Our List is deSigned to cover public events not covered elsewhere in the magazine We weicome SUDmlSSlOt'tS. which will be included contact to space. to reachour Edinburgh ofiicc not later than seven days belorc publication


VVednesday ‘l 7u-Wednesday31

I The Scottish Storytelling Festival

\L'llicrl-ttxx llt l tiiiiltiir'.ll‘. Livy \k.tllirt\tttl

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lllll'xi , 1.‘ H1.

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ES Guided Walk: Make Room Foi‘The it‘iushi'ooirisi l 1;: .l.'l_: t it llltlltl.

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Wednesday 17

E] Clydebuilt Cruise l t. ;t .z

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I Public Meeting: The Need For

Constitutional Relorrnl my l:.\ l‘ti’wlil l.iIl,c l

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I Rudolph Steiner And His Path 01

Knowledge 1 lint-.1


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‘PrisonerolConscience Week‘ runs thisyearlrom Monday15to Sunday 21


Amnesty lnternational‘s annual

October, and will be marked with a series 01 events by branch groups in both Glasgow and Edinburgh.

Amnesty‘s Glasgow groups have been running a high—profile campaign to tie in with the city‘s year of culture. and have targeted three ‘cultural‘ Prisoners of Conscience as a locus tor their efforts: Malawian poet Jack Mapanje, Vietnamese poet Nguyen Chi Thien and South Korean artist Hong Song Dam. all imprisoned for cultural expression 01 their beliefs. A number at art exhibitions have been mounted in the cityto raise awareness and funds. including a collection 01 Hong Song Dam's woodcuts, together with his tools. biographical details and photographs. atthe Mitchell Library.

This, however. is described by Amnesty‘s Dan Jones as a ‘taster‘ tor a larger exhibition, which will go on display at the Tramway next month. Its opening on Sunday 4 Novemberwill be attended by South Korean Su Nok Chun. who will speak about human rights issues inhercountry.

To tie in with some of the exhibitions. there will also be a ‘Young Amnesty‘ art workshop at Glasgow School of Art on Mon 15 (see listings); and an

intormation stall will be set up at Glasgow‘s Glasgow (Mon 15—Sun 21). Finally. Amnesty members in Glasgow have published a collection ol work by their three adopted Prisoners ol

Conscience entitled Artists In Chains.

which is available trom branches of

Wondcut by Hong Song Dam

Waterstone‘s and otheroutlets.

Notto be entirely outdone, Edinburgh‘s Amnesty groups have organised an exhibition 01 photographs to publicisethe organisation‘s work at the Peace and Justice Centre below St John's Church. These will be on display until the end 01 October, and locus particularly on Amnesty's current campaign against human rights abuses in Sri Lanka.

Amnesty‘s cultural events will continue in Scotland until the end otthe year and quite possibly thereafter: List readers wishing to become involved can contact Amnesty‘s representatives on 041227 5556 or 031 228 1181.

\‘lrl )L‘\L'll‘l‘lllc‘lll

Saturday13 & Sunday14

INeuro—Linguistic Programming\.tlt\lttir\. (L'llllk‘..:.\‘tlll\l‘l1l\l<lltlkl.lLlllllltllfll..(‘f‘fl :35 lil.iitt Frtrtt. L3H 'ltswxc‘rxtr'atc «trig-(lax \tttr‘kxlttirts lL'tl ltt l grit. ( itm L't \l l)l\le"~l:lllk'illtitll\cll\L' r;.il\k.irit\ llttl‘rxL'lL‘l.lllllll\llll‘\'-\l‘ll\.ltllll\ll\‘\‘\llil.‘ itttrtitrttiiiitt tlllkl 'ic.ic‘tt ltitrlt ltt'; litl Yll.tllLL' status lit; \triirtlas \sitllx\llilli ixtittqrt tittl‘. ll‘ lllit\L' txltti ll.t\L' ttlEL'.l\l\ .iltciiilgtl llit' ll‘. c v. wk illI\L‘. l‘lll llit‘ \titttlax lllc'llt‘ll ti».illttc'tsutrttL-rx


I The Art And Mysteries Of The Picts I lit lltc‘i i\l‘l‘l‘.lc‘.tl( L‘llllL'. ‘(_ltit'ctt\

l‘rcsccittlilusuiits,3‘: H lllrtitt l'lL‘L' Ht‘l‘HlHllilllll\L‘\l1}1.tlL'\lllk'llhll‘H and till \\ llll‘i'lhlll l‘l llZL' l’lt ts. .trttl lllk‘

rttxxtcrj. itl tltc ‘\ iti lllL'il l «titrcsxcs'

Monday 15

I Guatemala! lllllxltl\\( ttzttztttiitit}

tcrttrc. litllLIit\‘ l’titit.ir'_\ Sgltttttl. l l‘llllltlllll‘llkil'L'. l'tlllll‘lll'llll. 32954.13 lrtlw rtttfii’llfli

tit llic .tl‘l‘ illirtu Lll‘llSc'x tit human rights

fi,_“lll‘lll l-r‘cc .-\rt.tL'L‘tttiitt

lttlLlllLil‘ldLL‘ trtttrtcittt'giitrnlAmerica's lllt‘xll‘L'illlllllllilllilL"\l‘ll‘llL'tlLillllllllk'\l\ utter; ltx 1mm iit.itcrtt;il.irt \tttrttcrt. .\l.ir‘t.i (lllll 1.1 'l tillL'\. .i l.t\\‘.L‘l .tlltl ttttttltcr‘ it! in L" rims ll‘»lll\,‘.lllL“\llL' irtl .itt.iil;t. \lILk1I‘.l\lItl i!

tllli‘llL' iiit' irtiligcrttttix .\l.t\.irt llL'llPlc‘

L'l‘fc'w‘lllttlHL tit \sitlitux'or‘titirtx 11‘. iii: rrt rtir.il ( iti.itc'rtt.il.i lltc merit. \\lllcflllthl‘ijk'llillitlllhk'tll“. \tqttttislt l'tlrimlitiit .tllxl .\ptitttt tit: l)L‘\L'lHl‘lll'-jlll iri igt llllllcllilll \\ itlt .t ll‘.lilll‘L'l lll tttltc'i i‘lL‘tllllNllliillNttlvllllLlllLlLthklhl‘ltt}lll L’lllillllllll \l.i\.itt\w.i\itt§;\ IYoungAmnesty Art WorkshopSttitlL-nts' \xwpiuth ill. ( rl.i\utiu \‘ltttttl ( ll .v\rt. RL‘llllL‘\\ \trc-cl. ( il.i\L'l‘\\ ltttti 32"“50 :‘lillll <ttttt Ll \1tistltL-lttutkctlirt .itltartzc .ttlitiisxitiittitrrttstr‘ttrttAmnest} lrttL'rrt.ttit~rt.il.('itt (‘lt.irttltcr'\ :35 (ictiruc Street. :3" g“it. \ tttirtu .-\rttrtc\t_\ {L'l‘lc‘\k'lll.tll\.c' \Ll\.tll RtL'll lc.itl\;i ".Kk‘ll.\llt‘l‘l'll.tll .irttllttitttiirttrulttsttir

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Tuesday16 I

I». (‘11 "UTAH

I Historic Headlines-— Dramatic Incidents in

The Lives UtThe Slewartss..irriali‘xntiwnnl l’rttlidit(i.illL'r\.l_lticgii\li;tt. l'tlittlttii'ult. ltth

l'r'm' \ti\.trtl..iittl .!.t it n l‘ llitll'lllllll'lJllx‘tli". WM 2 1"“. l/{’{(\(I()',KI./l it Hi

Wednesday T

I Reincarnation/tine :in-tttcrialitv i‘ ch‘c'lllltjllittl\c'.' ' il j l'tlirtlttirglt.711‘ttttt .‘_ 3 ill H! .r \llt“ til lltic‘; Lil'ksitrt \llllllllul ll.

l rttirtSLtillnrtLE

Thursday 18

IThe Stewart Dynasty—FactAnilFiction Sc‘ttttislt \Ltllt‘llitl l’ttrir.til 1 «all. \. Litter-rt

itfi .l‘-L til \.

Strutl'tlirtlttiiul. ll‘li‘ ‘1 l3.»1.*ltrtt liL-c \ll‘nl.’ l.t?.lt \lr‘lt'l is: 'lllt‘lll lt.ill littiir l.tll~.\ tri‘w i' titt‘i‘ i ll


IAPassion ForRare Beauties: Urchitlsin The WildAnd Cultivationl «a ti. lzi..ti . Rwyil ltittnttic‘ ( t.tr:'.<xrt. J' linvr lx'llt Rim.l'tlirtlttir'izlt.“f ‘lql irvrtt l’;itltl_\ \\lltlll\ L'l\c‘\ .irt lllll\l‘ 111 t' l_‘c'?ll«.’ ttt irt;itiuiir'.ilt; tlttr t" It

\L‘ll;\ .it Illi.‘ Hilldllli \

Wednesday 24

I Body Language. Detection Arid Palmistry. APractical Introduction ll..- \tr. grin:

llllUNC. " \ tL'trtri.i lc-tr.it \ l itittlw' ,‘ll Fllprtt. Ll l.i\l \‘l tltrL-t: tillgwr

tt‘l‘lU. L'l\k‘lll“t l'rttirt‘iutti t"’

Thursday 1:5

I Porcelain On Shout-1. ii - \c‘tttl.irttl.t lt.t'r:~_r\.\i' 41.3 :J‘WKFJ Win. smitr. \L' N It lttittlxctlttir (tilt. in li llklllllllL‘.'\\lllllil .9. “iii .".T .i. tll\L'll\\L‘\lllt' tlisr,‘ t; llllllL' l‘lllt‘l‘L'.tll llil‘l‘u -- E's. ‘i. ll‘

lhtlt L‘L‘lll.ll iu

Until Satay 2

IModern Homes Exhibition \r t t I‘llllllcl\lklll,(lli1\¥l‘\\ l3.it H 1‘“

l lllllllll_\lllll ’Il‘rt‘l fllt Lillian Err tl.(l;\l’ LL‘. l .iriiilj» til '\ ‘E‘LE‘

l >1rtrtt \lwii lritii l '. ‘2'.'r:irt.'r trunkiriltwrtttxtr LlL‘llll‘ll\ll.1llllll‘«l“,tilxl r.

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\ ill.iuc”.tittl'\«\rwrtv il‘ l‘m. .t‘ 1\LlL".iilL'tllii'lllc'iiTL‘t'llc: ll l. rL'L'L‘iu‘tl ll'lllnlll'xhlltltn iz'rrp Hi. Luil lltllllk‘ l"\ltll‘lllitll iril writ: ‘t‘ \ :3 .iti ‘1‘ it! .t\trttrtntltL-ticxill‘. IL'lll‘. il_ .1 \i twirl: lL‘lldL‘L‘LlltttLhL'.ll L:l\L‘\.tltlll tlcrttttrtstrntittrtill\slt.iit.ir:‘tc mitt .lll'.

llitlllL' tit make it less \\.l\l\_'ltl! .iritltctttit ll\ impact tiri lllc‘ L'll\ ititiirttuiit at itlt. ‘Lll llldllll structural changes