family comedy spliced clumsily with Polito. J.E. Freeman. 115 mins. The (‘oen
bloodthirstythriller. and a spot ofchild l Brothers‘ latest opus isapredictably abusethrown in for cheap pathos anda a quirky-but-stylish reworkingofgenre ——'————_—_ veneer of social concern. Since Twins. material - in this case the gangster flick. BEST FORE'GN F'LM
we‘ve known Arnold has a sense of Set in an unnamed East-coast city in the
humour.butcan he playthe new man‘.’()n l93(ls. itcentreson thefalling-out _ n this evidence. no. Glasgow: CannonThe between mob-leader Finney and his — — NEW YORK cmflcs ("ROLE
Forge. Cannon Sauchiehall Street. 1 right-hand man Byrne when both take a ‘ Edinburgh: UCl. Strathclyde: ()deon shine to the same broad (Harden). lt'sall Ayr. ()deon Hamilton. UCl Clydebank. ' carried out with the Coen'scustomary
UCI East Kilbride. WMR Film Centre. aplomb. and even features a fleeting \ ,,
I Last Exit To Brooklyn ( lb’) (Ulrich Edel. appearance by [ii-i! Dead and Dark/mm
W.Germany. l989)Stephen Lang. 1 directorSam Raimi.See preview.pagel7. SEE” GUARDIAN
JenniferJason Leigh. Burt Young. ltl-l l Edinburgh: Cameo. Central: Allanpark.
mins. Brutal. graphic and dynamic study Strathclyde: UCl Clydebank. “ ” ofthe steamy. seamy side oflife inthe i I Mirror( 15) (AndreiTarkovsky. USSR. dockland area of Brooklyn duringthe . 197-1) Margarita Terekhova. Philip “
Fifties. Hubert Selby'sonce banned novel ; Yankovsky. lgnat Danillisev. lfbmins.
has made it to the screen more or less ' An artist reflects on his early life and . . I D”
intact in a narrative strung togetherfrom relationshipsin this most intensely ONLY TELEGRAPH
f"! ‘tt \ 2' fl i zl lesz k '.‘k ' kg. “ ISSLTILSO \lan LS I ptln U erKOnl U I tr ()\S )SWOT S
dissection. not for the faint—hearted. Multi-layered and at times almost
Edinburgh: Film Guild. Strathclyde: UCl impenetrable. it nevertheless remainsa YEAR...
East Kilbride Film Society. catalogue of sensitive and enigmatically L05 ANGELES ONLY NEWS lLastTangoinParis(18)(Bernardo arrestingimagery.oneofthe cinema's “UNMISSABLEH.
Bertolucci. France Italy. 1973) Marlon closest approximations to poetry.
Brando. Maria Schneider. 13“ mins. A Edinburgh: Filmhouse.
young l’arisienne meets a middle-aged I My Apprenticeship (PG) (Mark Donskoi. 0'" L'WS ... . man with whom she develops an USSR. l939l Alexei Lyarsky. Varvara ' - it?" increasingly violent and purely sexual Massalitinova. Daniil Sagal. 98 mins. ' ' .é’i'wfi. relationship. ()ne of the key films ofits Second part of Maxim Gorky's trilogy of ' decade. Bertolucci's powerful drama is a autobiographies. brought beautifully to ' ’ meditation on the expression and the screen by l)onskoi during 1938—40. -
communication of personal identity j Like the original chronicles. the film through intense sexual contact. Glasgow: j versions capture that essence ofRussian GET. Grosvenor. I peasant tradition which offers both
I Look Who's Talking ( 12)(Amy innocence and a profound sense ofmyth lleckerling. US. 1989) John Travolta. ' and destiny. and never fail to exploit the
. m... by MICHAEL VERHOEVEhanmc ENA Lit
Kirstie Allev. ()lvm ia Dukakis. 97 mins. material‘s otential for sentiment.
ln Travolta'is much-hyped comeback he ' EdinburghpFilm (mad. 'N "l‘ "‘“E "9"" 0* AMA ROSMUS
plays stand-in papa to Alley's first baby. I The Naked Kiss ( 18) (SHmUCl FUllCr. US. A K“ VA“ m “ ”'(“..’.'.f.‘.;f..'.'.§.’.Ta'{lil'i'.2‘SJI;IIT..‘2."I‘leil..51}de “Ilikwlliliit-iiiiiiuk‘l-k’i:fltiui'riSt "WWW". m "w but is uicker to meet approval from the 1964) Constance Towers. Anthony Eisley.
little bqrat.viathe voiced~overmusingsof Michael Dante. Virginia Grey. 93mins. 1 9 -
one Bruce Willis. than he is from its Towers plays a city prostitute turned
confused and blinkercd mama. Crass. small-town children's nurse in Fuller's A
lowbrow and thus extremely popular unlikely but gripping thriller. Tenderness
comedy whose sole redeeming feature is and violence make uneasy bedfellows the natural charm of the trusty Travolta. here. but Fuller's skill and determination
Any movie whose idea of a comic setpiecc to develop his theme produce some truly
means filmimgafoetusinsidethe womb unforgettable scenes. Edinburgh: l—uww m Him—hm - r a with the dreary Willis intoningon the Filmhouse. S C A R N ( ) M I N A l I( ) N S l
l . . . \ ‘r ‘ ‘r ‘ ‘ o soundtrackjustdoesn‘tcome nearthe ball IThe Nasty Girl Dds Schreckltclt Made/rm i [\(11 l)l\(5 “[25 1 AL I ()R Gerard Depardieu
park. Broughton (Nfichacl Vcrhocycn.(}crmuny. & I‘ZS'I‘ [:1 ‘ 50091? 1990) Lena Siolze. Monika Baumgartner, ‘ ' —’ ' ' ‘ ‘ ‘ ' " IThe Lyric Documentary A programme of Michael Gahr. Hans-Reinhard Muller ”A SPLENDID, MOVING LYRICAL ROMANCE three ‘lyrical‘ documentaries made during Fred Stillkrauth. 93 mins. Superb satire on I ’
a decade ofthe genre'sformative years: modern Germany which drawsits barbs F’LMED...A "
Drifters ( LI) (John (irierson. ['K. 1929 ) 54 from the country‘s shameful past. The chm-m pf”, Took” SUNDAY “MGM,”
mins. A highly influential film examining objectionable young woman in question is
the hard life of North Sea fishermen. based on Anja Rosmus who. as a teenager “NE (ill-“MAX "‘1 mum Sill-Dom
The Plow That Broke The Plains (U ) (Pare in Bavaria. won local acclaim for her essay Pmcm
Lorentz. US. 1936) 28 mins. A study ofthe writing. and at once embarked upona G E R A R D D E I) A R D I E U appalling environmental effects of project called ‘My Town In The Third
overcultivation in the American Midwest. Reich‘. The film's charm lies not just in the
which led to the creation ofthe Dust Bowl. ghastlyembarrassment her subsequent Spare Time (U) (Humphrey Jennings. U K. j research evokes. but in the way
1939) 15 mins. A survey (made forthe - Verhoeven continually undermines the / ‘
GPO Film Unit) of the leisure pursuits audience‘s expectations. and never allows
undertaken by the good ol' British the seriousness of his subject to cloud his B E E R A ( working classes in the 1930s. saidto sense of humour. See preview. page 18. ' '
include dancing. card-playingand Glasgow: GET. something called ‘group activities‘. I The Neverending Story 2: The Next
Edinburgh Film Guild. ' Chapter(l:) (George Miller. US. 1990) . : ) ) ) : .‘ lMeetThe Applegate5(15)(Michael Jonathan Brandis. KennyMorrison. 'i I A N — I A U [la-2:. A N A U Lehmann. US. 1990) Ed Begleer. Clarissa Burt.John WesleyShipp.9() - ' Stockard (banning. Cami Cooper. Bobby mins. Returning to the mysterious land of Jacoby. Dabney Coleman. 82 mins. See Fantasia via the magic book preserved in review. Glasgow: GET. Mr ('oreander's bookshop. Bastian ..: « .. ' - I Men At Work ( 12) (Emilio Estevez. US. Balthazar Bux (Brandis) meets up with ’ 1; " 25' ' .. . 1990) EmilioEstevez.Charlie Sheen. friendsold and new.and when " “'3”. i " ' Leslie Hope. Keith David. John Getz. 98 imagination comes under threat. he once mins. Clumsy attempt at a again participates in the struggle between . stiff-onwur-hands comedy. written and good and evil. Lotsof special effects and l directed by Estevez. who stars with his philosophical intricacies make this an brother Sheen. They playpracticaljoking entertainingand absorbing follow-upto " Californian dustbin men whose jolly japes the 1984 original. Edinburgh: UCl. are brought to an abrupt end by the Strathclyde: WMR Film Centre. discovery that one of their victims has I Nikita ( 18) (Luc Besson. France. 1990) l died. In the ensuing chaos. the boys Anne Parillaud. Tcheky Karyo. | escape arrest. and the audience escapes - Jean-l lughes Anglade. Jeanne Moreau. l ;. ~ without a laugh. Embarrassing. 114 mins. The latest exercise in stvlish tosh Edinburgh: UCl. Strathclyde: UCl from Gallic maestro Besson. Parillaud i" An Eye Release Clydebank. stars as a junkie waif resurrected from her IMiller's Crossingux) (JoelCoen.US. drearyexistence bythe enigmatic Karyo. I990) Gabriel Byrne. Albert Finney. an agent for the government‘s most j Marcia Gay Harden.JohnTurturro.Jon secretive undercover organistaion.and 8 - El
The List 8— 21 March 199123