‘ FRIDAY 23 Glasgow
I The Beautiful South Barrowland. 244 (iallowgatc. 552 4601. SOLD OUT. See feature.
I Easy and Flult KingTut's Wah Wah I Iut. 272a St Vincent Street. 221 5279. 10pm. £4. Following their recent well-received support slot with The Charlatans. one delighted punter (and it wasn‘t even me) was heard making rash claims that they would soon be as successful as their Northwich patrons. It won't happen overnight. but Easy won‘t leave these shores before they‘ve made a towering sonic impact with their charismatic guided tour through the last ten years ofBritish and American indie guitar noise.
I The Waiting Hour Delirium 7. Rooftops. 92 Sauchiehall Street. 332 5883. 11pm. Local goth band . . . did I hearsomeone mutter kiss-of-death Sisters of Mercy comparisons?
I Buddha Grass Harbour Studio. 12 Shuttle Street. Paisley. 889 6867. 9.30pm. £1.50. Paisley rock band with the name you can‘t ignore.
I Hideaway Blues Band MacSorleys. Jamaica Street. 221 8499. 8.30pm. Free. Residency. Blues and soul.
I George Benson Playhouse Theatre.
Greenside Place. 557 2590. 6.45pm and 9.45pm. £16. £14. See preview.
I Cud and The Praline: Potterrow Student Union. Potterrow. 667 0214. See preview for gen on Cud. As for The Pralincs. when Cud played Galashiels. they stormed onstage ten minutes before the Leeds group were due on. hijacked their instruments and played their own short set. Cud were impressed enough to offer them the tour. The Pralincs don‘t seem to like being called ‘psychedelic garage pop‘.
1 agree. Can we take out the ‘psychedelic"?
I The Thanes and The Radium Cats Moray House Student Union. lIolyrood Road. 556 8455. 9pm—2am. £2.
I Ocean Colour Scene Venue, Calton Road. 557 3073. 8—10.30pm. Part of a new breed of more overtly “ls-influenced groups who‘ve grown at a tangent out of the indie dance explosion. The debut single. ‘Sway'. was only the tip ofthe iceberg. confirming that Birmingham need no longer be viewed as a total musical wasteland.
I That Mood Indigo and Taxi to Cairo Basin Street. Haymarket Terrace, 337 1006. That Mood Indigo enshroud themselves in some nice drifty moments. but lose points for even considering to use a line like ‘she had the cutest ass I‘ve ever seen‘. Taxi to Cairo. from Spain but settled in Edinburgh. were once known as Savana Lamar. The Demo Disco will. ofeourse. be present.
I Banned ii the Pub Preservation Hall. Victoria Street. 226 3816. £1 after 9pm.
I Colour Negociants. Lothian Street. 225 6313. 9.30pm. Free.
I The Rootsies Duo Globe. West Port . 229 4553. 9.30pm. Free. Residency. Taking time off from The Rootsie Tootsie Blues Band. Ron Tate on vocals and harmonica and Jim Condie on guitar play blues. gospel and a bit ofjazz.
I Gordon Campbell Blue Lagoon. Angle Park Terrace. 337 9922. Free. Residency.
041-534 5001
Ubiquitou: Chip Wine Shop
Glnrgow’r Independent Wine and Spirit merchant
8 which lone,GlnrgowGlo
5, (“88138 ur‘arit:
LUNCH 12-2.30pm EVENtNGS -— 6—1 1pm (last orders 10.30pm)
TO, anchor“ close
Cockbunn street.
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Known chiefly for his work at R.E.I.. Studios and West Lothian College Music Management Course. Campbell is an experienced and accomplished songwriter.
I Los Supremos Leith Oyster Bar. The Shore. 554 6294. 9pm. Free. Rock and blues covers.
I The 508/508 Band Trading Post . The Shore. 553 5153. 9pm. Free.
I Guilty Party Leadbelly's. South Clerk Street. 662 4731. 9pm. Free.
SATURDAY 24 Glasgow
I The Paul Weller Movement Queen Margaret Union. L'niversity Gardens. 33‘) 9784. 8pm. £7.50. Sartorial guru and creator of groovy laid-back pop returns from the brink of obscurity minus Mick Talbot (the Andrew Ridgeley of Merton) but not. therefore. minus the sassy tunes nor the acerbic lyrics. Paul will be appearing with numerous guests to make up for the personnel loss. and at £7.50he's obviously a confirmed advocate of riding on past success.
I Prolessor Grill Fever. The Tunnel. 84 Mitchell Street. 204 1000. 7pm. £3.50(£3 with ilyer). Under-18s. Noelement ot'live performance from this public enemy. not even a PA. but he will be appearing as guest DJ.
I Cud King Tut‘s Walt Wah llut. 272a St Vincent Street. 221 5279. 10pm. £4. See preview.
I Nick Robertson and Slice Strathclyde University L'nion. 90John Street.552 1895. 9pm. £2.50. Students andguests. The idea behind this gig (as with The Star Club) is to provide Nick and his crew with some early experience of the kind of mid-sized venues they aspire to be filling soon. The extra breathing space should also give his Celtic-influenced rock the necessary room to accommodate its bloated sincerity.
IThe Parallelograms l Ialt Bar. 160 Woodlands Road. 332 1210. 9.30pm. Free. Rock'n'roll in the old tradition (man).
I Willie and the Hand Jive Blackfriars. 36 Bell Street. 552 5924. 9.30pm. Free.
I Jam Session Studio. 12 Shuttle Street. Paisley. 889 6867. 3pm. Free.
I The Beautitul South Playhouse Theatre. (ireenside Place. 557 2590. 7.30pm. £6.50. £5.50. See feature.
I Niclt Robertson and Slice. Bloomsday and Yo Yo Honey Amphitheatre. Lothian Road. 2297670. Noon—2pm. An all-Scottish bill in this week's Radio Forth lunchtime concert. and only Bloomsday. featuring ex-Bathcr Chris Thompson and ex-Commotions Neil Clark and Stephen Irvine. have an LP out. Nick Robertson‘s debut single is being cherished by Celtic Soul buffs everywhere and the groove-orientated Yo Yo l loney have got it all ahead of them. Tickets available from The Amphitheatre or by calling Radio Forth at the prescribed times.
I Seeing Red and The Hardline Bedrock Club. Venue. Calton Road. 557 3073. Local rockers Seeing Red are supported by the band that The Precious Organisation hopes will be their big post-Wet Wet Wet success. since Boom and Worldwide haven‘t yet taken the world by storm. I Iardline‘s sound is bound to prove an attractive one and. contrary to what I'd been led to believe. the bluesand soul influences outweigh the hard rock element — although that's judgingonly from the tracks I‘ve heard so far.
I The History Chair and Elephant Noise Basin Street. Ilaymarket Terrace. 337 1006. That The History Chair come from Newcastle is about all I know. Iilephant Noise. on the other hand. are an Edinburgh guitar band worth seeing. not afraid to slap some gonzoid guitar solos on
I to some very nice. melodic pop tunes.
i I Chumbawumba. Academy 23 and 01 Polloi
Moray iiouse Student Union. IIolyrood
1 Road. 556 8455. 8pm. £3. ‘Pictures of
; Starving Children Sell‘Records‘
j Chumbawumba told us in 1985. and the
‘ world hasn't changed that much since
3 then. when you think about it. An
anarcho-punks‘ night otit. with local
stalwarts ()i Polloi still hanging in there.
I The Junkyard Angels St James Oyster
Bar. Calton Road. 557 2925. 9pm. Free.
; Residency. Oyster Bar favouritesThe Lost Soul Band and Sandyman team upfor a folky. harmonious acoustic set.
I Bluelinger Platform One. Rutland
Street. 225 2433. iiifties- and60s-style
rock'n‘roll. Gearing themselves up fora
I big rock‘n'roll-cum-lashion show on Thurs 6.
I Lords ol the Flatbush Negociants. Lothian Street. 2256313. 9.45pm. Free.
I Hometown Trading Post . The Shore. 553 5153. ‘Soft rock‘ group. compared. and this is only one person‘s say so. mind you.
with 10.000.\laniaes.
I The Strat Boys (ilobe. West Port. 229
4553. 9.30pm. Free. Residency. Rock and
blues covers.
I The TCS Preservation Hall. Victoria
I Street. 226 3816. £1 after9pm. Souland Re‘tB. the kind favoured by The Blues
; I The Powerhouse Boogie Band
' Leadbelly's. South Clerk Street. 662 4731. 9pm. Free. Rockin' blues. I Buy Me an Umbrella Queen Street Oyster Bar. Queen Street. 226 2530. Residency.
I I The Last Detail Scottie Lounge.
Abercorn (iardens. 669 7244.
: SUNDAY 25 Glasgow
' I Echo and the Bunnymen The Champion. 56 Oswald Street. 2486486. 9pm. £5.
Tickets from Just the Ticket. Virgin.
; Union Street. 2264679. Missing Records. 54 Oswald Street. 248 7495. or on the door. See preview.
I Cheap 8: Nasty and Bartly Videodrome. 33—39 York Street. 221 0441 . 8pm. £2.50. Local rockers support the new group of . .. ulp. Nasty Suicide. ex-guitarist for l Ianoi Rocks. who‘s teamed up with two former members of Iggy Pop's touringband.
I Willard Graze and Reioin the Party Stigma. Tuxedo Princess. Anderston Quay. 204 1150. 9pm. £2. Blues rock from Willard (iraze; Deacon Blue pastiche from Rejoin the Party. chased at the moment by China Records. But the highlight of the evening mus! be those half-price drinks.
I The Hardline Paisley Art Centre. Bit ofa departure from the Precious Organization‘s usual roster — MOR-type rock. with a strong commercial slant.
I Wish and Recovery Studio. 12 Shuttle Street. Paisley. 8896867. 9pm. £1.
I Van Morrison Playhouse Theatre. (ireensidc Place. 557 2590. 7.30pm. £13. £1 1. One of many things that can be said for Van Morrison is that he shines hislight around these parts far more frequently than most artists of his calibre. Another remarkable thing about him is that he can duet with Cliff Richard and not lose an ounce ofcredibility. Who else can say that'.’ (iet down there and lose yourself.
I Smokie Network. West Tolleross. 228 3252. Words alone cannot describe Smokie's 2 1st anniversary brochure ; every page has to be seen before the awful shock can hit home. It is 1974. Punk never happened. all this is a dream and ‘Living Next Door to Alice' is still Number One. And. yes. hairdressers are still cutting men's barnets in a style that we dreamt even footballers had wiscd up to. Do not attend this concert under the influence of controlled substances.
I Acid Reign Moshpit. Venue. Calton
42 The List 23 November— 6 December 1990