody rude about it’, or the Jimmy Young ‘Oh, I agree thoroughly Prime
' Mlnlster’ brand oi obsequiousness. What neither technique manages to
achieve is to get past the down-the-iine
; party dogma, and reveal anything of
,‘ the person behind the politics, and get
some llavour ol what motivates MP3 on
’ a more human level. I Adam Raphael presents Pursuit of Power ’ A new Channel 4 series, Pursuit 0t
. t 'g i Power attempts to make amends by interview will be recorded close to ; Deep south ‘ live from hn Cavana h: Ni htlme DJ ’ t Gi ‘ Th "t R . J” 9 9 ' getting politicians to talk openly and broadcast time, so that topical events “25%;: ba::drf,n Oyal .' it. in the past. Radio «I treely about how they reconcile can be relerred to, but this is not the Lillian Hartman‘s play The , Scotland has been more 3 personal ballets with their political raison d’etre oi the series, as Bruce , Little Foxes was written by ~ often assodteted etth ; ambitions. Each programme opens ; stresses. ‘The object is not to go hard in 3 Marc Blitzstcin in 1949. family weft.l”°agn'§'snc’;‘°s ; with revealing archive clips of the t on news items, he says. ‘We are i and although ithee been _ f‘h 0" .“0 "‘8. I. t ms 5 subject talking about some aspect of ' basically relying on Adam to keep : “"1ch many “mcsr ""95 . s antics. cvcnlng IS 9 ; m I In H ' b t m I ; the first time that the . may be m for somethmgof . e rpersona e e s, e ore e . things topical so that we can show how .
original version — restored
V a culture shock “they interview, conducted by former personal convictions apply to political
by Scottish Opera‘s Music
tune into the l political correspondent, Adam : issues.‘ ’ : Dimmn John Mauccm
; recently-launched i Raphael. Producer Ray Bruce explains . Politicians aren t exactly known for i will be performed, Bette
; Nightth Radio Scotland ,- the idea: ‘Parliamentarians come to . their willingness to contess all, which . Davis, Tallulah Bankhead
5 sen/ice 5 the lob with certain values and ; is where Raphael comes in usetul. ‘He ; and Elizabeth Taylor have
3 Robert N035”. the i convictions, so what we are trying to do . knows these people personally,’ says i all played Regine?" [germ :ffz’édio ' is find out what they might shed on the ' Bruce, ‘so it was lortunate that the . 5mm bl" America“ .
" cf . , way in their pursuit at power, or what invitation came through him. We want 5 mm" SOPr‘f'm’ “mimic SCOlldnd PO'mS 0‘" that ' ' Terrell Will immortailse the new Nightimc service new values they might assume. Ii they the programme to devel0p that ; ,h, . - . -
e role on radio.(Radlo has a genuine have a delinite philosophy of lite, it is , personal approach. We are ; 3‘ Sa, 18 May. 7.05pm) commitment tonew obviously going to attest what they say non-conirontalional, we are not trying I m seamen Report Ten music, and particularly and that s what we really want to to score points, but that doesn't mean it 3 years after his report on Scottish mus1c.eomcthtng expose.‘ won’t be edgy. We are not making i the Brixton riots, Lord be bcltctc'jcf thlc 'l i , With luckthe interviews will reveal a ; Sleepy Hollow-type television.’ l Scanned Chairs “leftist 0f dag; 1:33” rather more rounded view of politicians Pursuit 0i Power starts on Channel 4 on 5 five discutsslofn: whiclfi
. examine e u ure 0 ofwhm I hear on Clydcl than is usually conveyed in straight , Sunday 19 May at 4.25pm. '
Britain‘s police force and asks ifthe police should change their approach and, ifso, how? (Radio4, Sun 19 May. 8pm)
I Writers Revealed Sounds less promising than the last series. which also spawned a successful book, but probably still worth staying in for. The first writer to lay himself bare is playwright David Hare. Hare talks about politics, religion. relationships. and the poor quality ofhis early
is Huey Lewis. Billy Joel
and Madonna all day and - a, , ' all night with no ' . a, 5"
noticeable commitment to
new music or to Scottish a
music,‘ he says. ‘RFM
says “more Scottish -
music, more often“ — not h I I
to my ears. More often t s
than not, smaller
‘ndclicndc'f‘ 5mm“ m In these days of closely watched dramfl
scotldnd mm” "mm budgets, audience-targeting, and
threadbare and
unimaginative music f general p|aylng'"'sa'e programme-making, the TV plays that
The Scottish Chart at 10,10pm on Mondays we took lor granted in the 703 now
headsthe Nightime ; seem a blissiul luxury. Back then, it ., ~- v ~ i work awe" amvcaling assault, with Noakes i seemed, a BBC producerwould go Dill in them, and Blue Remembered "ms [8 that it is immature ‘to claiming its sample source ; tor lunch, have a chat with a writer, and ' no exception, A" the children a", ; Judge a Person erect . Of 135 Outlets die? It tth i a few months later an acclaimed played by adult actors, a device potter ? fimpp as'gtgtld ether: . $§§§aii“'ii‘§r'§s§x§. in l “WWW”'°"°"°“"°'°°"‘- é (whollnde‘uethlnemereeletentne l riiie'liti'éi..§‘¥‘iurlzs the shpopEWith speyciaiist “mm” 4 "3" "Mann" 3°” °' "la" Cltlld aClOVS') explained thus: ‘I ' Mayfl 1.25am), pmgmmmes such as these items trom the archive cupboard don't want audiences to dismiss them Earshot‘s rock coverage, : tortttetr current season. Including . as just children. Using the adult body ' A W“ 0' ""18 Beat Patrols indie 5 Wills by William ""07- Pelt" . as a locus is like using a magnllylng Rad‘o Scouand bundles a roundup, and BPM’s l McDougall and Tom Stoppard. One of glass to, certain behaviour patterns, - Sew 56”“ oim‘l’mily dance. 50"."d5r this 8”“ i "l0 "10“ lllllllllllllli plays. telldaled lllls Q When you dream at your childhood, you a;“g’,,’“i,‘3,‘;‘,‘i;,§°s mg a" "‘6 N'Sh‘me 5"“ a" . . i we“. '8 Blue Remembered l‘lllls ' are an adult in the dream. it the parts Scotlagnd's hydro-g ' fiifcilfifjfl“ t ! Wm" llY Ddllllls millet. and Olllilllallv : were played by children, the effect electricity industry and under a bushel, In a E bloadcasl 0" "l9 533 "l 1979. 3 would be to distance the action. I Dundeejs 800th birthday challenging counterblas, 3 Potter, best-known lor the classic The wanted the immediacy and vivach 0' a celebrations. The first in to anyone who remains l Slttliltlli Detective. the controvmlal 1 dream In which you are as you are "It? sends. A 58"“ 0f _ , sceptical about the new a Brimstone And Treacle and most now} g Timerfocujses 0n the mere Proetemmieer be sate, : recently the much-melloned With coiin Welland and Helen erren g 83:13:35,; 385333" in This ‘5 "81 We “"5.” Blackeves. wrote Blue Remembered * In the central roles, childlike g :bcrdeenzhim (Ram;
. fiicbzgglfiaeyffim Hllltt about ChildhOtttl. In true V innocence ls hardly the watchword. mo Scotiam Tue 2'8 May,
‘ moficy {Ne “5,6,, ,0 you . Potter-style It s a peculiarly With its quirky subject and innovative <
t - - ' ' tllltomatlllc View 0' Olllltltell technl ue Blue Remembe d Hill "
‘ Stlrnng stuff (Tom ’ q i re 8 E
l Lappin). concentratino till "it! misery and was a milestone in TV drama at the g
. Radio Scotland Nightime loneliness and petty Wellies 0i . lime, and its repeat makes the scarcity g
t can be heard between childhood. As he said at the time, ‘In ‘ or original work currently being 3 11:!)- “;Pm “all 13030:“ childhood as in adulthood, it is the 1 produced all the more apparent. (Tom E
0" dyst '3 “'35 3Y5 innocent who get the bad deal; the ' Lappin) :
i :33 geggirzfgggggofm week are made weaker.’ i Blue Remembered Hills is on Channel ‘3
' g y All Potter's plays have a visual twist 4 on Sunday 19 May at 8.30pm. E
and Thursdays.
82 The List 17-30 May 1991