
Archie Fisher woke up one morning late in January with a headache. Not from drink. you understand. but because Teviot Row Student Union was open to the sky. The Edinburgh Folk Festival. ofwhich Archie is Director. is centred on that multi-roomed venue and a fire had destroyed the grand wood-panelled debating hall on the top floor. taking

away the roof.

So began the painful process of ascertaining from the fire authorities and the building control the chances ofbeing able to use the building by mid-March and the necessary

ceilidhs. The printed programme had to be held back. artists contacted and dates changed. But all that is in the past. and the event will now carry on with only the debating hall in - ’l‘eviot Row ['nion being out of commission. (‘aledonian Brewers are the

Festival ('lub Sponsors and their fine

real ales and even organic beers will

be available as long as the bars are open. which is from lilam until 2am the following morning from Fri 22 to Sun 31 . Box Office opens at noon. Membership is required after


rescheduling of concerts and




22-3l MARCH 1991

7.30pm each day. Daily membership is £1 .50 weekdays. £2 Fri Sat Sun. Weekend ticket £5. A (‘raft Fair runs for the duration ofthe Festival. Tickets for an evening performance in the club include membership (restricted to over 18s) for that

evening. Tickets for eventsoutwith the club do not. (‘lub facilities include three bars. a restaurant from 11.30am till late. toilets and showers. A creche operates on Saturdays and Sundays. (2—5pm). There is a (‘lydesdale Bank and autoteller and even a small shop. The various workshops. classes and other events are detailed in the listings, and the full programmes of both the Folk Festival. which takes place mainly at the Pleasance. and the Harp Festival can be picked up at the Box Office in ,Teviot House. All venues listed in ’l‘eviot Row unless otherwise stated.

The Folk Festiyal (‘lub is in the chiot Row Student i'nion. Bristo Square. Facilities include bars and food until late. showers. a batik and a shop. The ( ‘lub is open to the public. free. during the day . but from 7pm lam every evening membership is required. (‘hildren are not allow ed after 7pm. .‘ylembership is £2 per day Friday. Saturday or Sunday . £15!) per day midweek. or £5 for a three-day weekend ticket. Tickets for concerts or events in the (‘lub include membership for that day. tickets for concertsoutside do not, Tickets are available at the (‘lub from noon each day. All venueswithinTcyiot

Row Student ['nion unlessotherwise stated.


I Welcoming Ceilidh Dance Pleasance Theatre Lounge. oil Pleasance. 7.30pm. £3. (iuest artists. teachers and friends. and the David Sturgeon Scottish Dance Band. Edinburgh Harp Festival

I Opening Concert Queen‘sllall. (‘lerk Street. (>68 3456. 7.30pm. £6.5()£5.5() (£4). Capercaiilie. Hamish Moore/Dick Lee Quartet with Rod Paterson. First concert of the Folk Festival features the powerful and exciting Scottish music band with vocalist Karen Matheson. singingin (iaclicand English. Dick and llamish cheekily mix reedsin bagpipes and saxes. Clarinets and whistles. Rod plays guitar and sings ancient and modern songs with a uniquely beautiful voice.

I Festival Cabaret Park Room. 1(l.3(lpm—1am. £4 (£3.50). Mike Marra delivers his hymns to the Scottish condition from the piano. A Caledonian Randy Newman. with wit. sophisticated musical sensibility and an everprcsent sense of humour.


I Latin American Rhythmic

Styles Pleasance Theatre Lounge. (it) Pleasance. 1.45pm. £2. Alfredo Ortiz. the main llarp Festival guest. gives a lecture demonstration on the Paraguayan harp and its music. Edinburgh Harp Feshval I Composers Forum Pleasance Theatre Lounge. otl Pleasance. 4.15pm. £2.5tl. Anne MacDearmid, Savouma Stevenson and William Jackson. Edinburgh Harp Feshval § I Singing Kettle ( ieorge Square Theatre. ( ieorge | Square. llam 12.45pm. £3 (£2). Artie ‘l‘re/ise. (‘illa Fisherand (iary l (‘ouplarid in delightful. funny and noisin



IArthurArgo Memorial

Workshop library,

2.3(l 5pm. £2. l'rbari

Songstyles discussed and

. demonstrated by Alex

g Frackleton with Arthur

i Johnstonana Nancy

; Nicholson.

I Dance Workshop Ballroom. (‘hambcrs

E Street l'nion. lilarn 4pm. £1 each. ltl l 1,3(lam

Iiriglish and :‘srnerican;

li,3ilam 12.3ilpm

(‘allersLl 2.3lipm

International;2,31) 4pm


I Open Stage Wine Bar.

1 2pm. Free. Hosted by

Danny Kyle. Fveryorie's

chance to perform.

I Creche Balcony Room.

27-5pm. Free. Leave the

kids in good hands for a

few hours.

I Singing Kettle (ieorge

l Square Theatre. (ieorge

Square. 2.3M 4.15pm. £3

(£2). See 1 lam today.

ITake The Flooriiiit‘

Queen Street. 53” “pm.

Free. Tickets from Folk

Festival box office. by

post or to callers. NO

admission atter5.15pm.

Live recording for BB(‘

Radiooftlieir weekly

country dance music


I Caledonian Brewery

Happy HourTeviot Bar.

5.3(l—b.3ilpm, Free. (ircat

songs and instrumental

music from three piece

Scots traditional group

from Aberdeen. the

Gaugers. I Clarsach Society Gala


(ilet‘k Street. (ibb' 345B “.4Spm. £4 ( U l. isobel


(illharps celebratinth years of the ( 'larsach Society. leading artists taking part include

' Savourna Stevenson. Patsy

Seddon. Alison Kinnaird. Anne MacOiarmid and Rhona MacKay. among many instrumentalists. singers and other haipers in yarious groupingsaiid solo performances. Edinburgh Harp Festival

I Dance Ballroom. (‘harnber‘s Street t'riiori. lilpm lam. L2 before lllpni. £3 after. .\ltisicby Scottish Blend. Some Scottish dances and other more unusual dances w ill be taught.

I Festival Cabaret Park Roorii. lil3llpni lam. L4 (£3.5ili. Marilyn Middleton Pollock and key board


playerAndy Thorburn perform the musical history of her own home tow n.(‘hicago. lookingat the women of the Vaudeville Blues.

SUNDAY 24' '

I Dance Workshop Ballroom. ( 'hambers Street l'riiori. llam lprn £ 1. Ariierican contra dances and Southern square dances.

I MrBoom Park Bar.

1 2pm, £ l . The much

loy ed lunar musician on one of his frequent tr‘ipsto the land of his subiccts. the earth children,

I Open Stage Wine Bar.

1 2pm. Free. Hosted by Danny Kyle. l'ycryone‘s chance to perform.

I Children‘s Concert Pleasance 'l'heatre

l oiiiige . oil Pleasance.

l 15pm £2 ( £5 family ticket). Story teller

Barbara MacDermitt with

harp player Savourna


YangJing playsfhe pipa. a sort oiChinese lute, with the Goodwill Music Group of China. The live instrumentalists are all superb solo performers of


YangJin the classical instruments of traditional China but also play ensemble pieces and even knockout aiew Scottishtunes.

Stevenson. children from llowgate Primary School and ey cr' enthusiastic 'lesan Louise Trotter. Edinburgh Harp Festival

I Creche Balcony Room. 2 5pm. Free. leave the kids for a few hours. IArthurArgo Memorial Workshop library ,

2.3M 5pm. £2, Rural Songstyles discussed arid demonstrated by the (iaiigers' PeterHaIi.

co editor with the late Norman Buchari of the Scottish l'olksinger. He will be bringing along sortie trtetttls and performers

I Composers Forum Pleasance Theatre lounge. oil Pleasance. 4.15pm. £2.5(i.Anne MacDearmid. Savourna Stevenson and William Jackson, Edinburgh Harp Feshval

I Caledonian Brewery Happy Hour'i'ey rot Bar. 5.3M (r3llpm. Free. Singer and funny man Danny Kyle. IArthurArgo Memorial Concert Ballroom. (‘hambcrs Street l‘nion. " 9.3(lpm, £4. Top quality traditional and unacctimpanied song with Norman Kennedy. Jim Reid. Louis Killen, Lizzie Higgins and Naimh Parsons. IArthurArgo Memorial Ceilidh Ballroorit. (‘hariibers Street t'niori. lilpm lain, £3, \Vith the Foundry BarBand and the Gaugers. 'I wo fine east coast bands play and sing in Scots.

I Alfredo Ortiz with Sileas ()tieen's l lall. (ilerk Street. (ibS 345o. 7.45pm. £(i(£4). Return visit from the musical doctor. a virtuosoori the Paraguayan instrument and a prosyletiser of the harp in general. He has recorded over thirty albums covering all fields of music from Latin through folk formsto classical. Tonight he shares the stage with local duo Patsy Seddon and Mary MacMaster who sing and perform on wire and gut strung Scottish harps. Edinburgh Harp Feshval

I Blues Cabaret Park

Room. lllpni lam. £4.5il (£4). (itiitarist. harmonica player and human

dy riarno Mike Whellans with Iidinburgh

electric acoustic lilties band Justthe Very Donkeys.


I Scottish Harp Music. the

Tunes andthe History Pleasance Theatre lounge. oil Pleasance. 1.45pm. £2. Lecture demonstration by Alison

Kinnaird. Edinburgh Harp


I La Rona Pleasance Theatre Lounge. on Pleasance. 4.15pm. £3(£2 non participants). For clarsach players and other

instrumentalists. a

workshop on medieval. Renaissance and folk


band. Edinburgh Harp Feshval

I Caledonian Brewery Happy Hour Teviot Bar. 5.3m (3.3(lpm. Free. Loose Connections in an all lrish event with singer Naimh Parsons.

ITravelIing Folk Bite Queens Street.

7.3il 9.30pm. Free by ticket. Doorsopen 6.45pm. N( ) admission after 7. 15pm. Tickets available from Festival Box Office or BBC (ilasgow in advance by post or tocallers. Presented by Archie Fisher and Danny Kyle. live recording and transmissionofScotland's national folk music programme featuring two

é dtios Sons of the Rock.

young Scots singer guitarists. and the eclectic song sty'lcsofMBianle Harrold with double bassist Ollie Blanchtlower.

I Biiiy Jackson and Cathy Ann McPhee/La Botta Pleasance Theatre. bi) Pleasance. 7.30pm. £5 (£4). Sensitive

harpist composer from

the Scottish band ()ssian teams up with the younger of Barra's great (iaelic singers and sharesthe concert with engaging mock-medieval (ierman band. Edinburgh Harp Feshval

I Dance Ballroom.


The List 22 March 4 April 199141