LASGOW Performance
Monotones, To Keep Out Dark and Grand Pas Fri 22 Mar. 7.3llpm. Scottish Ballet's Small-Scale Touring ( ‘ompany prmesits VCfSitillll} by setting up a stage in Kelvingros'e to perform these three pieces under the direction of Ken Burke.
I THIHD EYE CENTRE 346 354 Sauehiehall Street. 33: T52 l.
Poets Without Pockets i ‘nul Sat 2 ‘~ \lar. 7,3tlpni L4 (L31. Working from the ( ii'eal Inquisitor 's speech in lire limi/ien Kurd/nun” . \‘iigoslas’ia‘s Betontane 'l'eater makes use ol its members' theatre. dance and ballet backgrounds to create a brutal and athletic work for the last performance of New .llows, limited
seating eapaeit}. . so book early.
MeetThe Choreographer Sat :3 Mar. lpm, l'ree. l’erlornianee Director. .\ll\l\'l .‘sliliean chairs an inlormal discussion with tile erc‘;lti)i‘\ iii the (lit i'L‘ill \It'lt Ilni ('s
The Stamping Ground lhurs 4 Sat 6 Apr, ".3llpm. £5 (£3), l~irst ot threeshort seasonsotekperimental ehoreogt'apii} (the other two are in July and September). ()n this bill are l.indsa_\ .loliii and I .aini (‘hrismas in a specially created new work. Randomoptie l’iek l'p ('ompan} w house \ ideo. dance and music. and Angus Balbernie in a piece ealled ,S'II'I/Sieriu/s Sir/l.
Classes I DANCE FACTORY 1312 ( ‘altiei Slreel.433
0431). ’l wo studios pros iding a w ide range
ot classes for adults and children at around 115” felfillper session. (lasses include jazz. (‘allanetiex aerobics. yoga. tap. ballet. roek'n‘roll and bells dancing. l’liime Iiii‘delalls.
I EAHNDCH HIGH SCHOOL l lainilton, Details from ( ~lare Stewart on 1131 2311 (iSZII
Scottish Youth Dance Festival Jazz Course In 22 Sun 24 Star. £15. .-\inied at
13 25-}ear-oldsthistirstnationalSYl)l~
course will be led by Sheridan Nicol with a l
team ol'teaehers specialising inJau. (‘arribbean and Hip i lop. There will be two dail} classes lollow ed byereatis‘c workshops.
I GLASGOW ACADEMY OF DANCE 3 6.1‘) Queen Street. 231 “"50.
Ballet. jau. tip and contemporarydance classes are held in a mirrored and barred studio liltltl l'eet square. £312.81).
A ve nu e
Contemporary Mon 77 S3tlpm with Jane Simpson. £2. l’hone 33-1334‘Hor details. Callanetics and Dancercise Thurs 8pm with Karen l’asi. Phone 33‘) 47‘7" for details.
JaHThurs 6.45pm with Karen l’asi. l’hone
339477" for details.
I SCOTTISH BALLET STUDIOS 261 West Princes Street. 331 2931.
Jazz. and contemporary dance classes are run on an intormal basis. £2 (£1 fill).
Classes I ASSEMBLY ROOMS ( ieorge Street.
phone Daneer-in-Residence 'l‘amsm (irainger on 22114348 for details. (‘lasses run until Sat 33 Mar ( new term begins Mon S Apr). An impressive range ot' classes tor beginners. intermediate and advanced pupils in jazz. tap. contemporary. mime. bell) dancing and dance imprmisation. L2 {3(L'1 t2). l’ind out also about a number of classes run by iidinburgh Dance l’rojeets all over the Oh.
Easter Dance Fest Mon 25 Thurs ls Mar. {2.511(1'1 5(1) per class. A week ofdanee classes tor all ages with a particular emphasis on world dance styles. Adult classes are at 7 15pm each day and cover ('hinese. Alrican. Spanish and belly dancing. There's also a four-day jazz. class at 5.3llpm. Details trom 'l'amsin (irainger on 2314348.
I ST PHILIP'S CENTRE Logic ( ireen Road. phone \'i\ Brett 556-1U3tor details. Creative OanceforAdults‘i‘hurss ti..‘~npm. {2.5” ( LI .511). Open to anyone interested in exploring mos ement.
I ST NINIAN'S CHURCH HALL ( ‘omely Bank. phone \‘is' Brett 556433 tor details.
Creative Dance lorChiIdren Singing. stories. insention. relaxation. circle dancing and mos ement games.
[333E11— SWAN LAKE
"Hip-m «mum‘-
Galina Mezentseva
Seen at Theatre Royal, Glasgow. Visiting Playhouse, Edinburgh 16—20 Apr.
Peter Oarrell‘s version oi Swan Lake cleverly transforms Marius Pepita/Lev lvanov‘s magical tale into a
psychologicaldrama. lnthe original,
Prince Siegiried falls in love with the beautiful Odette, who has been bewltched by an evil magician. By day she is a swan, by night she resumes her human lorm. The spell can only be broken if she is promised undying
fidelity, so the magician sends his own daughter, Odile, in the guise of Odette, to extract a conflicting promise from the unknowing prince.
ln Darrell‘s version, a young, romantic Prince Siegfried is beguiled by his friend Benno, who introduces him to opium and the beautiful, but unsuitable Odile. Theiamous swan scenes are Siegfried‘s tevered hallucinations, induced by opium, which reinforce his naive devotion to thetriendly Odile.
Tailor-madeforthe Scottish Ballet for its centenary revival in 1977, this version oi Swan Lake is especially suited to a company oi its limited size and scope. With two guest dancers oi adequate stature to take on the leading role of Odile/Odette, the best dancers from the Scottish Ballet fulfil largely cameo roles within their range. One or two shaky performances are offset by several spirited and skilful ones.
Augmented by imaginative, bold set design, the four acts hang together well, driven more by the subtle plot and Tchaikovsky‘s magnificent score than by the dancers' skill. (Jo Roe)
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The List 22 March - 4 April 199151