threaten the safety of the entire group. series of aquatic murders. whilst the .
Impt'esswe underwater camerawork and numbers 1 to 100 run through the film in “A a film”
some sympathy for the big green fella the backgrounds. Full ofGreenaway‘s J
mark this out as far superior to most ofthe ravishing visual symmetries and witha “m ' \ "” “WM”
gICBre. Edinburgh: Cameo. . highly developedscnsc ofthe “Saskia Reeves has the shimmering sexuality of sad Poets Society(PG) (Peter Weir. incongruous. the movre sportsa numberof H “(gr/Syn v , I w b R ‘ ‘ ...
US~ 1989) Robin Williams. Robert Sean polished. sympathetic performances. in mm ' ‘ ‘m ‘5‘! fl“ 3“ M £2256 m1
Leonard. Ethan Hawke. 129 mins. In a Besides the enjoyable pastime ofnumber . .
Sta'd Private boys‘ school in Fifties New spotting. this is among his most accessible “Audiences are m for a real treat"
England. an unconventional teacher and pleasurable films. Edinburgh: “ W“ "RN
(Williams) interests his charges in ' Cameo. “ Ravighing"
literature and philosophy to such an extent I Drugstore Cowboy(18) (Gus Van Sant “if. N
that they form a secret club toinvestigate Jr.. US. 1989) Matt Dillon. Kelly Lynch.
them (along with booze and girls) further. James Remar. William S. Burroughs. 100
Though Williams is on good form. the film mins. A gang of dope fiends blithely ripoff
focuses mainly on the boys‘ emotional a series ofdrugstores headed by our Matt
development and crises. and on the who gives his best performance to date in
mystery and beauty surrounding their Gus Van Sant‘s recreation of 1971
midnight meetings. A sensitive. tense and Oregon. Complete with its halucinatory
moving study of the conflict between visions of flying cows the film created a stir
passion and authority. even if the plot is stateside for presenting the theft and use
something of a cliche. Edinburgh of narcotics as an alluring pastime. 1t
University Film Society. marks a new and more creditable ‘ .._ .
' Dead'sanil (15) (John Frankenheimer. milestone in Hollywood drug movies. I ' 2;... I .. . a: ................... ..
us 1988) Don Johnson. William Glasgow: GFT< .. . .
Forsythe. Penelope Ann Miller. 95 mins. I DuckTales the Movie: Treasure oithe Lost - ~ g __ V . -- 1‘:
LA cop Joe Beck (Johnson) lives aseedy Lamp (U) (30b HaiChCOCk~ US~ 1990) ""' -= - A u 3”. i
existence in the most tawdry of With the voices of Alan Young. Terence
surroundings while his wife proceeds with McGovern. Russi Taylor. Christopher ‘ . '
a divorce suit. Assigned to a police murder Lloyd. 90 mins. The first release on ‘ .
case. he discovers the dead man's Disney’s ‘Movietoons‘ subsidiary is a ‘ '
connections with an organisation ofwhite feature-length development 0f the '
supremacists. Suggested by the Duck Tales cartoon series seen on US ’ . .»
experiences of real-life detective Jerry television. It stars Scrooge McDuck. who. ' i I ®
Beck. this film somehow reeks of with his nephews Huey. Dewey and
mid-seventies television. though the Louie. foils the evil Merlock and gainsthc Two men loved her... she chose them both.
political elements are very much of a piece long-lost booty 0t Cotlie Baba. One for - ’ T ‘ ‘ Ois _ t .
with director Frankenheimer's the kiddies. Edinburgh: Odeon.UC1. ""“591‘5” "T “Mmum t"""'\-"-\
impeccably liberal credentials. I Easy Rider (18) (Dennis Hopper. US. Dost“, MCCANN ~ -— -- SASKIA Rial-:vi-zs ~ - (Inlays I lixiis
Edinburgh: Filmhousc. 1969) Peter Fonda, Dennis Hopper. Jack l’A‘l‘RICK M.\i..\ilii)l-: ’ -- - Bio-NM Bin 'er:
I December Bride (PG) (Thaddeus - Nicholson. 94 mins. Artlcss. archetypal .. .'.f:":t":'.‘.:.'..“ i::.‘..‘..":.:':;‘.'..T1343?.fi'fi'..'.’:‘.::.;.::1...?i::.;:;.2‘ 3‘; '. Elf. ..T:i';'.‘
O‘Sullivan. Eire, 1990) DonalMcCann, road movie in which two dope-loving u __ ff:1';"'::r';:;l;‘jj;:4; 333.111"Pf_'n;“js;l;‘ ‘7 _‘
Saskia Rccvcs, Ciaran Hinds, Patrick bikers travel the highways and by-ways 0t . . '
Malahide. 90 mins. See preview. America. Dated cult attraction with ‘ ‘
Glasgow: OFT. Edinburgh: Filmhousc. Nicholson stealing the show as a boozy S'I‘A I{ 'I‘S I“ I{ I I_)/\Y 8 ' " l‘ l‘. I; l{ l JA I{ Y
ITiie Devil isaWoman(PG) (Josefvon lawyer persuaded to join up forthetrip. FILMHOUSE EDINBURGH
Sternberg. US. 1935) Marlene Dietrich. Edinburgh: Filmhousc. . 88 LOT-Hm" ROAD 031.223 2538
Lionel Atwill. Cesar Romero. 83 mins. I The Enchantment (18) (Nagasaki .
Based. like Bunucl‘s That Obscure Object Shunichi. Japan. 1989) Akiyoshi Kumiko.
ofDesire on Pierre Louys‘ novel La Harada Kiwako. Naito Takeshi. Kusakari ,,
Femme er 1e Panrin, Sternberg‘s intense Masao. 109 mins. Tokyo psychiatrist Dr
study of male sexual folly features a glacial Sotomura becomes obsessed with the
Dietrich as a factory girl with the hearts of mysterious past of a beautiful patient. '" ,,
two men at her beck and call. her Miyako. whose unhealthy relationship ucx vrovu 4mm
enormous glamour forming an ironic with her flatmatc is just the beginning. '4
sugar-coating on what is otherwise a role What follows is a dreamy and constantly . . _ WITH
of great cruelty. A treat. ifyou can bear surprising suspense mystery involving "
the stiff-uppcr-lippcdness ofit all. murder. serious injury. sexual intrigue
Edinburgh University Film Society. and outrageously improbable twists ofthe ’°‘””‘ """”‘"“"‘W '
I Doctor Strangelove (Or How I Stopped plot. Subtle and subversive. Glasgow:
Worrying And Learned To Love The Bomb) OFT.
(PG) (Stanley Kubrick. UK. 1963) Peter I The Exorcist (18) (William Friedkin. US.
Sellers. George C. Scott. Sterling 1973) Linda Blair. Ellen Burstyn. Max Film school prepared Nick
Hayden. 93 mins. Devastating black Von Sl’dOW- 110ml“. EamC-“Wricst V0“ ' it " ' T for ei'eri'thini
comedy on the lunacy of the nuclear age Sydow steps in to save poor little obsessed - L'"
with Sellers ideally cast in three roles(US } girl in this hugely effective scarefest. Dead ' everything except Hollywood.
President. jolly Brit captain. and , good. dead scarey. dead priest. , , :
demented teutonic boffin) and Slim Strathclydc: Odeon Ayr. ' -
Pickens the good ole boy headingfor . I Fantasia (U) (Ben Sharpstecn. us. n3»
oblivion to a chorus of ‘Wc‘ll Meet Again‘. ; 1940) The mice of Deems Taylor; music '5 '1";
Still alarmingly relevant. Edinburgh i played by the Philadelphia Orchestra. ".
University Film Society. ; conducted by Leopold Stokowski. 135 . :-'.~"-‘i!/" '
I Driving Miss Daisy (U) (Bruce ' mins. Fully restored to mark its 511th '
Beresford. US. 1989) Jessica Tandy. anniversary. Walt Disney‘s semi-abstract j
Morgan Freeman. Dan Aykroyd. 99 mins. feature remains a unique and astonishing i t I
The winner of four Oscars. including Best achievement. Almost equally lauded and .L .
Film and Best Actress for JessicaTandy. loathed. it contains some visually stunning ' e
This film adaptation of Alfred Uhry‘s material as well as some rather ' . , i. 2
Pulitzer-winning play. charts the embarrassing kitsch. but surely the most f ((455 '‘W?”""‘“’“""’”'"':"my-a,k
relationship between gentlewoman Tandy memorable sequence is The Sorcerer's v ---.~« '
and her chauffeur Freeman. The narrative Apprentice starring Mickey Mouse ’ i
spans several decades of gradually shifting (endowed for the first time with pupils "
attitudes and developing racial instead of button eyes). Glasgow: Cannon
conscionsness. An affecting mosaic of The Forge. Odeon. Edinburgh: Odeon.
everyday pride and prejuduce which UCl. Strathclydc: UCl (.‘lydebank.
reveals a deeply-laid insight into human I Film (PG) (Alan Scheider. US. 1965)
behaviour, presented throughout with Buster Keaton. 24 mins. Samuel Beckett‘s
wonderful pacing. Central: MacRobert only foray into celluloid is an ' \15
Arts Centre. indispensable extension to his dramatic l u . _ . u _'
I Drowning By Numhon(l8) (Peter canon: characteristically short on dialogue i i'li:ii'l:.i':::f"it.“ .. M5113 "33:17.; 59.23:? .Zii:3‘:f.'.i..;_.’" U
Greenaway, UK. 1988) Joan Plowright. (the only line is ‘Sh!‘) and high on angst.it 2 iiiiii'?‘ illi"'l:':.::i. .53.} I 35.15": V2.31. f;j_{'~'..i
Bernard Hill. Joely Richardson. 118mins. features Keaton — in many ways an i "3". "i "‘3. 3" ii". "WW... '-" ' iiirli '-'." '
In a narrative as straightforward and obvious Beckett protagonist — suffering i i {3'
complicated as the title. three generations severely from ‘the anguish of EDINnukGH FILM HOUSE
of women. all ofthem called Cissie perceivedness'. It was remade in Britain in |
Colpitts. dispose oftheir husbands in a 1979. starring Max Wall. Edinburgh: j 7'9 FEBRUARY
The List 8— 21 February 199121