I Whole Health and You Bonnington Resource Centre. 200 Bonnington Road. Edinburgh. 555 0920. 10am—4.30pm. Free. Workshops and exhibitions taking a
holistic approach. looking at how different
areas and stages ofour lives are linked in terms of health. Subjects covered will include stress management. aromatherapy. IIIV awareness and mental health. There will also be practical workshops in tai chi. tap dancingand cookery. Coffee bar. food and creche available.
I Family Workshop: Festival of Forest Spirits Exhibition Hall. Royal Botanic Garden. Edinburgh. Info: Marisa Main. 5527171 x454. 11am—1pm. £4(adults)t£2 (children)/£ 10 (family). A chance to ‘cxplore what it is to become forest creatures in a festival of music and dance‘. Booking essential.
I Public Meeting on Africa Renfield St Steven's Church Centre. 260 Bath Street. Glasgow. 2.30pm. Free. With MPs and speakers from Oxfam leading the debate. Refreshments available.
Wednesday 24
I The Tarot: New Insights into the 21 Major Cards The Meeting 1 louse. 7 Victoria Terrace (access by Upper Bow). Edinburgh. 7.30pm. £2. A talk by Emin Scotland.
Saturday 27/Sunday 28
I Flamenco Guitar Course Colegio Espano1.5—7 Dundonald Street. Edinburgh. Info and booking: David Iligh. 2 East Mayfield. Edinburgh. 662 ()565. Sat 9am—5pm; Sun l0am-noon. £35. The first such course of its kind in Scotland. apparently. Renowned Spanish guitarist Mariano Martin is travelling to Scotland especially for the weekend. which is open to advanced players and beginners alike. I Energy Work Weekend Workshop Salisbury Centre. 2 Salisbury Road. Edinburgh. 667 5438. 10am—5pm. £35 (£25). Advance booking essential. llamira will lead a two-day session on this technique. which uses music. meditation. simple exercises and dance to ‘movc the energy in our body which leads to a magical feeling of aliveness. a sense of case in one‘s life and a deeperconneetion with others and the Divine'. People ofall ages and fitness can take part. please wear loose comfortable clothing.
Thursday 2
I Touch for Health and Educational KlnesiologyStockbridge Library. Hamilton Place. Edinburgh. Info: 226 3066. 6.30—8.30pm. Free. Sue Ilannay will give an introduction to the benefitsand skills ofthcsc two holistic therapies which aim to balance the body. reduce stressand promote health.
I Workers’ Educational Association Riddle‘s Court. 322 Lawnmarket. Edinburgh. 226 3456. New classesthis term include: I On The Town South Bridge Resource Centre. Infirmary Street. Edinburgh. From Wed 24 for eight weeks. 7—8.45pm. £16/£9.50 (retired)"£2 (unwaged). A theatre appreciation course involving discussion of a wide variety of plays being staged in Edinburgh. Background information and script extracts are provided. Course fcc does not include tickets for theatre visits but special rates are available. Enrol at first meeting. I Heading Music Music Room.James
1 {time Harry Hennicker with the bike bus
Problem: while Scotland abounds in ideal cycling country, with wonderful scenery, lots of quiet roads and plenty of scope for off-road cycling, getting to it is increasingly problematic. Transporting bikes by rail is becoming more difficult, with cuts in services and the introduction of new types of train — the new SuperSprintertrains take up to four bikes, standard Sprinters only two, and there are restrictions on which services can be used.
Solution: the Bike Bus- a fifteen- seater minibus, towing a specially- designed trailer which will set off from Edinburgh every Saturday and Sunday throughout the summer, taking cyclists and their machines into the country for the day or weekend. The service is the brainchild of Harry Henniker, a former British Telecom employee and long-standing bike enthusiast, who designed the trailer and will be driving the bus. ‘lt's the first commercial service of its kind in Britain,’ he says. ‘The only other one I know about is a bike bus for mountain bikers in Italy,
although I’ve been in touch with someone in the Netherlands who's interested in setting one up.’
Destinations will offer opportunities for various types of cycling, on and off-road, and those wanting a leisurely spin needn’t worry about being deposited at the top of a mountain. ‘The route you take is very much up to yourself,’ says Harry. ’1’" drop people off in the morning, and arrange where they want to be picked up at the end of the day. I'll be trying to pick places that are safe for cycling, with quiet roads or disused railway paths. I’ll also be able to give information and suggestions about places to stay, pub lunches and so on, although it's up to people to organise their own accommodation. All I’m doing is providing the transport and perhaps a few suggestions about where to go.’
The number of enquiries before the service even started makes Harry fairly confident of success with the new venture. ’The response so far has been very good,’ he says. ‘It these trips become really popular, then I’d get a biggertrailer, and a bigger bus, but that would be for next summer. I’m also consulting with a holiday company down South to design a forty-bike trailer torthem. There are lots of possibilities for expansion, but I'll just have to see how it goes.’ (Sue Wilson)
See Open Listings for details of this Iortnight’s destinations and booking information; tickets can be bought on the bus but advance booking is advisable. A Bike Bus programme for April-June is available on request.
Gillespie I ligh School. Spottiswoode Road. Edinburgh. From Tue 30 for eight weeks. 7~9pm. £16 £9.50 (retired)r£2 (unwaged). Aimimg to create confidence in following scores and give an understanding of harmony and basic musical forms. the class is open to anyone with a basic knowledge ofstaff notation and musical terms. Enrol at first meeting or in advance at WEA office.
I Introducing Opera Room LWI-LA office. address asabove. I-‘rom Wed 1 for eight weeks. £16 £9.50 (retired) £2 (unwaged). Illustrated informal lectures designed for newcomers to opera as well as longstanding converts. including discussion of Scottish ()pera's current programme. Enrol at first meeting.
Saturday 20
I Act Up Demonstration Assemble Waterloo Place. Edinburgh. 2.45pm. Info: Brenda Roddy 229 1051 Tim llopkins 553 1459. A demo organised by the action group campaigning to raise awareness of 1 11V and AIDS and for increased treatment provision for those iiving with the virus. The march. to demand increased funding for treatment and research irt Scotland. will go tothe Mound. where there will be speakers and bands until around 5pm.
I The Bike Bus Leaves Waverley Bridge. Edinburgh Sam. tickets from Edinburgh Bicycle. 5 Alvanley Terrace. Edinburgh or on the bits (places limited to fifteen). Info: Harry I Ienniker. 2296274. The weekend expeditions with minibus and bike trailer continue; Saturday and Sunday destinations are within cycling distance of each other so that day or weekend trips are possible. This fortnight the bus travels to Jedburgh on Sat 20and
Kirk Yetholm on Sun 21 (£5 single/£7 day return); to Glen Cova/Glen Doll on Sat 27 and Glen Isla on Sun 28 (£7 single/£9day return). See panel.
Friday 26/Saturday 27
I Book Fair and Plant Sale Mayfield Church Ilall. West Mayfield. Edinburgh. Info: 667 SS7] 667 4685. Fri 7.30—9pm; Sat 10am— 12.30pm. Sale ofbooks. plants. bric-a-brac. home baking. stamps and postcards in aid of Feed the Minds. a Christian charity supportingliteracy. education and publishing projects in Eastern Europe and the Third World.
Friday 26—Sunday 28
I Kelbum Wood and Forestry Fair Kelburne Country Centre. Fairlie. Ayrshire. 0475 568685. Fri 10am—4pszat Sun llam—5pm. £2.50(adults) £1.25 (accompanied children) £1 .50(()A1’s. children. unwaged etc). Group rates available. Displays. demonstrations. nature activities and walks illustrating modern forestry. practical conservation and woodcrafts.
Monday 29-Friday 3
I Neil Gunn Centenary Exhibition Room. liniversity Library. George Square. Edinburgh. Info: Alan Spence 6671011. Admission free to all events.
Exhibition: Neil Gunn— Highland Writer. Universal Writer An exhibitionof photographs and text. prepared by the National Library ofScotland.
Light in the North Mon 29. 1pm and 5.30pm. A filmed interview with Neil Gunn. conducted by George Bruce. Heading-The Glimpse Tue 30.1pm. Extracts from Neil Gunn's work read by Alan Spence.
Forum: Celebration of the Light Wed 1. 7.30pm. Open discussion on Gunn‘s life and work. with John Burns. Ian Campbell. Dairrnid Gunn and others.
Bloodhunt Thurs 2. 5.30pm. A BBC film of Gunn's novel. dramatised by Stuart Conn.
Saturday 27
I Citizens' Europe - Possibility or Pipe-Dream? William Robertson Building. Edinburgh L'niversity. George Square. Edinburgh. 6504375. Info: Joyce 557 1726. 10am—4pm. £10 (£5). A day conference organised by the 1 Ielsinki Citizens' Assembly on ideas for the new Europe.
I Raising the Boot Woodsidc l lalls. Glenfarg Street. Glasgow. 3530213. Noon—4pm. Free. A celebration ofthe public re-opening of Woodside Ilalls after a year-long closure for a £1 million refurbishment. Described as ‘a kind of multi-cultural street party indoors’. the day will include jugglers. a steel band. dance. drama. fabric and face painting. fortune-telling. arm-wrestling. exhibitions. stalls and much more. Refreshments are available and a free creche service will be provided.
[HEEL— Fnday19
I The Scottish Environment Debate South Side Community Centre. 117 Nicolson Street. Edinburgh. Info: M. Smith447 4931. 7.30pm. £1 (50p). Representatives from the five main political parties in Scotland will be speaking and answering questions about green issues north ofthe border.
Saturday 20
IAmazonia—AVanishing World Lecture Theatre. Ilunterian Art Gallery. 82 Ilillhead Street. Glasgow. llam—noon. £1 .50. A talk on the options for conservation or development in the New World tropical forests.
Wednesday 24
I Guided Walk Around Holyrood Park llolyrood Lodge Visitor Centre. Edinburgh. Info: 557 5262. 1.30pm. Free. Strong shoes recommended.
Saturday 27
I Scottish Environmental Education Council Annual Meeting L7rtiversity ofStirling. 9am—4.30pm. £6. Further details and booking from SEEC. Department of Environmental Science. l'niversity of Stirling EK‘) 4LA. 0786 67867. The day. which is open to the public. includes a talk
by John Button on Speaking Truth to Power.
explaining a new initiative aiming togive children a platform to express their views
; on environmental issues and be heard by
I those in power. There will also be a buffet
lunch (not included in the fee) and a visit to the 1C1 works at Grangemouth (transport provided).
I Clean-Up of the Burn i lermitage of Braid. Edinburgh. Info: the Ranger. 447 7145.11am.
I Guided Walk Around Holyrood Park Holyrood Lodge Visitor Centre. Edinburgh. Info: 557 5262. 1.30pm. Free. Strong shoes recommended.
Tuesday 30
I Lothian Environmental Forum The IIerbarium. Royal BotanicGardens. Edinburgh. Info: J. Harvey 444 2266 ext 2596 (phone to reserve a seat ). 7.30pm. Free. Informal meeting for Lothian environmental groups.
I Guided Walk Around Holyrood Park Holyrood Lodge Visitor ( 'entre. Edinburgh. Info: 557 5262. 1.30pm. Free. Strong shoes recommended.
The List 19 April — 2 May 199163