litlirilutrgh-lmsed .‘ylurdo MaeRury lound his dull day hursting into a riot ol'eolour and glee when he heard the news that his hand. [he ()range (iroye. had taken l'irst plaee in this year‘s ‘‘ Meliwan‘s Lager l)emo (‘ompetition But he had eyery right. for 'l‘he ()range ( iroye's tape is a slinky. pulsing. eleetronie gem. just hegging to he set loose on the eluhs and. ultimately. we hope. the eharts. 'l‘hejudges .‘ylark(‘roekerol’Sound Control. (‘olin Someryille ol‘ Radio l5orth. "l'he”s .-\lastair Mahhott and l’iona Shepherd. and Sarah l‘itilittsonolhleliwan‘s -were unanimous that this had to he the winningtape. l‘heirpri/e istwodays reeording at low er Studios in (ilasgow. plus a w hopping HUM-worth ot'instruments and or equipment lrom a hraneh ol’ Sound


he Olive Grove

(‘ontrol Musie Shops. MaeRury and partner Rieky ' (‘ameron met at the Pure (‘luh last year and worked as a l'our—pieee lor a while. using the name llammerhouse. Sinee the tape we reeeiyed was made. they haye reyerted to a duo. and started


snilling around for a new yoealist. 'l'hey haye also just landed the plum slot of supporting 'l'he Shamen on their three Seottish dates in April.

Runners-up were (ilasgow‘s \Vorldogood. who didn‘t send us a photo. so here‘s a pieture ot~ their Dali-esque logo instead. 'l‘his wasn‘t the first reeognition they'd reeeiyed ol‘their hurgeoning talent. ln I‘M). they were asked to play at the New Musie \Vorld seminar in (ilasgow to show till. the kind ol talent (ilasgow had at its l‘ingertips. liyen it. they are hall—(‘anadian 'l‘he guilty parties are Sara Brass. Karen l-‘enton. [)ougie Young and Midge (iaskin. hy the way. and they will he ahle to mareh holdly into their nearest Sound (‘ontrol hraneh and eolleet

USU-worth ol‘instrumentsor ‘l equipment.

'l‘hird plaee was snapped up hy- l’ure Blind l’anie. a lieree. aeoustie lrish Seottish six-pieee eurrently hased in lidinhurgh. whose pedigree ineludes We l5ree Kings. .-\rehhishop Kehah and lrah Hayes. and Irish hands 'l‘he Stormerows. 'l’he Kamaka/ee .lug Band and ’l‘he Riordans. ()ur l'eet tapped. our hearts pounded and our pens quiyered oyer the iudging papers.

.»\ll three hands will appear together as soon as we ean arrange it. at a storming. triple-headed and very diyerse Meliwan‘s lager lower Studios gig at Basin Street. lidinhurgh. Wateh the listings lor (lL‘lLlllS. and see you there.

ure lind Panic

The single

Release date l8 March



l8 Bar Chevrolet, Dundee

l9 The Venue, Edinburgh

20 King Tut's Wah Woh Hut, Glasgow

2| Caesar's Palace, Aberdeen

27 The Underworld, Camden, London

WITNESS. is the new band formed by AM Skin and Pim (ex-Hipsway)

'l‘he list 22 .Nlareh ‘1 April NW 35