MONDAY 17 2. The Three Dt Us (U) 3pm , 6.45pm, I MACRDDERT ARTS CENTRE Stirling Smell! (15)6pm- 8-45pm- University. 078661081. Korczaii (PG) 8.30pm. SUNDAY 16 Johnny Handsome (15) Sun 16only, TUESDAY 18 1. Mo’ Better Blues ( 15) 8. 15pm. 7,30pm, The Witches (PG) 2pm. 2. The Enchantment (18) 6.45pm. 8.45pm. I REGAL North Bridge Street, Bathgate. Sweetie (15) 6pm. MONDAY 17 0506 634152. 5:52;; 8( EAGY)189.30pm. Wmtgn%( 15);... d L Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles (PG). e . e e. s ean or over DonGlovanni(PG)3pm.7pm. (18)6pm. THURSDAY 20 Mo’ Better Blues (18) 8. 15pm. The mm” (PG) 2pm 2. Th. EncMMmm (18) 3pm. 6.45pm Provisional programme details only-not Tia-Path oi the Sun God (PG) 6pm. 8.45pm. comm“ " "m 9' 9°." m "'9' TltChflCld Street. Kllmarnock. 1.Withnatlandl(15)2.30pm. 056337288- . - a GLASGOW LATES The Cook, The Thiei, lliszte and ilerLover 1"”“9' ""“MW' ‘""'°‘(PG)° ~;-(-':.‘ (18)6pm.

1‘1“ .“ Fri 14/Sat 15: Mo’ Better Blues(15) 8. 15pm. ' I CANNDN The Forge, Parkhead, 556 2. Paperhouse (15) 3pm, 6.45pm, 8.45pm. 4282/4343. WEDNESDAY 19 Call cinema for details. 1. "0’ Better Blues (15) 2.30pm, 5.45pm, I CITY CENTRE DDEDN Renfield Street, 8.15pm. 332 8701. 2. Papeihouse (15) 3pm. Call cinema for details. , When Father Was Away on Business ( 18) I GRDSVENDR Ashton Lane. 5.30pm, 8pm. Fri 14/Sat 15: THURSDAY 20 __ 1. Near Dartl(15) 11pm. 1. Dougal and The Blue Cat(U)2pm.4pm. 7 OLD FiSHMlzgliEz'gergS—JEQ EDINBURGH 2. Saturday Night Fever(18) 11pm. "0' Better Blues (15) 5.45pm, 8. 15pm. 4; j. T v " " "‘ ' . 2. When Father Was Away on Business ( 18) " " b r a S S e r I e 2.45pm,5.30pm,8pm. El;li:tn:lr;)(15). See also Edinbur h Lates. - 0 . . Provisional programme details only-not 8 Possible opening. replacing one otabove: open seven days 2mgggum°gtwngggpfifi° Neverendtng Story lt(U). - omc ireet, . . . . - '°°d serrd °“ d°y "' 8‘ “1: Texasville (15) 3.15pm, 6pm, 8.40pm. I enoueiimii FILMSDC Broughton High ;§§L9”“"‘ Ghsgow R"“d’ Pd's'c" 889 See also Edinburgh Latcs. School, Carrington Road, 332 7805. ' ~ r e S a U I: a n I CANNON Lothian Road, 229 3030. Contact Mr Robin Armstrong. Annual ngzgfozgiagégmia Tum” (PG) tuesdoy - saturday 19 OO - 2200 wodadcpfiormm:apm‘g'mflaly membersmp 8“: 14 cm?“ twelvc_ I DDEDN Burns Statue Square. Ayr, 0292 o . . 1 Gor‘ ' c Mm. o co" m' fortnightly Friday evening screenings ot' 264 049, Kg a . DBt ( 12). popular releases, plus a handful ofspCClal manage Mutant mm; mm" (pg). . X GDDDFDI'DS(18). events. The Exominm (18). 3'11“ mm.“ m (18)~ Alivays (PG) (Fri 14 only) 7.45pm. Hamngn (15), “mum °p°"'"9' "9mm °"° "wow I EDINBURGH FILM GUILD Contact Possible opening. replacing one at above: ""‘nndm' 8m" l' (U)' Filmhouse, Lothian Road , 228 2688. flame Along(pc), '°°"""°"Newbatt'cTc'raCW7 1.1m none P0urT0l!(18)(Sunonly) See also Strathclyde Lates.

2660‘ 5.30pm I DDEDN Townhead Street, Hamilton, 0698 283 802. Teenage Mutant itinla Turtles (PG).


g:amgfolmgbiniaTWWPG). EDINBURG H LATES

I DDEDN Clerlr Street, 667 7331/6682101. I CAMEO Home Street

Expected programme approximately as W 141 iottovrs. Catt cinema to confirm, Crimes and Misdemeanours (18) and 1. Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles (PG). Hannah and Her Sisters (15) 1 I - 159m- 2. Ftattiners ( 15). Sat 15: 3. Bird on a Wire (12), Angel iteart (18) and Midnight Express ( 18) 4. Repossessed (15). 11.15pm. 5. The Hot Spot (18). I FILMRDUSE Lothian Road Possible opening. replacing one otabove: $31051" m U M m I (18) . enearae gnesso eng B A R C E L O N A I UCI Craig Park. Kinnaird Road. 669 The Exam“ m (18). 0777' . Home Alone (PG). F" 1'93"15-f d ,l I LA SCALA Hamilton Street, Saltcoats. "Sulllt' (it ttlt‘ Bt'sl Hind tit (ilzisgtm cal cmcma or Ctal 8' $234 62051.M u ‘m i I m (12) i~ in t)(' tulllHt iii Buttt‘lnlm" _ . 080800 0 D D I ll BS . -'I‘lt'lltllt'llll.tll. (illlsgrm’ llt'tultl 2.8tdetl3erDUZ). Provisional programme details only-not Possible openinll. replacinii one otabove: "'1 lt‘itl ‘ll(t()ll\ \‘llltt‘ lur nltliltw" confirm." “uma “game'opnn' "cvonndmg sm'y."(U)' ( ' I ALLANPARK Allanpark Road. Stirling. . UC' Clyde chlonal Ccmrc~ CleCbank» -J()‘dilllii Bkthtlmll. 0786 74137 0419511949. 5‘ “"3"” ”” S‘mdi“ 1.1.9...” imam mu]; tunic; (pg). Expected programme similar to Week 1. Call 2, [tom “on. (p0). cinema to contirm. «turn... [Milli-mun“ I CALEDONIAN Almondvale Centre. Possible openings: Home Alone (PG). ' ' Livingston, 0506 33163. Nevcnndino Story ll (U). - “im'i'i'i- Fwins Tim“ 1, Tum. "mm mm. mm” (p0) I UCI Olympia Mall. East Kilbride,03552 2. Ghost( 12). 49699 ._\ i _, , i . _- .. . t . I CANNON Princess Street. Falkirk,0324 Expected momma similarto Weok1.Ca|I . ( trilll COHK~ Tllt . ' - hind 5p); (ulasweglan I “m Craig park, Kinnaird Road, 669 1. Iggnagg "gum "in" Imflgg (p0). PDSStDlD Dth‘ltDOS. Neverendlng Story ll 0777. [D]. 2. Ghost(12). (U). Home Alone (PG). Miami Blues(18). Expected programme the same as Week 1. I WMR FILM CENTRE Bank Street. lrvinc. I"‘P‘“ 11’ "““” - ‘33“ P-m- Call cinema lordetails. 0294 79900. D'” W h "m 7 hm. Possible openings: Neverendlng Story II Neverending Story It (U). . I. I , _ (U), Home Alone (PG), Miami Blues(18). if”!f‘l’f‘31-‘;'a:ii““ ‘" ' See also Edinburgh Lates. STRATH CLYD E LATES Telephone: 04 1-3.’ 7 099-; I DDEDN Burns Statue Square, Ayr. 0292 ) EDINBURGH FILMHOUSE 264049 Lothian Road. 228 2688. Sat 15: 5%,“ T '0 N FRIDAY 14 Call cinema tor details. 1. The Unbearable Lightness Dt Being (18) I UCI Clyde Regional Centre. 041 951 2pm. 1949. Time at the Gypsies ( 15) 5. 15pm, 8pm. Fri 14/Sat15: _ 2. Les Entants Terribles (15) 3pm. Call Cinema for details. The Three Dt U8 (U) 6.45pm. 8.45pm. . I UCI Olympia Mall, East Kilbridc, 03552 SATURDAY“ 3. Blue Steel (18). 49699- 1- MO"! "'0 GI!" (U) 2pm Possible opening. replacing one otabove: 38'15} . Time at the Gypsies (15) 5.15pm. 8pm. "contending Story H (U)_ Call Cinema for details.

32 The List 7 20 December 1990