
perfectionist. ‘lf you make a cake the }

easyway with sell raising flouror I Edlnhurgh

baking powder— you generate

carbon dioxide during cooking and . I Do we Control What we consume?

don‘thave to worry so much about 'I‘hiirs4April.7.3()pm.Symposium 7 _ _ incorporatingairbeforehand. The 1 Hull, Royal(‘ollegeofSurgeons. 3"" ri /{ trouble can'tdeterminehow Hingquarc. [nanmhcr f00d-rc|atcd g in I I . small the bubbles are going to be. science Festival event. A, r\ . Withm)’mahod’thcmlylhch“! environmental health officers J-vl )L d l S C O 1/ e r $310311“ermildC—WUW”milkc GrahamWalkerandColin Sibbald ’1‘” , theminvisiblysmallandincreasethe lookat[hcimphcmionsofthc rcccm "' m u S w e l l S volume ofthe original ingredients up Food Safety Act fora“ levels ofthc to tentimes.You geta reallylight {00d Chumjfmmlivestock rearing“) a n d t O u 7' t h 8 cake With 1* dellCi‘mSl." {inc ICXIUYW restaurant service. and describing .

BUIOfC‘er .WUC‘m"nlywmcm their rolein enforcingitfl‘hev are. C 0 n t l n e n t a conclusion after testing the results for cmmpic‘ the principal advisers m 0f 1'" CXPC mm m- V“ lhs‘ 9nd5511F5 local manufacturers on product Italian pastas, Greek dips, Scandinavian sandwiches,

Barhum' .[ “in cm Up the gutwu' . labelling and “m Overseeing the French patisseries Muswell’s café menu

and Sewn“ I hit“ PWPUWd “WWW move from the old ‘sell bv’ dates to . . .

~ . . . -. . ' q * wt to Edmbur h. and WC “'1” 11” SCC hm“ mUCh “'9 Cim definitive ‘use bv' dates: it will be an brmgs thc commc g calf offence to sell food when this has Come in {Or a coffee, 8 drink at the "

expired. Above all. says Colin bar, a [are night bite, M’m open

‘Basicallv allthe action isinthe " - . I f . Sibbald. thisisan opportunity for a” day, and you’re welcome. ng5- consumers to ask questions to clear

up some of the issues that make a trip . . . . tothe supermarketsuch a shot in the The Scientific Recipe dark,

tried and tested I Jackson’s Restaurant 2 Jackson

. . . Close. 2(l9lligh Street. 22006.2(). 74mm d'amete' cake "n Has introduced an inexpensive

4 eggs three-course lunch. Starters include 402 castersugar } , _ , , . , . .. . iot asparagus spears with Sozplaintlour h H, d, .1, d ‘h. ,k‘ , d 1ozcocoa o an aise an L ic en an Zozunsaned Dune, mushroom crepezamongst the half ’chphonc: 031 220 0550 . . . dozenmaindishes are grilled pork Forthetilling. I) . “Ind . , ._ ,ld 1pimwhipping cream cut et inca ya os grayyvi h , b lar “in black cherries(smned) mushroomtartlets served on a bedof e afe a r kirgch celeriac straws. and roast quailwith t h a t ’s d i s t i n c t [y c 0 n t i n c n t a I

walnut stuffing. Take your pick from a selection ofdesserts. and part with just £4.95 for the lot. The bistro is open noon—2pm. Mon—Fri. and will cater for parties on—Sl).

chocolate vermicelli/sugarstrands Melt butter. Break eggs into a bowl with the sugar: whip with a high speed electric whisk for five to ten minutes until the mixture is really

still: the volume increases sixfold. I cale Bisuo 3‘ "‘9 Assembly Rooms

Sieve flour and cocoa and quickly “COTE-’9 SIWCt- me 13—36 APT”-

fold into the egg and sugar mixture; 53”“1 le- NO“ Ihcatrcé’w”

fold in melted butter. Immediately “'ClC‘mW~ Thk‘ 101"“ “Chinsl tht‘

pour into the greased cake tin and 'I‘WWWC YCSIZ‘UWI“ 11nd lht‘

cook at 200 (‘ for 25 minutes. When le‘mE‘TkCl GNU." CM.“ is making 1‘

cooked a skewer inserted into the WM 2‘l‘l‘wnmcc 1” ilnmhcr 0f

middle of the cake should emerge Edinburgh‘s‘ mill”r 21m \‘CnUCS-

clean -— take out ofthe oven and drop ; Ihc.‘""1“_hc “S‘r‘lntl 1‘ SCICCW’” "f

it. Seriously. a scientific cooking tip. 2 lupus “I L: “.d‘Sh and mmfing Ihc

If you drop any cake hot from the l 9““; hi" dun”? the FC?‘ Fir“ dim“

oven in its tin from a height of 6 inch 19"““1I4m‘K"mmtm'cad‘lis

onto a hard surface. the air bubbles 2 0mm“;

inside break and the cake will not i scooz' 199R?” Strait Lime

collapse. but have a perfect flat ; 5mm" 23“ 5115' “hm—5‘”

sum“. fur dcmmlion noon—2.30pm and 7— 10.30pm When the cake is cool. slice it into (Fri 8‘” “m” “pml- Ricmrd

McKirdy. who gave his name to

McKirdy‘s in Leith. but is no longer runningthatestablishment.hasjust ' 2 A

opened this small. relaxed

three discs with a carving knife. Whip the cream until it is very firm. Put the bottom disc on a serving dish. sprinkle with kirsch and spread with y . . . . cream and halfof the cherries. Place W“”““”"- “w C"‘Ph‘l‘L‘ '5 "” "95h

thcscumddiscunmplmdrcpmh fish.carefullypreparedtotraditional ,

kirsch‘crwm ChemCS reserving“ . recipes.’l‘herewillalsobeanItalian

few ofthese forthe top. Pitt the final ““Vm‘r‘l7'{(il§_cnfll‘llng PCOPIQ ‘0 disc (m mp and Spread a my” of eat cheaply 11 fish prices are too high. cream overthe entire cake. (iarnish 3

the outside edge with chocolate

vermicelli and pipe cream turrets l

right around the surface. Finally. top !

each turret with a cherry. Voila. le i guteuu! i

The Physics ()fu Black Forest

(iuteau. Thurs 1/ April. 7pm. the

Friends Meeting House. 7 Victoria

T, ,, m ,1 WWW 30 THE GRASSMARKET amp;“Lanai/.r‘tfisn;aria;' PAGE 91 EDINBURGH - 225 6464

Street. Edinburgh. ()3! 226 5138.

The List 5 ~ 16’ April 199l 85