With a new Donal Lunny-producedalbum. Scotland‘s great contemporarytolkband surge onwardto more popular acclaim. sharing the opening concert olthe

Capercaillie Queen's Hall series with Dick Lee and Hamish Moore‘s windy cross- lertilisations ot lolk tunes. and Rod Paterson‘s assured phrasing ottolksong.

Strcct Studcnt l'nion.

‘Iprn itJothames and Eddie Walkeriirciyyii cytrcmcly talcntcd guitar playcrsand yocalists. yyho conic togcthci to pcrlorm a spcctacular lilucs. lylucgrassand countryprcking cntcrtainmcnt

I Dance Ballroom. (hainlicrs Strcct 1 'nion. lllpm lam Htt35l'l.

I capahoui toaltcrnatiy c lolk hlucgi'ass and rocking tiddlcyyith tlic hcayily ampliticd Eatthe SeaISand Kith and Kin.

I Festival Cabaret l’ar‘k Room. 111,3llpm 1am. L1 (L351!) \cyy .ill-yyonicn hand yyith 11dinhurgh‘s harp duo Silcas. 1‘ nglish

singci Sally Barkci and

441 hc List 33 March

tyyoyiitlllgyyillticllilll llylillc and itc‘ciiiilliitl.

yy hich gocs hy ihc nainc ot ilic Poozies


I Open Stage \Vinc liar.

1 3pm. I'lcc Ilostcd lyy 1)anny1\'ylc.I-ycryonc's chancc topcitoim. ITatty Thomas and Tim Laycock l’aik Bar

1 I 3llpm Ll 511. Songs. humour and a good tnnc IDance Ballroom. (‘hainhcrs Strcct 1. "iiion

1 5pintl 511

I EasterOutdoorJamboree (iitlllci .tI IllL' Russ Bandstand. I’rinccs Strcct

(iardcns Noon 2 3llpni I-rcc. I'gg rollingyyith

Free hard-boiled eggs

coiiitcsy ot Broslyuin Itioyyns. 1'un [or kids ot all

agcssupplicd in Magic Bob. JockMacSporran. RoboBoy. Puppets and Stagecoach.

I Creche Balcony Room. 3 5pm I'rcc Icayctltc kids in good hands tor a tcyy hours

I Caledonian Brewery Happy Hour lcy iot Bar.


5.311 h,_3llprii. I-‘rcc. Cockersdale arc a tour—strong a cappclla group lrom Yorkshirc. mainly singing thc songs ot mcmhcr Is'citn Marsdcn

I Festival Cabaret Park Room. lllpm Iain. M (1.5.511). I'Itticst \UIU pcrtormcr ot thc tolk yyorld.yyc11knoyynlr'om \Ialil‘u to Moscoyy. Icitlt‘soyyn

singcr' gurtarist and social conscicncc Dick Gaughan. I Edinburgh Festival Farewell Concert ()uccn‘s I la“. ( ‘lcrk Str'cct. ooh 345p. ".3llprn. {0511.15 (:41. Cauld Blast

Orchestra/Mouth Music Ihc

I~cstiyal cnds yy ith [hc tyyo most innoy atiy c groups on thc Scottish milsic sccnc. thc cight piccc ( 'auld Blast hurling out original iaHy . lolk—liascd. classical-tingcd. rock—inllccicd compositions. Mouth Music taking(iaclicsongs and music. and adding laycrs of drums and pcrcussion. somc clcctronic and scqucnccd. toachicy c an up-to-datc pop yyorld music sound. IYounger‘s Tartan Special Closing Ceilidh Dance Ballroom.("harnhcrs Strcct l'nion. lllpni 1am. Inc to ( 'luh .‘ylcmhcrs. Illc usual L‘llil-ol-I‘csilyal cxccsscs. orchcstratcd by The Occasionals.


John James and Eddie Walker use the collective name Carolina Shoutwhen theypertormtheir fleet-lingered amalgam ol tolk. bluegrass and country

. .5.

Carolina Shout

blues on vocals and guitars.

But they revert to their original names and non-Hawaiianshirtstor theirguitarmasterclasses in TeviotRow.



~1:\[illl 1‘1‘11



I Midday Concert Stcy crison I lall. RSAMI). loo RL‘ITIIL‘\\ Str'ccl. 3335 Admission trcc hy tickct. 1pm. Mir/cum] ti’mii/i' i'ri’uri'i/ Hi' Ilri'ni. a rccital ot songs by Hugo \Volt. pcrtor nicd 1yy thc trioot I’atricia .\Iac.\‘lahon. soprano. l’ctcr Morrison. haritonc and .lcan I lutchison. piano.

I BBC SSO ( ilasgoyy Royal ( ~onccrt I Iall. 3 Sauchichall Strcct. 333 3123. “.3llpm.

£3 £13.51). Mikhail Rudy is soloist in Iirahrns‘ l’iinio ( 'inri‘i'rro .\o 2 in an


othcryy isc all Bccthoy cn programinc

oy crturc to I’mmi’r/ii'm and .\y Iii/ilrimy' \‘o S. (icorgc 1 lurst conducts.

I Scottish Eariy Music Consort Stcy c-nmn Ilall. RSAMI). 11111 chlrcyy Strcct. 33: 5115“. Spin. {5111:41. Songs of loin/rid H'urhy .\1ontcycrdi and his A contcmporarics. including thc ('oni/nrrrmn'nro111 lit/ii'n'i/i i' ( ~Limit/ii. stagcd and sung in costumc

I Edinburgh Quartet 1 liiiclicsons' l lall. 2 .Iolin Strcct. Ilk‘lKL‘ISI :3“ 5.5111 l'ickct ('cntrc. ( 'andlcriggs). Spin. L5 1 £3511). Str'athclydc1'niy'crsity MusicSocicty promotion \y ith string iiuar tcls hy liccthoycn l ( )p /i\' No 5 ). \iclscn 10/144) and Schumann l ( )p -11 \o 1 in A nunorl.


I La Boheme l’lay housc lhcatrc. (it'c‘c‘lhlilc‘ Placc. Iiiptil I.L‘III1\\-LIII&ZSS" 25‘111. “.15pnri5 £311. Scottish ( )pcra in onc o1 its most succcsstul productions. lull ol rncmorahlc Puccini mclodics. Annc Williams—King. highly praiscd tor hcr .li'riritir last scason. sings .‘ylnni.

I Nabucco King's 'l'hcatrc. l.cy cit .SII'L‘CI. 32012111.".3llpm.12xtradatc:Sall3.

L3 1‘). Itdinhurgh ( irand ( )pcra'sannual production this ycar is thc rarcly pcrlornicd \‘crdi opcra. most tamous tor its ( ‘liorrii of rho Hc/m'ii .S/iii i'y. Amatcur company . hut yy ith an c\ccl|cnt rcputation tor a high standard ot pcrtormancc.

I RSNU 1'shcr I lall. I.othian Road. 22S 1155. “.3llpm. 1'\'tra datc: Sat 23. (ilasgoyy. L3 £15 (£3 ). 'l’hc .‘y1artinu thcmc of last scason is rckindlcd \| itli his I'm/m (YUICI'I'IU .‘y'o / tsoloist 1.ydia .‘ylordkoyichl. tallinghctyyccn (rt/(1.x Hri'ugnmr 11y lx'ahalcy sky and Symphony .\'thy Bruckncr. Brydcn'l'homson conducts.


I RSNO (ilasgoyy Royal (‘onccrt 11:111.: Sauchichall Strcct. 333 3133. 5. 3llpm. L35” L151L3l. Scc I'ri 32.1:dinlyiirgh. IGuitarRecital (‘raigii-(‘ollc-gcoi I'tIUc‘dIlUIi. Ayi. 'I'ickcts: at door. L1. Ay r .‘yiusic ( 'luli prcscnts l’aul (ialhraith. yyinncr ot thc string scction ol thc B1“ "s Young Musician ot thc Ycarin Wis:


I FIUBIIO I’lay lliiusc 'I'hcatrc . ( iFCCIISIkIL' I’Iacc. top UI I.cl[li \Valk. 5.5535911. “.15pm. L5 L21). Amcrican dircctor. Stcphcn \‘y'adsyyorth. takcs a classical approach to Bccthoycn's only opcra. sctting it in thc pcriod ol itscomposition. 18115. Rodcrick Itrydon conducts and thc Austrian soprano ( iudrun Volkcrt sings

.31 1pm.


I Alba Consort ( ~raigmillar I’ai k ( ‘hurch. \cyy ington. '1 ickcts: at door or Shccna \1c.\'cil .‘y‘lusic. ". 15pm. L4 (L3 5111. Works lay .‘ylysli/ccck. Boycc. 'l'clcrnann. \'iy aldi and Haydn yyith tr io ot soloists tlutc (Roscmary I‘lltiIl. y iolin l ( iahy I cstcr) and hassoon (Christopth Rolyson ).

I Nabucco King's'lhcatic.1.cycnStr'cct. 23912111. ".3llprn :3 L" Scc I‘l'llj.

I Edinburgh Gaelic Choir 1 shot Hall.

; Glasgow


[.othian Road. 238 l 155. 7.3llpm. l 13 1.6511. (irand(iaclicfonccrt.

I Georgian Concert Society St ( 'cciIia's IIaIl. ( ‘oyy‘gatc. IlClKCISZ (MS 2111‘) (Ouccn's I lall Box ()tficc ). 7.45pm. £7 (£2 £4 15). A programmc oty'ocal (soprano (‘ristina Miatclloland instrumcntal music tor iiiistcrtidc pcrtormcd hy thc Aurora [anscmhlc from Italy by Alcssandro Scarlatti. ('orclliand Bihcr amongothcrs.

I Edinburgh Harp Festival ()iiccn's l Iall. ('Icrk Strcct. box 2111‘). 7.45pm. £4 (1.3). A cclchration ot thc diamond juhilcc otthc ('larsach Socicty. Artists includc Alison Kinnaird. Rhona .‘y‘Iackay . Annc Macdcarmid and Say ourna Stcy'cnson.

I The Messiah St Mary's(‘athcdraL I’alnicrston I’lacc. "23er £4 (£3511). 'I‘hc coinhincd choirsot‘l)anicl

Stcyyarts .\Icly'illc ( ‘ollcgc and Ihc Mary lirskinc School in .‘on/art's orchcstratioi‘i ol1Iandcl's.Hi'ysiiili.

SUNDAY 24 Glasgow

I Promenade Organ Concert Art ( i;tlIL‘F_\' and Muscum. Kcly'ingroy‘c. I‘rcc at door. Zollpm. chular Sunday attcrnoonscrics. 'l‘oday 's gucst is ( iracmc Stcy'cnson trom King‘s('o11cgc (hapcl in Ahcrdccn.

I Jean-Eftlam Bavouzet Wcsthournc Church. \‘y'csihournc (iardcns. 'I‘ickcts: 227 5511('l'ickct('cntrc.('andlcriggs). 3pm. to ( H.511). \Vcsthournc .\Iiisic prcscnts a piano rccital ol works by

Ilaydn. Schumann. ('hopin and I)chu.ssy. I Messiah Kcly‘in-Stcy‘cnson Church. Bclmont Strcct. Kcly'inhridgc. 'I'ickcts: 23" 5511('I'ickct(’cntrc.(‘andlcriggsl 7pm. £3 (£2 ). IIartdcl\ most popular oratorio prcscntcd hy I‘orum Arts‘l‘rufl.

I RSAMD Junior Dept Stcy'cnson I Iall. RSAMI). ltiil chlrcyy Strcct. 332 51157. “ifsllpm. £4t£21f1hcBB(‘SS()'s'I'akiio Yuasa is gucst conductor for thc Junior Dcpt's kccnly halanccd programmc o1 Bccthoy'cn's largnimir. thc ( 'i’llo ( 'mici'rru hy Izlgar ( soloist Alasdair 'I‘ait). Bartok (iimrus yyritlcn spccilically for young playcrs hy I'.Ll\\ltf(l IIarpcr. and Liszt’s Li’s l’n‘ludi'y. 1.ast RS.A.‘yIl)stiic1crilconccrt this tcrm.



Lyell Cresswell I Paragon Ensemble Si Bcrnard‘s ( ‘hurch. Saxc ( 'ohurg Strcct. Stockhridgc. 'I'ickcts:i (ihh’ 2111‘} ( ()uccn‘s I Iall Box ( )iticc). 7.45pm. 1ixtra datc: Inc If». ( ilasgoyy in (i3 511). (icrrnan (onc yy'ork ) and Scottish (allotlicr'Works)contcmporary'musichy:

Rihm l'i’rzi'ri‘lmung.S‘urri’;I.yc11 (‘rcssyycll l’uyyui'uglr;WilliamSyyccncy 11/ l’ui'h/o; Jamcs .‘yIacMillan Align/iv ’l‘rysr and lhi‘l'..l'()f(‘l.\771(’letLSIl/Npld. I Edinburgh Harp Festival ()uccn's l Iall. ('lcrk Strcct. (ms 2111‘). 7.45pm. LMH). World mastcr o1 thc Paraguayan harp. Altrcdo Rolando. in contrast yyith Silcas. yy ho hring thc music oiScotland.


I A Conducted TOUT ( ilasgoyy Royal

(‘onccrt 11all.2 Sauchichall Strcct. 333 3133. Want 4pm. cy cry hour. on thc hour. ' I)aily.inc1udrng Sundays. £1 (511p). A

guidcd look round ( ilasgoyy 's ncyy'conccrt