

I Freud on Women t-tl. Iill/ttl‘elll

\ mtine~llinehl l l he I Imearth View F. It It .\nmthei lrmmlx mn I‘i‘etitl ina_\ «tent tiiiiii_'ee\\.ir'\ tm man} . lint

//-, Jim/«n1 Ill/WIN! titte\ :l tl\eltll w'l'xleel‘fil‘lL‘\ellllllt1.ll‘L‘l;lli\L‘l} Lilll‘l.l\t'tl m\ur\ le\\ ml the titans "Amiit

In her extellent tntrmilttetimn I It 'aiteth \ mtiiie-lirtiehl. .ilthmtteh w ll .ixli. .l \ttppmilei ml l’retitl. nmatteinpt ltllllt‘\L‘lll lll\ ‘.l emltet'ettt \\ little l‘tll ill\le;ltl

liliil‘te“ \‘ 'tl. .: l'illlllw'lll theemntratlietimns. illlll‘-\iltll\illltlettll\lillll l'e\i\imtt\itt li'min lite txxentx-mtltlexeerptsin ’lu-lw-mk ll)‘ll 1 en.

line; ewmsmn \extialitx '. I i‘etttl's

ineltitline the lainmtis

\e .tlltl ;tl‘l'ltlf_'etl \ el\ittll\ tlI

‘l lt‘ilt'l\. \ilell .2\ lll.tl ;tll pemple ilwin l‘l\e"\tl;tl \m that \e\tl.llil_\ I\ .ll. i'Yel it‘. \llklill U‘lltlllllllllllL'. Arise insightsml eenitis. liwv. en lll little inmie than lliitll.lll‘\iltIll\lllL'lll‘lL“wllllllL‘l

t-i lll\ llti,‘ml'ie\mlt \xminen

«he! impmlhesesml lll\\eL‘lll;l\ ‘. I. fill *'

\ lll\ lrientll liess lieliel


3'. 'it. .'ll‘:-'lt_‘."\;l* neither timtl nmr .:i that l\\illl‘.t.‘tllle\L‘llltll'lllg «1.2x w liltl. .\\‘ liexixsinmneml "it l\. ’I am nm? .1 llltlll ml Ian: natai'e nmiliinelitit a it'l'll xxitliull Illl-‘t’tllltt\ll_\. nix? l.'ll.tell\ -‘liai.ieteristieml

w .n. \. ill 1‘ mil "ll l.tllee\

l -t'l‘ 1-; ii

.y S g :: A- J .— ..’ L".

it round-up olthebestnew releases



it) 1 washout


.lll 1 «ie: A :tr twitches. .i \tlatteel‘» inhale. l' t‘l...lltl.llll.lll\\lltllllil\ m li‘»..ll'.lll.!llt'tlllil‘llle'lll.l ii. p; .i'iiitiltile\xhiehilixplaw \i: ‘. ill Ell\l .ll‘l‘lll at the height

mi itspiv. ll .\e..i .temmii

lltll‘ll‘dle r. l“.!“llt .fllttll llle l‘tlttl\\ ‘Littpentiinii.ipme;il\p\e seeinut‘. :.i'.liei trite t tlitl .\llll\ reall\

ti.t\.\' it‘l‘l w‘llit .l latitel ltelmle


tit-t lxllllj that eat \xeapmns \\ ere



maybe a l‘iltl itlea',’ l. reeent events have rendered it inmre tmpieal. [here I\ still. all the same. smrnething a trille tinemnx’ineine ahmtit the tlenmuement. which means Linn/(m fie/(Ix is nmt as emnsistentl} exeellent asitspretleeessmr.llm/tet‘. Nmnetheless. lmr lingttistie inventimn. lmr inalieimtts mhservatimn. antl lmr the sheer exeellenee ml his writing. x\ltti.\ is

\\ ithmtit equal in etirrent Britiin lielimtt, (SB)

l SexingThe Cherryleanette \Vintersmn t Vintage L30”) :\ L‘UILI. hartl anti hilarith lmmk at human nature. explmitatimn. pmlltitimn antl (imtl. this is alsm a gmthie inasterpieee. set animnest the ttirnimil ml thh—eenttirx l.mntlmn. 'l'he

lllil\.\l\ e l)me—\\'minan is a ntmtintain ml kindness. nimral strength and ntttrtlermtts tenileneies. lleratlmptetl smn .lmrtlan is the arehetxpal thlVL‘llltll'L‘l' lmnntl in all ml' us. Bmth exeetitimner antl savimtir. the IQme-Wmnian exereises hersttihhmrn nimialit} mn her emri'tipt l’ttritan neiehhmttrs. and ultimately mn the \thle HI plagttetl I Utttlttll. (KNI) lThe Handmaid's Tale Margaret _\l\\t)tltl ( Viraem UV”) .'\ eatttimnary tale ml him the eensmrship ml pmrnmeraphx that \tlllle lL‘lllllll\I\ atlxmeate ean. \\ hen taken tm extremes. gm hmi'rililx \x'rmne. .»\t\\mmtl\ \eienee—lietimn pmlitieal tliali the is .1 I‘ll tmm pat tm reall_\' shill preemneeptimns. httt she ix llltllx'lllL‘ .in interesting pmittt. l)meina. lint htinianel} tll\};lll\L‘LI. t.v\'l‘)

I In Xanadu \Villiani l)alr_\ niple ll’laniinem LIV”) With its l‘eittlliltll emx'er leattirineetisliinelx entlittsiastie reeliinnientlatiiins lrmrn liig names. I).ilr_\ triples tlelitit prmelaiins him the latest preemeimtts entrant lm the \eleet elite ml tt‘;t\el writer's. 'l'he \tmrx ml his trip lrmin .lertisalein tm the site ml Ix'tihla Khan‘s aneient pleasure tlmnie in (Inna. 3/21 Murat/it is \t_\ Iish. lttnn_\ anti inlmi'inatix e. hilt stillers

\mniexx hat lrmni the sense that it‘s all a hit ml a imllx \ttitlent rmnip. \erth reatline. thmtieh. anti limpelnll} he'll ermn mnt ml the \tntieness. (All)

I Our Lady of the Pickpockets I)il\'\ Rmse ( \Iinerx a US“) I)el‘tlt ' emlleeltmtt ml \ltmt't \tmrie\ It'mltt I'.tlllll‘lll'f_’ll I'L‘\lthllI Rmse. \\ hieh has ieeeix etl nineh eritieal aeelaint. l'il‘tllll art x\\litll \xminan pining lmr her hmnielantl tm a xmttne New Ymrker tiespel'atelV trying tm earn smine llltlllL‘}. Rmse lills her eharaeters \\ ith lite. and inieets apparentlx slight \eenarims \\ ith the greatest ml sienilieanee. (SKI)

I Chalked Oil! The School Diaries of Morris Simpson. MA .Ith Mitchell (llmtltler tk Stmtightmn HM”) Basetl mn the lmne-rtinning saga lrmni the Times .htYHIH/I [Lt/(((U/[rlll .S‘rz/i/ilt'me/il. this lietimnal lmmk at lite in a nimtlern seemntlarx \ehmml emniliines gentle \Ltlll'L' \\ ith \mme hill at the expense ml the narratmr. Hm it nmxx antl L'l\ e it tm \(itlt' trainee- I teaeher lr‘lelttl Itelmle it‘s tmm late.



All the lmllmwing events take plaee as part mlSemttish Bmmk l-‘mrtnight whieh runs lrmm le ( )et—3 \mx. I’mr lurther inl‘mrmatimn. emntaet 'l'he Semttish Bi)me Marketingfirmup. 25a Smuth West Ihlstle Street I.ane. Iitlinhtirgh. till: IIiW. ll3l 325 5795. Further listings next issue. Alsm see panel.


I MOODIESBUHN LIBRARY ( ilennianmr Rmatl. “()3 ill 1:. ext In}.

Wed 24 7.3llpm, Writer. leetttrer anti phmtmgrapher. Hamish Brown en es a emlmttr presentatimn ml the trax elsxx hieh inspired his hmme Semi/(mil ( mu: Im( mm! l'l'limrsmns. UHN)

I JOHN SMITH AND SUN 57 St Vineent Street.221 72,

Mon 2212.30pm. George MacDonald Fraser. ereatmr ml the pmptilar Sir I lari} I’lashman \'( X signs his latest hmmk. Him/mum mull/1e .llmmittti/i mli/ lg’lll ((lmllins. {INNS}.

Tue 23 (mill lmr 7pm. David Craig tta\elletl the I Iiehlantls and 1\I;llltl\ antl aermss the seas tm ( 'anatla. emlleetirii.Y \ltll'le\ limni the RIL'NCL'IIKIIIIII\ ml the et'mllers. I lie re\ttlt


I\ ()2! (lie ( ‘rmlrc'rx' lmr/(.lmnatl1an(ape. £14.00) which he \Vlll reatl lrmni antl (II\CU\\.

TI'ILII'S 25 ltf‘llpm. (t‘lL‘l‘lilIC the Me HI emrnie genitis ( ‘hie \ltirrax \\ ith Andrew Yule. atithmr ml [/14' BM! Him in Ila/A

l'lti' ( ‘ltit' .llurruv Stun t('mrgi. HIM l and hisex—wile .\Ittltlle. \the.

I JOHN SMITH AND SUN :52 Bx res Rmatl. 334 :Tlil).

Wed 24 ti..‘sllpiii, Iztlitmr ml( /ltU‘/¢'\ lx’emiie .IIm‘A’mImx/i Hie .‘I/t/llh't limi/ I’d/ten (\Vhttel‘mekatle.£15‘lilantletiratmrml the \Ittelx'lllttislt L'tilleetlttll at tile Iltinterian .'\ll (ialleix . elves an lllll\ll';ltL‘tI talk mn Maekintmsh anti arehiteettite \Vine

I W.H. SMITH 53 Alex le Street. 321 lillml. Meet Gregor Fisher. ereatmr ml the Imv altle Rah ( ', Nesliitt and Ian Pattison. anthmrml Ru/i ( ‘, .Vex/iirl.‘ 'l'lii’bt‘ri/ilt llil’it ‘. L4H”) and have xtitii‘ emp_\ sienetl.

I WATERSTONE'S I33 I 'nimn Street. III UH)“.

Thurs 25 "pm. Jean Faley. .ttlllltir' iii 1 p ()mr( line: \It'nzmriex Ill/)1N71t'WIt' lileiri (i/tmgmn li'm’mwilx N/U /‘/-15t\\'hile ('melx'atle. LUSH h It. L“ US p lileixesan illtistratetl talk. \Vine.

I VOLUMES (i3 (iSUtteelt Rhee-1.375 57b2,

Wed 24 John Byrne. atitlimi ml Ill!!! /'/'Illll will sign empiesml I'mm ( limit/i Heir/i lllllt ' itflNl \\ hieh aeei lllll‘illllk'\ the telex isimn series ml the \tllle naine. \Vine


From Ullapoolto Edinburgh. bookshops. libraries and even a tew bull sales are preparing for the sixth annual Scottish Book Fortnight, which aims to showcase over 50 general titles withthemesranging trom fiction and tun to cookery and climbing. plus a lurtherselection oltitles which will appeal to much more specific parts of the country. Literary laldy in the shape othO events. touching every part ol Scotland. is expected.

Anna Fenge. Promotion and Marketing ManagerolThe Scottish Book Marketing Group explains the importance ol penetrating those parts otherbook eventsjustdon‘treach. saying. ‘lt‘s not just the bookshops and libraries who should be made to teel part ol 3 complete Scottish writing, Scottish literature and Scottish books movement. it is also importantthat people who buy the books and use the libraries be made aware ol Scottish writing. even it only tor a tortnight.‘ She predicts, however, that Scottish people in generalwill reactpositively to Scottish Book Fortnight, believing that ‘Scotland is very much involved in its own culture and extremely

interested in books about Scotland and thethingswhichtouch us.‘

One olthe mostheanening leatures otthelortnightmustbe the prominence afforded to new. up-and—coming Scottish writers. Although the usual suspects have not been ignored and SBF is pleased to have John Byrne. Alasdair Gray and Iain Banks among others. writers who will grabthe public‘s imagination and perhaps encourage them to considerother events on otter. a strong emphasis is placed on events with a ditlerence, such as cookery demonstrations. and on promoting writers in whom the southern metropolis would show little interestdue totheirhighly Scottish bias. Indeed. the mostunlikely candidates are considered worthy of SBF‘s attentions. 'Ben Coutts. tor instance, is a larmer who writes a larmer‘s diary and his biggest event is the Perth Bull Sale. Yes. we‘re down to earth here.‘

And the lasting ettects or this literary roadshow? Anna Fenge is optimistic. ‘I hopethatSBFprolongs and encourages the present. flourishing climate ol Scottish writing.‘ With something loreveryone. the SBF will certainly contribute greatly. (Susan Mackenzie)