Free at last! The despotic tyrant having been overthrown and despatched to exile in Spain, the New Liberation Movement began to rebuild. In just a few days, they had programmed a whole fortnight’s cultural activities. It was time to tell the people . . .

I OOYAN ooyah ooyahl The ancient Norwegian art at treading on hot coals is a little-known leature oi Henrik Ibsen's early work. intrepid Juni Dahr revives the practice in Ibsen Women, a one-woman show lor Scottish Norwegian Week. See Theatre section page 47.

2 The List 8 - 21 February 1991


I ADDITIONS tor the title role in Batman 3 are already underway. These three hot contenders are London's Might and Main, who can be seen moonlighting as dancers at Edinburgh's Traverse. See Theatre preview page 46.

I SAMUEL Beckett's lorgotten masterpiece What, Grumpy? as seen during its rare revival at Cork Open Air Festival in 1975. No, actually it’s astill trom December Bride, and the grumpiest ol the group, ' second lrom the Ielt is Cilizens' Theatre regular Claran Hinds. See Film preview page 18.

I WHAT big letters on the top row? Lydia Ariken tails another sight test owing to hazy lighting conditions. She still manages to choreograph and dance in Facets as part at the Third Eye Centre's New Moves season. See Theatre preview page 45.

I LET'S go. We can't. Why not? We haven’t done Cumbernauld yet. Members at Compass Theatre Company reflect on the tediousness at tile on the road in Samuel Beckett’s remembered masterpiece. Waiting tor Godot. Also at Glasgow’s Tron. See ; theatre listings. page 47. ;

I ALL smiles-and wouldn’tyou be it you were i part oi an Unstoppable Sex j Machine? Carter play j Glasgow College at Technology on Thurs 21. See Music Preview page 31.


I LAURA Palmer's .. .. : murderer will be unveiled at

the new exhibition ol i

Edward Lear’s watercolours ! _ at the Scottish National

Gallery. Our money's on the . TED 930‘” "Will hard Dong um. um Luminous to diversity. is seen here in

Doughnut. See an preview a "8mm attempt to page 51 , impress Hammer s casting

directors. Clearly. the co-stars ol Three Men and a Little Lady are not happy.

See Film index page 20.