
I GRAEME MURRAY GALLERY 15 Sentland Streetfiihhltlll. l'ue I'I'l lllam 5prn;Sat lllain 1pm.

‘Without Reality. the Crudeness at Art would be Unbearable‘ l'ntil Ill Apr .-\ ereatry e adaptatinn nt \yliat ( ienige Bernard Sliayy really said. Illustrating the pniirt \y ith yy'nrks nn paper and innny atiy e installatinns are Jurgen Alhreeht. Snl l.eyy rtt. Iessa Rnltins and ( 'r aig \Vnnd.

I HANOVER FINE ART 33a Dundas Street. SSnZISl. .\1nn I~ri lllain (ipin; Sat

lllain 4pm.

AlastairBuchanan: RecentWorks in Gouache I 'ntil S :\pi

Jean McNei|l2Watercolours and Oils t 'niils .-\pr.

I LADY STAIRS HOUSE I .ady Stairs ( ‘lnse. layyninarket. .‘ylnn- Sat lllarn nprn.

.-\ eelehratinnnt Sentlaiid\ greatest


\ietnr‘ran phntngr aphs nt l'gy pt.

()iie nt the great tray el phntngrapheisnl the last eentuiy . I-r’ith yy as the seennd

l' iir‘npeaii tn explnre the Nile Iteynnd the sixth (atat'aet. Determined tn prny ide as tarthtul a represeiitatinn as pnssihle nl

yy hat he says tnr the tnlks haels hnrne he hray ed near irnpnssihle ennelrtinns and endless inunds nl ernendile elrnps. ‘lrred

and hnrled and em i'red‘.

I ( ‘IL‘I Is Street. IIH\ ( )lliee MS Zill‘l. .‘ylnii Sat lllain Sprn.(‘ate.

Fun and Games? I 'ntil Sat 31) Mai. l)ianne Murphy played yyith tnys all nyer lturnpe tnr this artistie study; _‘~ll\ynil\s nn paper

\y hieh tngether' eninpi rse an appealing L'\Illl‘tllttll and an iinpnrtant snein-pnlrtieal study nt ehrldhnnd.

I RICHARD DEMARCO GALLERY lilaeletiiars(‘huieh. lilaelstiiars Street tntt Iligh Street ). Evil—WIT .\Inn Sat

l'ntrl \\ ed 3 .~\pi. \\ hiIe linderrhain is par tietrlai’ly rntltreneed hy the ( iei inan l'\pr’essinnists. Ramsay diayysnn his interest in Spanish .\Innrish artand ('yeladie and IIy/antine tigriies. Ilnth artistsaddiess the IL'IaIlltltSltll‘I‘L'lyyee'll man and nature

I STILLS GALLERY I”? l liin Street . 55" 1141!. '1 tie Sat 1 lain 5 ‘ttpiir

Jim Miller: Poison Pen—A Story olWrongtul Dismissal I pm Sat .‘tl \Iai .\ Isellngg‘s einplnyee tnr innie than .‘llyeais.

\Iar ini‘ie ( 'arly le Inst her rnI‘ in l‘l’VI tni allegedly sending pnrsnir pen letters In a

lse-Iltrgg's manager. In .Illll \Iillei "s

exlnhrtrnn. ( at ly le pintests her inirneenee

in ty ped panels. and phntngiaphie panels are enrnluned \y ith perrnd Ise-llirgg's pininntingthe eninpany'seairngiinage tniinnieetleet Ross Sinclair: Fanclub t 'ntrl Sat .‘suyrai. ("nininissinired Iiy Stills. Sinelaii lnnks at

ady ei trseinents

h lllping


The Femalelmage t 'nril :sApi. l-inm ' inedreyal lady tn earth innther and y ia enuntless nudes the depretinir nt yynineir in art has alyyay s lyeeir rntlueiieed by their image iii snerety l)ean e\plniesyyninan's \aiinusaitistieinanitestatinns\yith hunrnui attd snrne irnny l he ste r'enty ped ltlnitde I‘lllll‘l‘. tnr e\ainp|e. lyeenines a latterday .'\plllt\tllle


Kilmarnock I THE DICK INSTITUTE I‘lllll‘allls .r\\ entre.

“5M Sty-1H1. .\lnn I'll lllain Spin. \\ ed and Sat llldlll Spin

A Leap in the Dark l ntil n :\l‘l .-\ Snuth IIdltls tnuiing shnyy nt letheeirtury phntngi'aphy tinin the enlleetinii nt the (irlinan I’apei (‘nrnpany . inelirdiirg yyni lss

literary ligures Rnltert Burns. Sir Walter Sentt and Rnltet'l I itttts Sleyettstttt

I MUSEUM OF CHILDHOOD ~13 l ltglt Street.

lilain typin. ~ The Many Faces ol Richard Demarco. . Works by the Sisters oi the Carmelite

the relatinnsltrp hetyy een the 'ai tist' and the ‘gallery '. \Vhat dnes rt inean tnr an artist tn pininnte hrrn nr herselt thrnugh air

Ity llenir ( 'aitiei lliessnir. I)iane :\lltll\ and nthei great phntngiapheis

335 .1124. .\lnir Sat lllarn ltplll

l he hest days nl ynirr lite'.’ lnys. y idens and \ arrntrs kids‘ hits and preees shed snine light nn Itiiyy it yyas tni ey eiynire else. I NATIONAL GALLERY OF SCOTLAND l he \lnund. Sinwll. \lnn Sat Illain Spin; Sun 3 5pm.

Watercolours by Edward Lear t nut is

:\pi il. The re yy as nnthrng iinnserrsieal .ilmiit the seyet'al thnusandlandseape paintings and drayy ings prndiieed In I eat during his Iitetiine. yyhieh is pinhahly yyhy they nnly reeently hegan tn i'eeery e any reengnitinn. l he A12 \yni ks nn slinyy are tinin the enlleetinn nt Sii' Steyeii Ruiieirnan and yy ere innstly painted lyy [ear during his L“\'lL‘ll\l\ e inur'neys iii the l astein Mediterranean. par'tietrlaily (iieeee and the lnnian islands.

I OPEN EYE GALLERY "* ( 'tirnlyei'laird Street. >5" llllll. \lnn l'll Illain npnr. Sat lllain ~1pin.

I ‘ntrl 'l lirris 2S \lai.

Willie RodgerARSA: Paintings. Prints and Drawings.

Muriel Macintyre: Ceramics.

G. L. Brockhurst: Etchings.

Ruth Hillieerewellery.

Sat 3” Mar IS .-\pi:

David Evans ARSA RSW: Paintings.

Neil Glendinning: Ceramics.

Japanese Woodblocks.

Jack Cunninghaszewellery.

PORTFOLIO GALLERY 43 ( ~aiidleinalxer I{nyy.:3II l‘)11.'ltie Sat tinnii SFHpIn. Martyn Greenhalgh: Edinburgh Parkt‘nril

Wed 3 .-\pi (iieenhalgh's exhihitinn nt

Monastery. Duiddenham.

Edna Whyte: Drawings of Luing.

I ROYAL BOTANIC GARDENS liiy er leitli Rnys . 553 "1"] \lnir Sat Warn sunset. Sun 11am sunset. ( ate. [l)|_

Living in a Rainlorestl'nrit1.?I)ee...\ Bni'nen-sty le tnrest hnuse.enntaiinng nrany snuth east .-\sian artetaets. has been r'eennsti tieted in the llntanies' lzyhihitinn lIall. Sey eral yyrii'ksltritis and aetiy rties aeeninpany the eshihitinn; phnrre lni details.

Vanishing Paradise t nut 13 Dee. Stunning phntngi aplrs Idlsell in the Vene/uelan iaiiitniest Iry .iyyard-yyiiining plintngrapheis ( ient'ge Bernard and Stephen l)altnir.

Tape Slide Environmental Experience 1 illlll " .-\pr .r\n installatinn rising slides. intisre and \etllpltlte. \tsrtni's are my rted tn

enntrilnite their nyy n slides tn the installatinir.

IROYAL MUSEUM OFSCOTLAND (‘harnhers Street. 335 "534. .‘ylnn Sat Illanr Fprn;SunZ Spin.

British Gas Wildlife Photographer ot the Year

l'iitrl l1 .-\pr'. Straight linin the Natural llistnry .‘yluseirin inl nndnn. these MI

yyinning. runner-upandenrnnrended

phntngraphs are li'nin an annual

\ynr ldyy ide eninpetitinn npen tn ainateur s

aitd pr'ntessinnals Izntr ies ineltrde a pnlar hear seay enging tnr tnnd in Alaska and

snrne ethereal yellnyy hrrttertlres.

I THE SCOTTISH GALLERY ‘ll ( ieni ge Street. 325 W55. .‘ylnn I'll lllain npiii;Sat ltlarn lpin.

'e'\liihrtinri”.’ VisirnistnStillsyyillhe lininharded hy the artist‘segn hetnie they ey en enter the lttrilding Iile—sr/e phntngraphs nt Sinelaii adnr n the taeade. stairyy ell and gallery spaee.

I369 GALLERY 333 ( ~nyy gate. :35 VII}.

.‘ylnn Sat Ill..‘\tl.iin 5..‘~tlpirr.

Alan G.D. Watson: Recent Work I 'ttlll Sal Sir

\Iar \Vell I\IIII\\ n tnr his yynr ls nn Senttish theines St Rikki. the l‘ltheentuiy

\y halrng industry and the lyiiilding nl an nrl rig in Tile in thrse\hihrtinn \\ atsnnalsn Innks at the ennsti tretrnn nt I' iinehty Darn. llis \yni Is is l‘nldly ligiii atiy e and dnininated hy eleeti ie hlires attd pinks. Worried Landscapes t 'nul Sat .‘suyrai liaiiied as a painter . Seaminell has reeently turned tn paper lll.ll\lll_L‘ and is intlueneed lyy the lairdseape stirrntrndrng her hnine 1n ( ‘uinlyi ia She uses paper tirade tinin linen. enttnn and lyanana peel

I TORRANCE GALLERY 2% l )undasStieer.

l SSnryfsrin. \lirii I'll 1 Iain lipin; Sat

lll._1rt.iiii Ipin

Land, Sea and Sky t ‘niil Sal Ruytai. \lnndy and eyneatry e landseapes lyy .'\l;t\l;tlt \\. I ltnnrsnn. I TRAVERSE THEATRE l 12(iiassrnai lsL'I.

EMMA. "lire Sat llain lllpin; Sun

St Andrews

ICRAWFORO ARTS CENTRE‘H \nrtli Stieet.ll.‘~_‘~~l Tirylll. \Inn Sat lllairr Spin; Sun: Spin.

Hats and Jewellery by Alison BaileySmith I'ntil Sun Fl \Iar. :\Il\i\tt Harley Sinith l.tI\L'\ r llI‘I‘lSII and ti anstniins rt intn sninethiiigrnnreesnteiie atria/iirgyyiie hats. Reeently graduated trnin l-diiihuigh (‘nllege nt .-\it. this metal inilliner has alteally eattsed .t sltt t‘Il l/lr' ( i/t’I/ltW \Ilrr‘a and is nnyy sell~erttplny ed. lllttlslll}; enrsets. \L'\\L'I\illttl\llik'\

Holszohn Cumming and AlistairPeebles

I 'ntil Sun 3| \Iar ()r kney the L'\llll‘lllt‘ll is inspired lty the

lalsiiig its name tinin

inui neys these tyyn artists inade, nn tnnr ni lyy lsayale rn ( )i kney Shetland and the Inirnes. 'l ngethei the artists prnpnse an alter natiy e appinaeh tn the gengiaphy nt islands. nnyy threatened hy nueleai andnil deyelnpinent.

Images of Nature. Seasons and Cycles 1 illIll Sun ,Il Mai. Paintings and tapesti reshy

( inidnn \Iael )nnald and Birgitta I dyyaid. a married eniiple yy hn drayy nn their suirniindingsand their ineinnries and Itltlls tn the tuture in their \Kttll's.


I SMITH ART GALLERY AND MUSEUM I)tlllll‘.tllttll Rnad, it"sn "l‘ll" lue nnnn 5pm; Sat lll .‘llarn Spin. Sun 3 Spin

Henry Moore: Sketch Models and Working Models I ‘ntil ll .r\pr Snine ~1llsinall seale


phntngraplts nt this ISllsaere site nit the yy est side nt the erty represents the lirst enininissinn under the eity 's ‘l’er eeirt tnr

Shades otScottish Classicism: Paintings by Hugh Buchanant'nrityy‘etl 3 Apr. .-\rehiteettrrehasalyyaystaseinated

studies tnr \lnnies seulptuies. iiie'luding

snine ieeuri rng themes. the reeliiirng tiguie. innthei and ehild and the tainin

.-\rt Sehenie'gl'lie dey'elnpers nt the site. \eyy l'diiihurgh ltd. ltay'e enmrnitted themser es tn spending at least I per eent

nt huilding ensts nn enininissinning art yynr'ks

I PORTRAIT GALLERY Queen Street . 550 .S‘lll..\lnn Sat lllatn 5pm; Sun: 5pm. Francis Frith's Egypt t 'ntil H :\[‘t‘.

56 The List 22 March 4 ApJTQI) 17

Iluehanan. In this enlleetinn Ire pursues his

study nt elassieisrn. turning his atteirtinn tn

l7th eentuiy Senttish eastles andpalaees: I-y y'ie. ’l'hirlestaiie. ( ilarnis. l-alklaird.

I Inly rnnd and snine yy ell Isnnyy n

Izdinhurgh huildiirgs. 'I here is astinng.

innder nist leel In his yy aterenlnui's Peter Bodenham and Ian Ramsay: Ceramics

Olive Dean presents ‘The Female lmage' at theTraverseTheatre


Jam. Socks and Television r) Mai :1 \pr

. ()irrte apart tr'nin iiiyenting the teley rsinii. .Inhnl ngie Baird dey ised neyy ehritney s

and rains in I rinidad and thermal undeisnelsstanents 'lhiseyhiltitrnirnt

hits and preees yy ill nnt. \y e hnpe. iiielride thenrrginalehutneys

10am-5pm Sunday

041-357 3929


From April lst the Art Gallery & Museum, Kelvingrove and The Museum of Transport will be open every Thursday until 9pm. Daytime openings remain unchanged, Monday-Saturday


Details of all gallery and museum openings are available on

Glasgow Museums & Art Galleries