1:5 451. a {full/'11!!!” reader with lL'lll\l1\lL'\\\.l)l1'1lt1£llltl\tL'yHll guarantee a reply l1o\ .\o 1433. I Glasgow (33) gay . good looking. honest.ear1ng. \ineere. intelligent. Many lllIL‘l't‘\l\. tun—loyrrtghutstahle Seekx \lllillill \enxrhle guy (f 3111 tor trientluhip.rnayhe1:1.(ienurne rsplrex with photo pleaxe. Box .\o'14.‘\ 4. I TWO lun Edinburgh malex. non \miike'h. enltiy pulyx. (iititl. ernema . ehoeolate. seek tyyo temalex with sense of humour \Ve're 27. (‘ome otrt yy ith us tor the inn ol it. Write noyyl Box No 143 5, l ldealistic young mammal-21M seeksthe yyoman oihistlreamx yyllly . lltIL‘lllgenI.L‘tltlt‘ttletl. \enxitiy'e. attraetiy e. independent. sporty. non-\moking. equal. (like attraets llkel ) letter more rrnportant than photo, Box .‘\'o l4} (3. IToodiscreetand straight-aeting and inexper'ieneetl 27-year—old male has almost giy‘eri up on the longing to liy e in St \'iueeut ('rexeent With another. Box .\'o 143 ". Newly out l-Ztlinhurgh guy . non \eene. atlraetiye. liy ely. humorousand intelligent requires similar t 34 311) tor ll'lt'lltl\lllp. possihly more. l-tliuhurgh (ilasgoyy area. l’lioto ensures reply. Box No 143 8. B Male 3USrntlepentlent. modest means. plans exeape trout next yy inter in tr ip to .-\\Ia Seeks interesting female eompanron for part or all ot'tlie trrp.ortomeet upyyith. Itinerary undeeided. l’hoto appr‘eeratetl, Box \o1431) I Mick Fleetwood lookaliket “n minus haltling honee. height. tame. yyealth. drumming eyeellenee hut shy . \eek\ Stey re \it‘ks'tyyi11135 351 tor triendxhrp romanee. (il;t\goyy area. I)emo tape optional hut photo appreeiatetl. Box No (.13 111. I Gay, prolessional musician sensitiye. artistie.ereati\ e. _‘yt)( ish i. hilt l\l1 ). hlontlt lxll i. attraetiy et l\l1 ) with a great \eltw o1 tun would like to meet other\. \llltllttl . tor lllL’lltl\lll[‘. eyen romanee. l’hoto uneeexxary hut appreeiatetl. Box No 144 1. I Green eyed (24) l’arrsran lookx tor eoquine ( ilaxgoyy girl thinking Kamaxutra rxohxolete and into 1110\1L‘\. hooks. llltlllh in otrt. and ahoy e all into eutldlex. 11y en gorgeoth hlontle or redhaired vyeleome, Box No 144 2. I Female (24) like\ Sisteron .‘yierey'. X-Mal. early punk. Nung playing gurtar.eluhs. puhx. walks. talks and hay ing a damn good laughl Does anyone elxe'.’ lntrotluee yourselyex please. Box No 144 .‘y I Gay guy (30) tloetor . aetty e \oeial lite hut all friends \[r.lli_'lll. Seek\ medical professional guy\ (3% 32 ) for friendship. may he more later. l‘nioys arts. theatre. mountaineering. l.l\C\ Aherdeen. your loeation

I Edinburgh bi-mani W l \eek\ attraetry e. younger man tor

tr lL‘llLl\lll(‘ and tlltthtlal hetltrme aetiy lllk'\ \\ rrte yy Illl photoautl phone rruruher lproruhe to reply. l)i\eretron e\peetetl antl a\\tttetl. lio\ \ol~14<

I Warm. sensitive. intelligent protexxronal gay mart. mrtl— ‘1 ix. \eek\eompamoux13H 4llilor theatre. trlmx. eluhhrng. ru l‘tlllll‘lllg’li (il.l\_\.1ti\\ liti‘x .\y\ l~14h

IGay countrymanliappy. healthy (5") haying a mee time. yyoutlerxit things would he eyerr hetter yyrtlt yo‘r ll you're-111m hookixli. tun. pr‘eter ahly ur harr. iron—\eeue.tlropmealrne lio\ \o144 “.

I Easygoing man lall.l.“‘ll. \rngle parent. roruautre. me; and \enxrtry e. enioyxeruema. hluex. eatiugantl lrxtemng. \eek\lr'rentlxhrpyyithyyomarr \ylltillle'\ltil.lll\ lttlinhurglr llox NU I41 .\

IGlasgowIesbianMUs) Interests; Spring. Summer. Autumn. \Vrriter.trayel. t‘llle'llltl. lllk‘illlL‘. t'iilleet 1\. eoxy tllllllL'l\ antliuxttlrxeoyerrng the new \eek\ \rmrlar lor lllL‘llkl\lllP.[1U\\ll1lt'lL‘lrlllHll\lll(‘ goon replyl llo\ \o 144 ‘1 IGIasgow gay guytl‘t. non-\eeue.\trarglit-aetrrrg. good-looking.plolevtonal. larr.athlet1e.511lllrn.lrrto sportx. \oer;rli\rrig .tlltl tray el 11 you like rue. reply 1 l )rxeretu iu tl\\lll'CLl. photo pleaxel lio\ \«i 144 111. IAttractive m8l8(33)l‘tltltl‘tllgll area. open lllllltlt.‘tl. \iar m lit‘attetl.t‘leallye.\tlltelt‘. eountry haxetl hut rirohrle.\eek\ \L‘11\lll\ e. attraetry e girl tor quality trrue together and pt\\\ll‘lt‘l.l\llliglt'lttllttlhlllp l’hotoerrxur‘exreply lio\.\'o 144 11.

I Fun. Edinburgh male 1 1" r. \lllll. lrt .-\r'e yotr teruale antl \eekrngxomeone lunu». \llllllll.l(lllg.(1;t\\lttll.llt'ttlltl.t gIL'al (Hillel l e'1'\ enioy eat'll other'xeorripany l’hoto and detailed letter appreeiateil 11o\ No 1-14 l:

ITwo slap-happy media men (:llx) (N u earx tlatx antl elitit’tilale l ltllllltll‘\. \eek ltllltly glll\ in ( ilasgoyy la/y tlayxarrtl eoxy Illg’llIN l'r tli.rt\all' Hm Nail-141‘



l‘l lulil \ane l litiltt‘\ll I.\oerahle. ltttrrtorotrx. \arred arty llllL‘lt‘\I\. \t‘L'lx\\llllllrll tmaleiot l.l\le'.\\ll autlwme rntelleet tor (ilaxyyegraueyemuguiut. theatre.eomextrhlex. eonyerxatronete l’lioto

.11‘1‘Ieeratetl lit“ \li lei-1 ll

I Glasgow guy(23)\eele girllor lllelltl\lll)‘ l.llltt‘lrtle‘\\lttlial. like \llL'lllly alterrratry e muxre. gigs. gootl tootl. puhx. ernema. \port. laughing (iuarauteed to lie yyt‘ll llt'aletl liti\ \o lAl-«l l5

IPTOlBSSlOllalman(35)\\iillltl lrketomeet\en\itr\e.rexeryetl. attraeliye latly agetl :11 .151or \‘Hllll‘rtlllt\l1\l11(‘.t'\t'lll\.tlltl romauee luterextxxport. muxrtytrayel ('eutralfieotlarrtl l’lea\e\eutlphoto ’ro\.\o 1.1.1 It»

IEdinburghmale(29)\eerer eroxx tllk'\\k'l . yyoultl lrke to 111.tl\t'llt'\\lllL‘lltl\ltt\tiel.lll\t' antlheopeuyyrtli ,‘ylaylieotlier l\ \. hut yyomen expeerally yyeleorue lirrghtt‘axygorng. prole‘\\lort.rl yyon't l‘lit'l 11o\

\o l” lfi I Gay guy (22) tall. \lrmgoinl

looking. \eek\ \11111l;tl.1llltlL'1.)ll lor llle‘lltl\lll(‘.(‘k‘l'l1.l(‘\llltilk‘ llllt‘lt'\l\lllellltlt' [111l1\.el11l‘\. eatiugoutete l’lioto apprei‘iatetl.tlrxeretioua\\uretl. l1o\ .\o 11‘. 1\

Ilnexperienced Edinburghmale (111) \y hour the \exual reyolutiou \t‘t‘tll\1ol1a\ e p;1\\etl liy \eek\ \ouugyyomau toa\\i\t tu eatehing upon lost time l‘lllle'l e\per leueetl yyoman to proy rtle tuition or ine\perreueetlyyoman ltillltllllflt'lllllllllllill\L'11\ll;ll e\perrmeutatronantltlrxeoyery yyoultl he yyeleome lio\ \o 144 l"

I Caring. eclectic malet llllneyy to l'tlrril‘urgli.\eek\ opemmudetlteruale lllt‘lltl\ tplump \ltlt' ’iyy llll whom to e\plore my new home luterextx meluile lolk international rnuxre, emema. theatre and 'lrouext‘eouyerxation lio\.\o

144 :ll

Ilndianlemale(36)<'hrisrian lryely and looking tor that

\pee ral maul 1‘ 4h] yy 1th y ar retl llllele\1\\ylltlhut’llllt'.littllt‘\l antltarrng lrrterextx trayel. reatlrug. musre eookmi' antl \Ulltt’ \[‘itll\ lltl\ \U ll) :l

IEdinburgh gay man(30) \llltlt'lll.\Ck‘l\\\llllll;ll lnter‘extxz \yyrmmrug.eyelrng. reading. theatre. eruerna. muxre. art lam l;lll.\lllll.\11.tlg'l11ttt‘llllg.ertllllt1 and rronrxeeue. l orig letter .llltl photoappreeratetl. Box No

144 If.

I Gay man (42) tletimtely not

try er the hill. l-un. attraetiye. nonweeue t littlle‘\ll\ l. ruany llllt‘lt'\l\. new to l‘tlmhurgh. \eekx llle‘lltl\lllp It'l;lllt111\lll(‘ .\llletterxauxyyeretl l’hoto appreeratetl hut tlelimtely not t‘\\t'llll.ll liti\ NH l-l») .2.“

l Lonely. Glasgow male 211x. metlra-type. intelligent. romautre.enioyxrestaurantx. muxre. theatrearullaughter. yyoirltlloye tohurltlearrug lL‘l.lllltli\lil(‘\\lll1 likemrntletl lemale. any age ('irtltlle\ .l\\lllL'tl. l’lt‘ltlltN (‘le‘.l\e'. lit“ \io (-14 :4

IOuiet. attractive(ish)male 13m. \eek\ temale eompany to euioy trlmx. muxre. puhx. eating out. \yalk\ hy the \ea. may he

t'\ en that HltlLleyllt‘alle‘tlltiye. l)lltllt1.tI‘PIL'k'ldlL'kl. liii\ NH 14135

I Male (22) lall. tlar k. \enxeol humo'ar rue\per'reueetl. looking tor another guy (under film lrreutlxlup lll\I.l rke\ lllll\lt ltltttl, llllll\ l’hoto :lH‘lt'elalt‘tl lill\ \ti llel :(i. IEdinburghgayguyIarelllx. \euxrtry e. relrahle. non-seene. yyittlltl lll\L' In lllt‘t‘l \lltltllt‘ lasteru male 1 21 1M tor tlixereet tr lL‘lltl\lllP romanee. lrrter’extx. e.rtrrrgout.yyalk\. muxie. lrtnexx 'l horoughly \rneere, l’ro\ .\'o144 2“.

I Native Dutch speakerrequired l'm lie\l man at a yyetltlrngrn Septemher and hay e to make a \peeeh thenee the pame). You supply the elipthorrgs and I'll supply the drink 11o No 144 35'. I New chums required 1or r‘eeent (ilaxgoyy ar‘riyrxt Age gentler uurruportant 11m No 144 3‘). IGlasgow gayprolessionalmale 144) ltyely intelligent. humoroux. yarretlrnterextx rnelutling theatre.ernema. muxre. weralrxmg. \eeksxrrreere relrahle trientl \(25 451 prelerahly slim and hunky, l’lliiltiapplt‘t‘laletl liii\.\'ti 1.1.131)

ICouple :\ttraetry e autlru mull! lx. \eek llllltl play mate tor hroatlrmrrtletlirrtlulgeuee l’hoto appreeratetll' lio\ Nail-1431


Then: Address your letter to The Llst Classllled, 14 ngh Stret or

Edinburgh EH1 HE

and we will forward it.

Remember to write the Box Number clearly in the top lelt-hand corner. Replies will be forwarded once a week.

If you send several replies, send them in one large envelope. Don't stamp the replies, but do write the appropriate Box No. on each envelope.

The List will forward Box numbers up to six months after the ad has appeared.

Old Athenaeum Theatre 179 Buchanan Street Glasgow 812.12


lGlasgowmale(younglxi. attr'aetry e. \lim. \euxeol humour. into intlre tlauee punk muxre. ( ireerrpeaee. \eek\ itllt'lllltllyhll.11t111-\111tll\111t1 temale tor gigs. puhx. arts. meals out. lllClltl\lll(‘. perhaps roruauee 11o\ \o 144 33

I Male (25) Sit "in. \lrrn. ayerage lookx. non smoker.

l onely at the present trrne and unemployed. seekxtarrly ortlruary ternale tor lllL‘Iltl\lllP. hopetully relationship. (Kthytlt) liox No 144 33.

LOOKING FORAMATE. a ioh. \omeyy here to stay . an autlrenee. a market plaee. a wap-hox" ( let in touelr with Ilititl\;tlitl\til poople 1n(ila\goyy antl litlrnhur‘gh hy takrrig otrt a (‘l ASSll-ll'l) Al) in [he l.r.yr.

I Male soulmate (205)“;llllk'tl lor' leruale. \liy . lun loy rug. romantie 121M. lntoelaxsieal muxre. theatre. my running. outdoorvuul \tarry skies. (ir'een. non-smoker. ‘l latl l the t‘lotltMil llt‘ayell .' Box No 144 34,

ITwo genuinelyravishing 24—year »oltl gals. led up hemg pursued hy other people\ llll\l‘illltl\illltl lioyxyyllli ltthl\1at‘lle\. require tleyaxtatrngly handsome. utter l1il\[;lltl\.l)l1t1ltit’\\¢'ll(ltl/.lit“ .\'o 144 35.

I Glasgow male (34)untall. tlar'k. nearly handsome. enjoys eookrng. eatingout ru.eyelrng. mime. ntoy res. tray el. Seeks small. attr‘aetiy e. In ely . \llitike'lt'\\ girl yyitheventral llllllltllll.lt1\l1;tl'L'ltititl.lllll. lrexh arr. yyme. time and

any thing else that eropx up’.’ l’leaxe r‘exeue helor'e rust and apathy \e‘l rnl l’hoto gtppr'et‘latt‘tl. liox .\tl 1‘14 3h.

I Glasgow male late :ll\.\\titlltl loy e to meet leruale yy litie‘ll]()y\ gootl lootl. tlr'lnk. emema. theatre L'It‘ \lthl hay e girtitl \en\e o1 humour and loy e a laugh l’hoto ll poxsrhle Box No 144 3“

I Glasgow male (41)\rrigle again. enon \ muxre. gootl ltltitl. yyrne. lite 111 general Seeks \rmilar lemaleHll 4111 \tili»\lllttke‘l pr'eler lCtl hut not e\\enHal l’hoto. phone nurnher ll poxxrhle lio\ No144 3?»

I Special otter! :\ttraeti\e. etlueatetl. yy ell tray elletl male

1 1:1. Sit lllru. uumarrretl.oyyn llat antlear mustellyrug \krrng l)on‘t

lliIL‘lL‘\l\lllelULlL‘ tlt‘lay \yIIIL‘ ltitlay i lit“ llt) 1.1.1:“) I Lonely? Me 100! l‘tlrnhurgli male (331. \lrm. gootl looking. yyarrn. earrng. nortxmoker. lll\e‘\. tlimugout . ernema. el;r\\le.rltrttr\1e. ptrli\.yy.rlkirrg. talkrrrg teruale (:11 3* l. \rmrlar llllL‘lL‘\l\ tor lllL'll\l\l11P relatrouxlup l’hoto appleelaletl Him \o l-H 411

I Edinburgh gay dependent upon lllltlL'l ilk. rxattraetry e. tlepelltlelil tlpiill l.t\le ,illx dependent upon ltouexty

l l.t\111g'1111t‘lt‘\l\. dependent upon the yy eather llay e you a

leaMiIl to reply 'lio\ \o l4-1 Jl. 4}

'l he l.1\1 22 .‘ylareh 4.-\pril 199185